What are the pros/cons of your life currently ?

what are the pros/cons of your life currently ?

also no humble bragging i.e.
pro: hating getting my dick sucked
con: gf, wife, mistress, princess lei, and sailor moon all love sucking my dick and it's making me mad.

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pro: i have amassed a substantial collection of big-titted 2d waifus
con: everything else

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Got a sick new trad gf
Don't get to see her until the end of this month

pro: I live in an awesome city
con: I'm poor as shit

Pro: won gene lottery
Con: massive sperg

How is hating getting your dick sucked a pro?

Pro: I'm my own man, I owe nothing.
Con: I'm lonely and depressed.

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pro: money is enough
contra: job sucks

You and me are one

Pro: Got a degree, decent living situation

Con: Need a job, loans will be a bitch to pay back

PRO: got money, decent car

Con: Got no education, no job, no gf.


It sucks

I can end it whenever I want


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>Have a skill most dont
>live on my own
>dont want to be monogamous
>30k in debt
>work isnt stable

have fucked 50 roasties; 65 prosties (im 28)
will inherit 40k in about 6 months
no debt
spent 6 months in thailand
worthless degree
have never worked outside of retail
haven't changed since i was 18 years old
have wasted my 20s

how are your married and live on your own ?

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Have a job that sorta pays ok, with an employer who is a great stepping stone.
Want a woman to be naked with but my 2 favorites aren't into it.

It's strange, but then you try and tell people that money/security doesn't buy you happiness - and they tell you you're an idiot...
But the fact is, depression and loneliness can't be paid to go away.
Ah well.

Don't blow that shit man. I'm hoping you understand the value of 40k but how quickly it can go.

Con: struggling to find a decent paying job.
Pro: using free time to work out. Have an asian sub that fulfills most of my fantasies.

Like not with parents/roomates


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Recently got a nice job with a bright looking future
Have been lifting for some months, body is turning into something to be proud of
6 year relationship with gf going strong

Still live with parents (28yo), had to come back to help them with stuff
Savings are practically non existent, looking into personal finance apps to get my shit together
SHITTY sex life. Not quality, but quantity, like 2, 3 times per month, tops
Sometimes I get bored with routine

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Pro: I just graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering
Con: I've never had a job in my life

Pros: hot wife I post on here gets fawned over regularly, have a House that’s a bit of a starter, but decent, just shy of a 6 figure salary, not even 30,

Cons: friends are beyond trash, no social life besides partner, life goals are probably bigger than I’ll ever accomplish, out of shape, regularly depressed

brake with gf idiot

-- pro
one of my teachers (learning a different job right now) is going to retire in a few years and both of my teachers think I'm the right person to take his place
don't spend too much money in my life, though I do have most of the stuff (if not everything) i REALLY want
nice mom and stepdad, help me wherever they can (and vice versa)
kinda smart but not genius, it's just easy to learn new stuff
pretty decent looks

-- con
no gf
kinda depressed, taking meds to fix that + therapy (meds make sex take too much time)
first time sober since 6 months
see no reason to live (strange enough, letting each day pass by isn't that big of a problem, it just hits me hard when I get bored)
never knew what to do with my life, so I let everything come to me (job, education, company I work in, ...)
seem to be unable to have meaningful relationship (talking about friends, not gf) with other ppl
no social skills except for shallow chat and making other ppl laugh (pretty much shut-in)
can't really talk to unknown ppl (except for business talk), haven't made friends in years
too much time on my hands so I obsess with everything I get my hands on which is even remotely interesting, but I drop everything fast again

Married but open relationship.
Good job with good money
No debt except house

Almost all family members on both sides are complete trash.

>lots of fun hobbies
>working out
>no fucker wants to hire me
>2.2k credit card owed

fuck bros, i just want to be a normie even if it’s just for a little while

7,5/10 looks 37 but look younger, fit body
money in stocks+ bank
house 750k with 450 mortgage left
steady income current 150k gross
pretty and sweet gf with decent body of 26 for 6 years. am disciplined

still insecure sometimes
stressfull work is not good for my health
still recovering from some accidents
not sure if gf is going to be mother of my kids
cheat sometimes with a prostitute

pro: cute girlfriend that loves me
healthy and in shape
con: mental health not the best
almost 30 and just about to have my first
finished piece of post high school
bunch of people want money from me e.g. my country wants me to payback my student credits and such

pro: gf that loves me completely
con: still in love with ex

Pro: attractive as fuck in face, height and body (still have another 2 months cutting though)

Cons: living in a sober house at the moment and have severe anxiety after getting off daily Xanax for 11 years.

One of my hobbies is trolling random escorts/prostitutes in my area

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Princess lei?

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I don’t know why but most don’t just blow me off. 90% of them send paragraphs back

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that might happen anyways
forgot to add
gf is almost certainly going to another continent to study a master's, at beast 2 years away from each other

I love her, took her v-card, she's been there for me thru hard times, but current obstacles have me feeling there's not much of a relationship lately (see each other one or twice a week, 4 hours or so max per day)
I don't even want to think how it's going to be when she's gone. long distance relationships don't cut it for me.

yeah sounds like you should really start moving on that