Literally Yea Forums without porn, why don't you frogposters go there?
Literally Yea Forums without porn, why don't you frogposters go there?
because not everyone are eurotrash like yourself
have fun with your "international" Yea Forums
bant is terrible
>t. ameridog
/bant/ is random, /bant/ is what you make it
i'm gonna try it thanks
/bant/ is also for non americans,so fuck off eurotrash
shit everyone sees where i'm from.. i hate that
/r9k/ is more like Yea Forums but there's shills there too making depression threads everyday or stupid threads about how they're incels which is a reddit meme
there's no "racism" allowed on /bant/ which makes it sterile and boring.
i should warn you though because of the low population (~100 posters) there are constant raids from /r9k/ and /lgbt/ fags, there's also already colonies set up by Yea Forums and Yea Forums
do americans really microwave their shoes before getting shot
thanks, i don't like that they have flags and ids so i'm gonna try /r9k/
>he unironically believes this
there's an in-meme on /bant/ that there are no mods there which isn't true but people believe this because the rules are rarely enforced and there's a couple of spammers who have been spamming for months (and yes, racist shit and gore too) but haven't gotten banned yet.
That will be the next thing all these newfags will bitch about after they fail at trying to remove porn again.
there's that annoying filter on /r9k/ tho
dumb schizo
the rules were never enforced on Yea Forums and then after "gamer gate" and the 2016 elections the mods became assholes and started banning everyone
mods were probably part of making the gamer gate false flag. I'm sure they paid someone because it was all obviously planned for the 2016 elections
Literally Yea Forums without porn, why don't you degenerates go to your real porn boards instead, faggot.
everyone on r9k is fucking annoying
they're all reddit fags which is why they use reddit memes all the time
same exact thing happened to /gif/
gif used to have great stuff and then it bacame 99% porn and mods made wsg