Pornography was created by Jews

Pornography was created by Jews.

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everything vile going on here on this planet was created by the jews. Stand your ground and fight back. That kid was litterially being cursed by an indian and he was labeled a racist...We need to get rid of our common enemy



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Jews were created by Pornography.

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And your point is?

If you don’t like it then leave


>our common enemy
Stupidity and extremism?

>Being this retarded

you seem mad. why don't you leave? there are ample porn boards on Yea Forums that you can use, this board is for random shitposting, not normie circlejerks.

It's pathetic really. White supremacist alt-righters HAVE TO and NEED TO believe that everything negative comes from "the jews" because if it isn't so then that means the things they view as bad originate from the White people that practice them; which would negate their entire premise that the white race is supreme.

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so was the word "racism"

perfectly logical term thrown upside down by society-killing kikes

Fuck you faggot, we were here first


It's pretty much for anything anyone wants to post, which includes porn. Also most people would disagree on the shitposting.

This. It's mental illness when you think a group of people is after you based on absolutely no proof.

Porn decrease by 200%

And who are "we"? Non-porn fags? You realize you're posting on the site where rule 34 originated, right?

There is plenty of proof though. Look at that Barbara spectre cunt. Look at George soros.

Alright guys we all have to come to the realization that Hitler was right we've allowed the Jews to take control over everything on this world and they are killing off the white race they are lobotomizing the masses shrinking our dicks with needles cutting off our foreskins and infiltrating our childhoods brainwashing our family's and planting seeds in our minds for us to stumble upon later in our life isis is not the threat I literally used the same fucking tactics as them to enter this hell hole as them we painted you red and blue and made you molest baby's and changed your economy and through the research I found out that the jews are actually behind this world controlling everything like I did before. It's time to wise up and take them out before they take us out. Rob their stores paint swastikas in the streets fly the pride flag there is a civil war coming be ready we all have a common enemy. Normally I wouldn't care but since they got in my way for loving a person and lobotomizing me for it pisses me off.
They thought I would eventually kill myself from the rays gang stalking and the brain washing of my family but they truly did fuck with the wrong person I have lost alot of brains fighting the jew over the years it takes more then one person this cannot be done alone all of us need to rise up and get rid of them once and for all.

It wont matter if an Alien full on said if you don't get your shit sorted out we'll destroy you the kike will just laugh and rub it's hands we NEED to get rid of them NOW!!!!!! The jew is an enemy that we need to destroy

don't cut yourself with all that edge

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Like all good things in life

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so? r34 at least was creative to some degree, and it never choked the board the way this garbage does now. most of the porn here is just low-effort bullshit and stupid fetishes. half of it is just pathetic neckbeards jerking it to facebook images and pics of celebrities from google searches. you can do that anywhere. Yea Forums used to be the final boss of the internet, now it's just a pathetic normie circlejerk. I'd rather this board be deleted than see it go on like this.

Get rid of these kikes

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Fuck you stormfags.

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Found the newfag.
Yea Forums has always been this way.

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>Yea Forums used to be the final boss of the internet
have you gone full delusional or something? it was always the soul or shithole of the internet.

Its not just the alt-right. You muslim loving faggots hate the jews just as much as the white power douchebags do.

Help bring back Yea Forums, we're planning some shit over at the discord at /bxk3p8

Join if you want to help bring Yea Forums back. Fuck the porn!

We've shut down stadiums with bomb threats and organized people into making swastikas we are the final boss of the internet. Don't let the jews fool you Yea Forumsoys.

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