So,Yea Forums What ever happened to the old coupons that used to float around...

So,Yea Forums What ever happened to the old coupons that used to float around? I remember that was one of the reasons I started visiting Yea Forums many years ago. Did people just stop making them, or did they just all pretty much get "burnt" from people trying them? I used to score pretty regularly with the monster drink ones.

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Basically, not many companies fall for that shit anymore

I think the guy who initially made them got caught or something.

Mods started banning the threads. A lot of the people who made the coupons (myself included) either left Yea Forums or left Yea Forums entirely. I wish I still had my jewpon folder but that was 2 computers ago. I'm sure a few anons might still have them though the big retail stores in my area started catching on.

I figured this was pretty much the case. Sucks they were pretty rad while they lasted.

I didnt realize they were getting banned, thats kinda shit...Cool to post all sorts of Loli pedo shit but oh, fucking not some coupons fucking gotta draw the line lol

Coupon threads became a bannable offense

Thats crazy...I miss the old Yea Forums ha

Coupon-kun is in federal prison for enterprise fraud

One are just drawings the other actual theft, so go fuck yourself.

Yea Forumsoy were those good times... I overdosed on the ciggerette coups. I even went to a toys r us to get a ps4. It worked but the associate had to get the manager and denied it. Always say you got it from a survey but I felt like it was to good to be true but I just had to try it!!

Good fucking times few years before Yea Forums was ruined

Holy shit, yeah I suppose thats a good reason to stop making them.

Yeah...Id rather see a Multi billion dollar corporation lose a couple buck rather than a kid getting fucked...Cartoon or not. So..Fuck you.

He posted one last time before he had to go to intake. I lost the post but you might find it on a news site or an archive

>looking at things that upset you
Whats it like being a miserable cunt?

> Coupons

They were called Jewpons. And yes, they're gone. Shit doesn't work anymore. Maybe in Euroland or somewhere that has store chains that haven't experienced it yet, but not in the US/Canada.

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Wait, theft?
They are willingly giving free stuff, that's not theft.
How stupid must you be?

Pretty content being a miserable cunt...But I dont look at it, except in passing while browsing Yea Forums .Enjoy being a pedo supporter, how long have you been an Active NAMBLA member?

good times

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I was was just remembering older shit from on here and it was a thought that came to mind..Like I mentioned, basically what drew me to the site originally, and had me curious.

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Still works at alot of places, you just cant be a uber jew retard and think that a fucking coupon will get you a $600 peice of technology.
Most place have rules from corporate to just accept any coupon even if it dosent scan, to make the customer happy.
So you might get some $20-50 thing for free but dont expect to get a brand new xbox or ps4 from a coupon.

I agree with this, I never tried anything more than drinks and snack coupons when they posted, like the 4 pack of monster and shit that floated around.

I want one, but for PS4 Pro.