Your time is coming, Antifa

Your time is coming, Antifa.

It's going to get to the point where we've had enough and you'll think the day of the rope was child's play.

Quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing all the fatass liberal, blacked watching, switch playing soyboys LARPing as communists. Stop hiding behind Twitter. At least we show up to demonstrate despite heavy police presence. Come out and face us headon, bitchmades.

I really can't wait until you antifa faggots all get punched in the face and beaten back into your mom's basement. You're all a bunch of niggers who wouldn't have a chance against us and you know it.

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You know the nazis lost,


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although antifa are pretty faggy, there have been plenty of times where they did come out of their basements and did start fucking shit up. Even if the shit they fucked up weren't nazis.
That's actually kind of why most people dislike them - they come out and attack people for next to nothing.
Also hitler was pretty gay, my man.

Yea fascism all the way

>hitler was pretty gay
Seconded, ngl he was vegan and that’s pretty gay

>be me, antifa
>too scared to show my face
>makes riot shield from 55 gallon drum because i can't defend myself

Attached: antifa.png (1045x586, 1.62M)

Nazi losses: 1 time
Communist losses: Every single time

I like my odds

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Um..fascism has lost way more than once. More than once when they were called Nazis but even more when they are called something else

>stop hiding behind twitter
>last time there was a pride parade in kentucky a dozen nazis with nazi armbands showed up
>they were politely herded away from the parade
i don't think anyone's scared of you guys, least of all a bunch of masked nancies whose only purpose is to sucker punch you into a coma just for existing.

This makes no sense

Nazis lost so hard, an entire regime was basically wiped out

I said nazism, not fascism you retarded faggot. Nazism has only historically been tried once. Communism has been tried over 30 times by several different countries and it has failed every single time. How is that possible? Maybe it’s just a naturally bad system promoted by retards who live in fantasy land

guess two nukes wasn't enough for these fuckers

You are comparing apples to oranges. Nazis where a political party in one country. Communism is an ideology. You can compare Communism to Fascism or compare the soviet party to nazis. The soviets existed for far longer than nazis. Communism has lasted for longer than fascism before collapsing.

Yea Forums used to be trolls trolling trolls

now it's shills shilling to shills (for shekels).

great. Just great.

Does antifa still exist?

You won't do shit faggot. People who talk tough, that's all they do.

The 55 Gallon drum shield is pretty decent, but honestly who do they think they're going to fight? Anyone who actually fights back would have far more firepower than what they are prepared for.

Reminder that lolbergs have all the guns and neither of you collectivists faggots can do shit.

In Europe. There never was an antifa in the US that was in any way meaningful, except in the minds of the right wing media, then they just use the word to mean democrats.

Did you ever see the video of the Alt Right guy shooting at antifa in Charlottesville? That’s some pussy shit right there. He is all scared of like 4 guys when he has a gun and like 12 guys behind him. He then limply shoots in the direction of the antifa guys and misses all of them despite being like 5 feet away.

The Soviets were also fascists dumbass

The feeling is mutual, scum. As a former white supremacist myself, I want nothing more than you subhuman incels to rise up on your Hoveround cavalry and try to instigate a civil war once your orange savior is dethroned.

It would be so satisfying to be allowed to skin nazis alive. I never considered myself very patriotic, but the thought of erasing white supremacist scum from the world gets my dick harder than a beautiful trans girl's cock.

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I'd believe it, I'm not from the US and I honestly don't know who I'd be supporting there anymore. Neither side is anything close to rational anymore.

Europe wouldn't surprise me, seems the governments and half the population want nothing more than destroy any trace of their own culture.

What is white culture to you? How have you contributed to it? If you're going to complain about something being destroyed, make sure it's not something that someone else built that you had no part in.

Cool story bro, did you write it by yourself or did you need $200,000 in English writing degree debt to come up with it?

May bee you should quit while your behind.

and I bet you're the same cuck that cries about how all white people are to blame for the slavery that doesn't exist in western countries.

Authoritarian =\= Fascist

All fascists are authoritarian not all authoritarians are fascist

>wow you sure talk good
>must be educated...

Well you are comparing too radicals. Most conservatives aren’t Alt-Right and most liberals aren’t antifa


Kek, go to sleep, kid. You're up past your bed time. You'd never have the balls to play at being a white supremacist anywhere other than the internet.

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>top hiding behind Twitter. At least we show up to demonstrate despite heavy police presence.

The hell are you talking about. Antifa protests all the time. That's pretty much all they do.

>200k English degree.

You know how I can tell you didn’t go to college?

No, I am an art promoter. My current project is depictions of American historical figures as workers. Eisenhower is at west point for example, Samuel Colt is hand smithing a gun. These are being provided for free to American elementary schools in order to show kids that the figures who represent them put in the work to become leaders, and the respect people showed them followed from that leadership.

Now you, how are you promoting white culture? How are you protecting a future for white children?

The only good a Nazi ever did was kill Communist.

Hello? I'm promoting white culture and a future for white children over here, got nothing to say now? When one of you smelly rednecks with your racoon tail hats and guns die from preventable disease I become JUBILANT. Create. Grow or die, asshole. I don't stand with you.

Imagine being this stupid.

The day is coming where neo-nazis will be hanging from trees. Nazi's will always be history's greatest losers.

Implying neo-nazi's are even close in numbers to antifa. During the G20 literally thousands of antifa fucked up Hamburg. Antifa disrupts every slightly right wing protest, at least here in Europe. On the right wing equavalent we have 'white supremacists' aka 'alt-right' losers and some lost actual neo-nazi's. It's not even legal to have neo-nazi rallies in most countries so all the have are a few illegal nazi punk circle jerk fests in the some deserted barn.

Just look at this vid of neo-nazi's in Belgium. They are barely able to get 100 people toghether and that is including factions of multiple European countries. Vid is in Dutch but It's basically them secretly going to a grave of some SS-officer and giving nazi speeches.

thanks,you're helping people become nazis
all antifa deserve to be killed and not by gas because its too soft. you degenerate trash need to suffer
i cant wait for the day

nazis were a minority before hitler came to power
commies will be brutally killed (as they deserve), if not by us, then by their jew masters once they win

You’re literally a faggot OP.

aren't you just adorable, trying to act all tough! I could just eat you up!

Fascism died decades ago
Communism still going strong

lol says a country whose entire economy depends on another’s communist advantages.



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Same. It’s not the peaceniks that have been lifelong hippies anyone has to worry about, it’s the throngs of us who were born and raised republican, right-wing, religious, & militant for 20 - 30 years before seeing the consequences play out enough times to realize who the fucking problem people actually are, side with the left on policy issues. I still want to burn half the population, but now it’s the half I fully understand.

By dating only Native American and asian girls.

yo kid go back to sleep and say this to your grandpa im sure he will love it also you are probably a neet who watches anime so dont try to lie to yourself by posting such shit and pretending to be someone

by the words of our pagan saviour varg you are a waste of life