What wrong with the world in your opinion?

what wrong with the world in your opinion?

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there are humans.

what would you do to make the wolrd better?

so we should all kys?

kill niggers.


can't think, do, or act on anything with consent/debt, thought police/poverty patrol

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yes, we should all kms.


that's a very good solution. thanks for the answer user

jews and americans

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enlighten me as to why

fuck off you faggotish pedo

Obviously get rid of the darkies

People aren't evolved properly to live in societies of hundreds of millions, humans generally have very small-community mentalities because we're only evolved to live in small agrarian villages.

Also, we listen to bullies and believe whatever they tell us because we're weak and scared of the unknown.

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This guy gets it

>what wrong with the world in your opinion?

that's what is wrong with the world:
children thinking that this behavior is funny and strong. later they become agressive, bitter adults.

We live in a world of unlimited technological potential yet most people are made to fight over scraps

You listen to Billy's cause you are scared of the unknown. I despise bullies the second I hear one and wanna tear their flesh apart, but I cannot, would mean jail


Yea ForumsROS RISE UP!

People feel alienated because society just gives future promises but people doesnt usually get the present feeling of achivement. That leads to general missconception of the work and to unhappiness, creating further problems

Commies, Muslims, kikes, and people who call themselves Christians.

people are dicks.

Factory farming

Entitlement both on individual and group levels.

Unlimited technological potential, my ass. Tech has been in a stall for years.

Me, you and everybody else.

Actual answer is igornace btw

Humans thinking we are above everything else in the universe

Stupid people are a good part of the problem as they always have been and unfortunately always will be. There has never been a shortage of morons...