Why are we so much more superior then wh*Tes?

Why are we so much more superior then wh*Tes?

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Big facts

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You cant sage shit pecker wood

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As a white person I find this really hot I love black men so much more superior than us

Mad whit*boi?

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Suck his dick then you faggot

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then why are you showing blacks as alphas they have been cucked by the white man for centuries

You know her cuck of a husband is probably ranting about us superior black men LOL

COPE harder wh*Te dog your women drool when they see us

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its the white genes in them they love your all muts

youre dying to prove it by saying it. get colonized nigger jew lmao

That's a bullship, i could do it and nobody fall in love of me

He loves BBC like her sisters do

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Because whitebois are cucks including all the jealous retarded stormfags who hate on black men.

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>projecting this hard because he knows both physically non repulsive niggers, and non niggers who want to fuck niggers, are low percentages
Have a (You), champ. Life gets better.

that niggers bald though,how can you be "alpha"when your bald


>projecting this hard because he knows both physically non repulsive niggers, and non niggers who want to fuck niggers, are low percentages
Have a (You), champ. Life gets better.

only incels call women "females" so enjoy jacking off to cuck porn in your mom's basement while screeching about miscegenation I guess

that nigger looks like al roker

You mean why do niggers genetically have better muscular but are, well, retarded niggers?
Well, it's because we made you think way through breeding. Like work horses, yeah? You needed to be better farm tools.

i used spybot to apply immunizations. since then, i can't get (you) other than from replying to myself. i got a nasty vibe from someone in charge when posting a story about growing weed and i bet it was because my browser wasn't sharing certain data and they thought i was a weird hacker.


The notorious hacker Yea Forums

Name a black CEO. And no the head of black panthers or ISIS doesn’t count.

>are purely fetishised by white women
>so much more superior than whites

Retarded non argument, but Oprah Winfrey.

tons of white guys want black chicks. tons.

Tons of white guys want [to fuck] black chicks[for a period of time until they get tired of the personality]. Tons. [Couldn't be because their entire culture in the modern day is a bizarre mating ritual ass dance, could it?]

cope this shit

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what the fuck are you on about? that's literally every fucking guy who can get laid with any woman who will fuck them. use your damn head. anyway, I've seen a lot of guys with the skin color of glue getting on their hands and knees for subpar black chicks.

false flag. This is the real one.

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I don’t think Oprah is the CEO of anything. Shes in the same position as Michael Jordan in relation the the Jordan brand name. Just the face behind OPRAH the brand

Also isnt this r9k? These bait threads and you retards falling for obvious bait should leave. This board isnt some place where you can spam your pathetic fetishes and political beliefs. Please stop

sounds a lot like Yea Forums tbh

haha i heard if you type in your credit card info Yea Forums blocks it out (:
5424 1810 7267 2020

Nothing suspicious about that picture whatsoever...

haters will say it's photoshop

It's okay buddy, there are plenty of clear truths I wish not to believe too. World sucks for some people, and niggers are one of those groups.

>studies suggest
>no studies linked


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None of what you said is an argument relevant to what you replied to, but cry moar

still wealthy beyond your wildest dreams

She is a CEO though, Harpo is a company. Try google if you're not sure.

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"This board isn't some place where-" /B, Random, literally anything we want, don't like it go cry, newfag detected, yadda yadda

nice photoshop.


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worthy women don't take nixxers tho.
Sure, have your broken anxious trashy bimbo babes. Enjoy a shitty trashy xanax shit life of shallow shit that make you empty inside.

For interracial relationships 1W1H happens far more than 1W1B, even 1W1A happens more than 1W1B. But, whoever let facts get in the way of shit posting. Reality is that fertility rates are down across all races, with Hispanics leading and blacks declining faster than White.

Look, Nazis trying to troll up a slide thread.

Fuck off, Nazis, or we'll figure out a final solution to the fascist problem.

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>Imagine being a nigger

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Pretty much this.

Im not sure what you were expecting me to think of this. Want me to say no youre wrong? Learn to identify someones tone before you get upset

Never knew this. Thanks

Sorry thought I was on r9k but you obviously didnt read my post in its entirety. Doesnt make you less right for stating the obvious though.

what can her wealth bring her? 1. female so she has no real taste 2. fat, decrepit, still has to try to look acceptable for attention 3. needs attention.

if she had 50 billion dollars, her sorry ass wouldn't change. i bet she hasn't had an orgasm in years and doesn't care anymore. what good is money for her?

it's than, stupid nigger