When was the last time you cried?

when was the last time you cried?

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When she left me for another man with more money. That's been almost 2 years ago.

When my cat died not too long ago.

This morning listening to the ending song from the film Frank.

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when i imagine sad things while drunk but theyre like movie scenarios



Pretty much this

you induce crying?

Completely dead inside

Ngl almost cried yesterday cause my dad was crying. Very hard to keep my composure

My stupid fucking bitch sister lost my dog of four years like a month ago... I'm still sad about that shit. Tommy, if you're out there you were the best fucking dog I've had and I hope a nice family found you

I don't remember

why is your dad crying? dying?

a bit over 8 years ago when my grandma died

saturday, my dog passed. still depressed

I cri evreritim

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RIP. Send dog photos

Nah he’s just a bit sentimental. He misses his old home and wants to see his parents again before they pass on. Plus he’s tired of city life and wants to just be a farmer again

Like an actual heart felt cry, quite awhile. I think I really emotionally stunted myself to and fucked up my mental state. My dog of 12 years died in my arms just 5-6 weeks ago and I really didn’t cry or get super sad. And I really should’ve, it’s really unhealthy that I didn’t given the relationship I had with the dog. I took him everywhere and played with him multiple times a day everyday. I think I really stunted myself heavily on the emotional side by how I handled his death

I got cursed by a wizard, ended up in a mental institution. I saw things that I would have to kill you if I told you. I cried then because God coalesced with the entire Universe to fuck me over because that's what it takes to nerf me since the Matrix wasn't strong enough. The decapitations and the torture didn't get to me but the pressure did because I allowed it. So I cried as the curses enforced the affliction.

Now, all I need to do is to get used to retards humping a door knob. Again.

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