Pussy is the most overvalued commodity in history. it's been elevated to the status of sacred. it's a stinking hole...

pussy is the most overvalued commodity in history. it's been elevated to the status of sacred. it's a stinking hole. women and their pussy aggrandizing is a big problem in our society and could even be said to be a causative factor in the coming social Armageddon

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if there were no pussy there would still be social armageddon, but without pussy.

>referring to a person's body part as a commodity
When can i start buying tits like a rack of ribs in the market?

uh.. tight pussy attached to a cute girl with nice tits who is on her back smiling at you is pretty hard to beat

preach! i fucking love op!


tbh i'd take a robot anime girl doing that instead. then she can also cook perfect food and never sleep

Fuck off back to /r9k/ incel

This is how the world ends

Only a virgin wouldn’t appreciate that because they aren’t familiar with the experience

Complaining without offering a solution is just whining.
What do you propose people do about it?

Only stupid men care about pussy


Sorry i love pussy i will do many things i dont like to get it including but not limited to buying drinks, pretending to be into a conversation, flirting and giving compliments i know arent how i actually feel. I would sell my soul for pussy.


There is no solution. Do your own thing, take care of yourself, pursue your own hobbies, and go MGTOW.

Ok incellus prime

cringe incel detected

+1 for robot slave whore

tbh though I'm not spending money on a sex toy unless it can clean the house too, I want the whole experience

Your female shaming tactics are pathetic and embarrassing. One CANNOT be MGTOW and be an incel. You have to have past experience with women in order to completely understand them. MGTOWs have. Incels have not.

True, but putting it on a pedestal as if it somehow "earned" any respect is what OP is saying the problem is. You can love it and adore it, but don't value each one like it's the last cigarette on earth. Respect yourself and realize there's plenty of fishy pussy in the sea.

That's fucking pathetic dude

Pussy and boi pussy are extremely overvalued. It's time to crash the market.


this is true

You can still bang girl and have a MGTOW mindset

Make prostitution legal and the value plummets. Or wait for Japan to make hyper realistic sex robots.

MGTOW has been corrupted by idiot incels and people pretending to be MGTOW to push the agenda that it's nothing but cringy neckbeards. Don't believe their lies, look into how it all started, a bunch of guys who had been fucked over by cheating wives and the like and decided to just say fuck it. These were grown men with successful lives who were simply fucked over, not cringy teens with no life experience.

How fucking stupid do you need to be to get married in the first place

adultwork com
seeking com

you already can

>Flood the market
Pussy itself is overvalued due to women of age. It's time to out roasties in their place and include usage ratings. We need to start demanding to know how many sexual partners pussy has had.

MGTOW hasn't been corrupted. Incels have always had their corner, and MGTOWs have always have theirs. The only people who conflate the two are brain dead Feminists and their cucked male slaves - often done via hit pieces on Leftist/Pro-Feminist websites.

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I agree, but remember it never used to be that way. People used to be faithful, now they aren't, this is why MGTOW got started. We have to learn to remember the past and make sure the future is brighter together.

Do you not believe that to be corruption in and of itself? We need to stop these ideas from spreading any futher.

Good luck stopping men from checking out of marriages and relationships. As gynocentric laws get worse and worse, rape accusations become more prominent, men won't even need to watch MGTOW videos. Going their own way will simply be the only sane option.

youre a fucking moron if you think anything is different now

I've lived it mate, I've seen how things used to be, how about you?

I agree, this is the future that is upon us. I don't see it as a bad future though.

>look at me big man with big words with my nihilism
shut up retard before you cut yourself with that edge

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You're a fool if you think he's wrong.

you're a fool if you think you can get any pussy talking like that incel

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Far from an incel mate but you do you, I'm sure some woman out there will reward you.

Idk I feel like diamonds are overvalued. Pussy at least feels good, even if it is also overrated. Diamonds don't do anything for me, and perhaps are overvalued BECAUSE of pussy

Without natural selection, sexual selection is the only thing keeping beta genes out of the gene pool. We need women to be lifeguards of this pool through sexual selection

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actually there is a monopoly on diamonds, that's why the prices are so artificially inflated.

Check em, /thread. If the USA would stop being a cunt and legalize prostitution a lot of social problems between men and women these days would probably plummet

gynocentrism is making all men betas dumbass. any male that procreates in western society has been neutered already so to speak.

>pussy is the most overvalued commodity in history.
Yeah? How's your research into making butt babies going then?

women dont choose the best genes though. they almost always go for the lowest IQ dudes. how is low iq alpha?

Girls on birth control are also more attracted to low testosterone men.

precisely. if women always chose the best genes then there wouldn't be so many retards and soy boys running around.

giving women sexual liberation and letting them decide who to fuck has downgraded civilization.

girls on birth control just want all the dick they can get.