Anyone else struggling to be normal. Can't find a job, got no mates or gf, always baked, just want it to all end...

Anyone else struggling to be normal. Can't find a job, got no mates or gf, always baked, just want it to all end, anyone else?

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Stop smoking weed and get a haircut. Its not hard

Fucking this. user isn’t wrong OP. Also stop telling yourself you’re not normal. You’ll make yourself a weirdo. Don’t be a Eugene

The first step is optional tho.
I have friends, a Job and a submissive and i still toke more or less regularly (o/c im not baked when doing anything remotly dangerous with my sub)

stop trying to be normal and be yourself.

while you're at it, take a shower, brush your teeth. buy some decent clothes, make sure you don't smell bad, read a book, develop a hobby, get a haircut, and smile and laugh some.

everything else will come in due time.

yeah to be fair to myself I can manage while smoking, managed to get a good degree and final grade and I can kinda pic it up and leave it when and if I need. Atm it helps me not get so fucking depressed.

Really trying to be normal, but I'm just not, I feel people actually have shit to do and people to meet in their lives but not for me, pretty shit.

Think being unemployed is really fucking with my head, and I just cant manage to get a job, dont even know what im good at or if I can actually do anything

i've just got no confidence in myself, not even to pick up a hobby, I know it sounds strange

Mate it's all in your head, get over your bitch boy ways and put yourself out there. It really isn't that hard, unless you are actually retarded it should be easy just be yourself and quit smoking. That shit ain't going to help you move up and out of the trainreck you call a life. Talk to old friends apply anywhere, even McDonald's if you have too. Make a friend from work, and you will finally see the improvement in your life.

I would say get a job and buy a bunch of good looking clothes great confidence booster. Also if you start exercising like working out you'll have more energy and feel more uplifted.

Imagine being so brainwashed that u think u need to be normal.
Beta bitch

U are a fucking moron.
>Be yourself
>Be normal
Which is it?

Real shit, I was in the same boat for years. You ever just want to go to sleep on more than just a physical level? Like I don’t want to die, but I need to rest in a deeper sense?

That was me. What really has helped was to stop focusing on all that negative shit. Try to save weed until you get shit done for the day, then it’s a nice treat and you’ll feel relaxed, not guilty that you’re not a fucking hedge fund manager with a monster cock. Getting shit done for the day can literally be one thing at first. Just start, and make sure you start building routines. I fixed my hygiene and fitness incrementally like this. It took a long time but it happened and I’m more proud of that than most of my “real world” accomplishments. You’ll fuck up a lot, that’s fine. The key is to come back to it, and keep trying.

Get transportation sorted and/or start learning some basics in legitimate “work from home” careers. All jokes aside, learning to code isn’t too hard if you’re willing to keep at it. There are tons of legit free resources, certs and shit that can land you a job. Web design isn’t very difficult initially and you could even start with an internship to help you learn in a professional environment (get paid though).

Once you have that money and newfound confidence in your abilities, you can go out as you please and meet people organically. The more you do that, the more you’ll realize that they’re all fucking weirdos too and there’s no “correct” way to do shit.

Hope this helps man, just don’t be so hard on yourself. That feeling of near total defeat is what every main character feels at the end of act two. Your best days are ahead of you, faggot.

you sound like a degenerate. You can’t smoke weed and get out of a situation like OP. stop talking about “subs” you degenerate kinky fuckface

Why the fuck do you feel the need to be normal?
You need money?
you want a girlfriend?
you wish you had friends?

Seems like the only thing you can actually do to make any kind of change there is to stop smoking.

So you'd be without a job, without friends or a gf BUT you'd be clean to face all of it.

Brah... no matter what you're gonna do in your life , the void is always gonna be there.
Fill it with fun stuff, so when you fall back in it after trying to be normal, you have fun stuff yo do at the bottom of the hole.

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Thanks bro needed to hear it like that, makes a lot of sense and sounds like an actual plan. Its so easy to feel like such a waste and piece of shit whrn you're just sitting about not actually acheiving anything all day. Thanksbruh

stop smoking weed all the fucking time

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Not OP, but that was helpful for me. Thanks m9.

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Normal is boring. I know it sounds cliche as fuck, but be yourself. Too many fake fucks out there and it's off putting. The secret to happiness is friendship and gratitude. Keep working on yourself and you'll find both of those things. Good luck user.

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Stop smoking for three months and all it did was make me have my mind run at 300%, I now have more suicidal thoughts that I will never implement. What the fuck do I do?

Glad I could help. Life’s better with you in it, dude. Enjoy the ride.

Get a job and go to social events (not parties)

Try to not smoke everyday. It'll be tough at first and you're not going to sleep great, but it'll get better. I stopped smoking every night about a month ago because I was becoming a pile that was super unmotivated. It has definitely helped a lot, I'm not as groggy in the morning and have become more alert/willing to learn and do stuff. Smoke on weekends or some shit, and keep it at nights for relaxation.

It's fine to not be social, it's not for everyone, but cut the negative shit out and start developing routines, read/listen to a book, workout, get a job at a restaurant, etc. Things will get better as long as you don't fall victim to feeling sorry for yourself and being negative all the time you nigger.

>Get a job
>Apply to 10 places a day with my degree
>Getting nothing
>Lower my standards and try to work a wage slave job
>Those jobs say I'm over qualified.

>Social events
I'm not religious enough as that's what is done where I currently live nor do I have the money to waste on social events when I can get that for free through the internet.

Happy to hear it brotha, glad it was helpful. You got this you bad muthafucka.

go play trading cards or board games at your local nerd store

I don't want to waste money on that stuff. I use to when I was a kid but I had parents who didn't mind their teenager spending money on that.

You are wasting your money and your social/psychological health on weed. Stop being an addict and go reintegrate into society

bunch of guys blaming weed.

yeah sure guys, ignore all the other reason why this man is in pain.
Must be weed fucking him up rigth!

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I stopped smoking weed and I don't feel the need to never go back to it. I'm talking about post no weed life is worse.