If you want to "fight" the pornfags do Yea Forumsetter

If you want to "fight" the pornfags do Yea Forumsetter.
start ylyl, shitposting rps, boss battles, advice threads, can you keep an eye on ____ for me? threads, theres a sniper on th- threads, etc.

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whoa, i thought it's only summer here
op is right

Also if you're trying to purge Yea Forums learn from ur ancestors,it never worked for us.

We are doing better, join the discord at /XJbejq and drive the scourge from our boards!

fucking bump

Sure. I have great material for a great thread, I just need to grab my pendrive, keep this thread live while I look for it.

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Yea Forums has always been shit and will always Yea Forums shit
original content is what drives the chans, if you cant make something worthwhile then leave

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Its a minefag skin

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It starts with banning the normal fags

Bump, spread the message

-,then, the world!

you niggers dont seem to realize that if u try "fighting" the pornfags/newfags/whatev like this you will lose
if you want a good Yea Forums its not gonna be from posting a bunch of "bruh i hate pronfags spam spam spam" threads you have to make interesting threads



We already have some decent threads up, but to get to those threads, you have to wade through the BLACKED, TRAPPED, BLEACHED, CUCKED, and TRANNY SPAM threads *without* taking the bait.

If there were no such threads in the first place to muzzle our community creatively, we'd thrive.




if you dont like them dont post so they dont get bumped so they die so they dont kill ur creativity

>If you don't like them don't post
Try telling that to the rest of the autists on this board. Nobody listens and they always respond to the bait. Almost all of the threads besides the obvious bait threads die instantly after 3 replies.


ye ik and thats what im trying to tell them
they are all literally 14 yos tho so

So then what's the problem with getting some actual moderation on this board? Seeing the same old shit every day is NOT random.

also if you arent completely retarded and a newfag join this epic discord server
invite code(put it after discord DOT gg): uw8v5z

>2019 still not filter them out..

Sure m8

this is true.

discord DOT gg SLASH uw8v5z
(revert dot to . and slash to /)

Shitpost is a dead meme with a tranny dictator.

Yea Forums was never good
The shit just changed

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first off its only dead on this shitty board
and no one know who tf ur tranny dictator is




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Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that he went to jail for saying "death to all niggers" on Facebook, but when he was in jail he was so scared of the black inmates that the police had to glue his anus shut to keep them away from him.

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