Porn in Yea Forums is for smooth brains when there are boards that cater to it

Porn in Yea Forums is for smooth brains when there are boards that cater to it.

How about we have a thread about something far more interesting. How does Yea Forums like their their cereal? I personal like to pour my cereal into my bowl to the max, big guy for you, and filling it with milk until it just floats. It always results in the right amount of milk with enough to drink at the end.

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reddit thread

I only like man milk in my cereal


i like about 3/4ths of the bowl filled. cereal of choice is froot loops

But how much? How do you attain so much man milk in the first place?

What is 3/4ths? The milk?

Surprisingly I had a dream last night in which I was eating cereal.
I like to pour a lot as well but with a little less milk. Enough so that every piece of cereal has barely just touched the milk and stays crunchy.

nutrigrain with like 90% milk. I literally live off milk. wish i was joking.

OP is a faggot.

oatmeal milk banana jelly

better than your prepackaged dogshit sugar ceral. steel cut oats is like the taste of a hot fudge sundae with the nutrition af a fucking steak

switch to steel cut oats

I like my stuff half crunchy and half soggy. Except for fruity pebbles, that stuff sucks when soggy.

That's just cereal with extra steps, there no need to discriminate. I too enjoy my oatmeal with blue berries and honey but today I had cereal, thus this thread.

>Jelly in oatmeal
Sounds nasty.

I respect the attempt at having a somewhat decent thread on Yea Forums, if more people put in a little effort for decent OC maybe you'd see when Yea Forums used to be good - inb4 Yea Forums was never good, I know that.

But your topic is wack and you should feel bad.

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bruh, cereal companies are literally selling you corn with 9000 grams of sugar on it. that stuff is terrible for your body.

oatmeal takes less than 2.5 minutes. jelly is delicious when mixed because it makes the oatmeal base creamy and sweet. pineapple preserves, strawberry preserves, rasberries. literally infinite flavors. trust me, your body will thank you and you dont realize that your palate is ruined by refined sugar but wheaty oatmeal actually tastes better than corn base too.

Nice quality thread here tbh

If Yea Forums was never good, I wouldn't've spent so much time here. It has potential for quality content, and the people that shit on that potential just to repost porn have been hurting the platform for years now.

Wow 10 grams of sugar is so fucking much. Let me guess, your only idea of cereal is kid shit you ate while younger. You are delusional to think you don't get that much sugar from the fruits you add to your oat meal. Also I eat oatmeal too j don't know why you are so paranoid about cereal.

Damn user this actually sounds intriguing. I’m gunna try this tomorrow. I’m not a fan of cereal but I am a fan of breakfast foods. Plus what you said about cereal is true.

>thinking refined cane sugar is the same as the natural sugars contained in fruits
>thinking you only get 10 grams of refined cane sugar from cereal when you probably eat 3 or 4 servings

that other user is correct

>He doesn't buy organic cereal
>He doesn't buy cereal bowls with accurate measurements
>He thinks his fructose is healthier
Sugar is carbohydrate regardless of the form you consume it.

I eat cereal dry, every time. Why would dillute the taste and make the texture all soggy?

Its more than that - the popularity also played a factor. More and more people flooded the board and stopped understanding the "unwritten rules of conduct". Not only that, the internet itself has changed. What was once a truly lawless place has become overrun with companies and litigation - and the people on it changed too, a more varied population of backgrounds.

You're right though, I have spent a lot of time here over the years and while my visits get less regular and often I do still find one or two cool anons who understand shit. Have one internet, good sir.

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I dun goofed, meant to quote you. in this post.

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I more of a toast man myself but I like some lucky charms every now and then

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Fuck yo cereal. This is a real breakfast.

Its either this or a flapjack - I'm not a cow so I don't drink milk.

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this is why the UK is the fattest nation in Europe.

I can't eat cereal with milk in it, I always think it tastes all wet and disgusting so I drink the milk separately. It probably means I'm autistic.

Mmmm I’m hungry now


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