Girls who have had your dick in their mouth with stories and details...

Girls who have had your dick in their mouth with stories and details. She did it with a purpose and seemed like she loved it

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You've been nowhere near this girl you virgin

You have literally never touched this girl and also your story is pure shit

Bumps love these threads

Know her?

you've never had you dick in kristen m's mouth. if you did you'd have nudes, and these threads never deliver.

go out and find a real girl who likes you and pop your cherry

What exactly gave you the impression that I know?


The board you are looking for is

Band nerd gave pretty decent head

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Fucking losers have to brag about their fake sexual encounters. Sage.

Nice. Got more of her?

Just swimsuit pics

Post em

Tiny tits

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Have you ever? How would you know how good she sucked cock or didnt unless u have. Post your stories if you have em

did i insinuate that i knew how good she sucked cock?

great reading comprehension faggot

>girl say get penis
>get penis
>she succ

Post stories if u have any but ur probably the friend who kept getting shutdown and are bitter

you're right. i'm a pathetic faggot who could never get into her pants so i make daily threads on Yea Forums to help me fantasize what it would have been like.

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If you got em. Post em


ugliest, most emotionally unstable, weirdest bitch I have ever come in physical contact with. Also, as a bisexual dude who has gotten his dick sucked by dozens of people, I can say that she sucks the best.

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a few times, above average skills...

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Nice Yea Forums filename yuh got there, larper.

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Shes a cutie. Bump