Mother fuckes there boards for porn,gay shit,traps, and hentai leave Yea Forums

Mother fuckes there boards for porn,gay shit,traps, and hentai leave Yea Forums

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traps are not gay

fuck you. if you don't like it, then post something better. If you can't, then shut your whore mouth.

this also never come back

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There are also boards without porn. Why don’t you go frequent them?

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There are no boards for gay or trap shit. There are no boards for furry shit. There are no boards for loli. There are no boards for guro. This is the containment board. If you don't like it, go to /r9k/ or some other board.

Fuck off from Yea Forums fag

Make me.

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Well go move to another chan-website then, faggot. We want our board back.

also BUMP

You can't make me leave Yea Forums.

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>We want our board back.
You can move to a porn-less board or site just as easily as I can move somewhere just for the porn. Yea Forums has always been a containment board.

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Also, bump.

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And bump again

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And again

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traps ARE gay. Tell me you wouldn't suck this cock.

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This board has always been this way newfag summerfaggot. Porn threads get the highest postcounts on Yea Forums.

and one last sneaky bump for the time being

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Next time you should pick a new board /b is porn free now

Doesnt look that way.