I hate Keanu Reeves I hope he gets put in prison and raped

I hate Keanu Reeves I hope he gets put in prison and raped

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lo wtf?

why though?

I’ve been sending Keanu Reeves haikus on Twitter for years.

breathtaking OP is breathtaking

screenshot and post your poetry user

nice one OP

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Imagine a world where you could be sent to prison and raped simply because one person "hates" you.

fuk u

why u hate him, cause he gets the bitches and he is famous and rich ??

You don't hate him. You hate yourself for not being him

he's a fuckin terrible actor

of course, hes is a terrible actor...
this is the reason xD

he is a fucking genious

Fawk you!

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because he looks like a pretentious ballbag that self identifies as "woke"

holy shit

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Sounds like Republican logic to me. Aka no e

lol id say hes the furthest from woke of any actor...

Well he did take the red pill.

What did you want to happen to trump again?
I’m sure you don’t know what logic you belong to

never said he was truly woke. just that he looks like the sort of guy to say he is.

Honk honk