You do not really do this america, right? RIGHT?

You do not really do this america, right? RIGHT?

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depends on the state/school district

did you know in north Korea before every sport match theyre forced to sing their anthem oh wait thats us

try again faggot

Why do you even draw breath

Yea this is fucking sick dude. Stupid brainwashed americans, go fuck yourselves

Seething Euro with no national identity.

>only minority in classroom
>looks retarded

You have to be indoctrinated to love America.

Enjoy your caliphate Eurofag.

The sports man makes our flag cry when he doesn’t do the thing when we sing our flag it’s favorite song

Technically you don’t have to do it

Of course you'd know, right? You probably think europe is a country you fucking retard

I went to a Bellamy Brothers concert last year, and they actually had everybody stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before the concert-- even though there was no flag there.

After the last line, men pumped their fists in the air and lady shouted "AMEN!"

And that was the last time I ever went, or will ever go, to see a country music concert.

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>Technically you don’t have to do it

You're assuming an 8-year-old has the inner strength to stand up to his teacher and his peers.

where are the carpets and headwears?

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Oh they do and you can get in trouble for refusing. Just like in any other dictatorship.

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It's a state law in Texas. You have to pledge allegiance to both America **AND** Texas.

It's a real waste of time.

In Canada we stand for the national anthem in school but there's no culty pledges of allegiance.

Yeah, this still puzzles me too. Especially after I had to to something like that almost for my whole years in school (east germany before the wall came down) I now consider rituals like that or even shit like flag salutes, that we also had to do, with oppressive regimes and brainwashed masses.

Also seeing how things go in the US I often get reminded of the GDR... but just from the opposite political spectrum with their right wing "two" party system that have essentially the same agenda.

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It is just strange.

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>He thinks the United States is one single culture
Seething euro

Oh yeah, you don't have to stand, you can just sit down and get sent to detention for defying the teacher.

too bad it's so polarized for you. our flag means we can feel all those things all the time and more. we're not that fucking binary. unfortunately you were raised to be afraid. we were raised to feel like we own the world, at least until 9-11 when they created a nation of weak bitch ass motherfuckers who need a hug. luckily, some of us were grown up enough by then.

What is this the 1900s? Teachers dont give a fuck if u sit or stand now. Hell you can wear a fucking turban and sing death to america and if the teacher does shit theyll be fired

If merritards weren't indoctrinated and brainwashed with the believe that they are NUMBER ONE NUMBER ONE NUMBER ONE from a very young age on, they might discover that they really aren't, that they are living in a third country shithole when it comes to how well off the average citizen is. They might even recognize the big throbbing corporate dick that fucks them daily, and demand some basic human rights. They might start to educate themselves and see how USA causes the world to be a lot less stable, causing terrorism, war, disease, famine around the globe. They might even think about a revolution.

When brainwashed with all the anti america propaganda nowadays its more common for a kid to defy the flag and the anthem.

Actually yes, and ever since I learned that teachers couldn't legally force us to do it, I stopped, and would fight classmates that challenged me on my decision

I have the right to not give a fuck

usa #1


>United States is one single culture
Cute, you think US has culture.

You from new orleans??

It's easy to say that when you live our culture as being the norm. You probably think people from Oklahoma and Texas are culturally the same when they are far different people.

Some places do, bible belt definitely. It's not forced or anything, not even socially, at worst it's slightly awkward stay sitting, but do the fuck you want anyway nobody cares. I always saw it as some formality to bring everyone to a similar mindset before trying to teach 30 or so kids.

Most of our public education institutions in the US are essentially academic prisons. Yes, the pledge is compulsory. Attendance is compulsory. Freedom of expression and individuality is largely hindered. Conformity is reinforced and rewarded. Indoctrination is prioritized over real education. Meritocracy is traded for equality of outcome. Public schools are basically drone factories for corporate low wage jobs.

>implying there wasn't always those kids that still sat with their friends doing whatever
Not everyone is a dickless wonder like you m8

I teach 6th-8th. Had my first two sitters for The Pledge this past year.

There is some truth to this though it is mostly false. The pledge is not compulsory. Attendance is compulsory. Freedom of expression and individuality is only hindered in the forms of putting porn and swastikas on your shirt...basically shit that will stir up the student body and make them feel unwelcome and not safe.
>Conformity is reinforced and rewarded
this is more about teenagers acting like savage animals more than anything.
>Indoctrination is prioritized over real education
this is largely true.
> Meritocracy is traded for equality of outcome. False. You work hard, you get good grades. Simple as that.
>Public schools are basically drone factories for corporate low wage jobs.
There is something to be said for this...but name me a place that isn't outside of homeschool...which is incredibly hard to pull off as a parent.

>t. Ameritard of the public school system.

I stopped in 4th grade. No one cared

Correct on all accounts

Fucking retarded cunts, they pledge their alliegence to coco cola, Google, Microsoft. Raytheon and any amount of oil companies. While they themselves get a massive unserviceable national debt handed to them and their future generations. Everything about their country is a fucking lie, now after Obamanochio they have the biggest bullshit merchant on the planet. MAGA WTF. again???? What does he mean by again?

You do know it is voluntary right?

Nice very well said. You've convinced me to reconsider my opinion.

>biggest empire of the day
>not having a strong militaristic culture

that's pretty much expected, they need fodder for maintenance of the system after all

I haven't said the pledge for nearly 20 years. Nobody gives a fuck.

Sounds like someone wants to be American.

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That has been illegal since 1969 dumbass. If you get detention for politely refusing to participate in the pledge or the anthem you can sue the fuck out of them.

of course not we don't do school

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Top kek. Mutts absolutely destroyed.

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>implying texas and oklahoma arent north mexico

if you had said texas and say NY, or another civilzed state not from the south then youd have a point

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Yes, they do the Pledge of Alligance every morning in school, and since 9/11 they started doing it at sporting events n shit too

Its lame, but nobody really cares, just part of the facade

>doesn't realize the differences are literally day and night with neighboring states.
I guess Germans and French are just Northern Italians.

It took me a second...

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Are you from America?

If no then don’t worry about it it’s none of your business what others do.

If yes then move if you don’t like it.

You have been there how would you know? He is correct. Even Arizona and New Mexico have completely different culture, attitude music preference, political leanings etc.
Eurocuck is a sad boy, cope more.

Did that kid go to Gulag?