Stay jealous

stay jealous

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and now she has a black baby. whitebois getting they lineages ruined

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ironic coming from a whiteboi

keep larping faggot, that's one of the least attractive girls you could've used for it too

>unironically wearing a fedora

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Fucking retard

Black dudes can wear fedoras and look cool, it's just whitebois look ugly and retarded in a fedora.

But then again, whitebois look ugly and retarded in anything.

Niggers can toss salad and still be cool.

Jealous of what exactly? An below average looking piece of visibly white trash who happens to have a rack?

Big tits don't make a girl hot, dumbass.

lmao, I'm sure y'all are fucking perfect specimens

Yeah and she’s single with a kid who got all the ugly features.

one more white womb fertilized by black men

Lmao is that Royce da 5’9

>Lineages ruined
How are people actually this retarded? I’m legit asking. OP you’re a faggot.

Who is she

whitebois talking mad shit bout how they descended from scientists and inventors and shit. well enjoy being descended from tyrone lmao

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That are all pics you got from her?

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More of this whore. Go dm this slut

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how does it feel for u as a whiteboi that them big titties be getting skeeted on by a black man?

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that how she get spitroasted by her black pimp and his black bros

stay mad, jealous and white

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I bet there are 0 black people in this thread. It's probably some white cuck who made this thread

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My >lineage is ruined
Because 1 mudshark had a mulatto baby

Lol nignogs get the most pathetic stupid uncontributing members of our race, literally cull the heard and make us stronger by picking up our scraps, our dregs.

the things I think about are the house renovation I'm currently in the middle of with my place and my job and life
this sort of stuff only exists on Yea Forums due to some weird fags with an agenda and it always makes me chuckle to see

lmao i can literally feel the jealousy seething from your words whiteboi

jealous of what tho?

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of black men

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oh ok, not rly


na, im good. if i was born black, then id be fine with it, but i was born white, so im fine with this too. theres good in both races and u guys are dumb af for comparing such things

how big is ur penis

7 to 8 inches

ok i can see why u arent jealous and racist like these other whitebois.

lol, both races have varying dick sizes. but na i aint racist. and u shouldnt be either. spread love homie, fuck them white girls if thats what u like, but dont do it out of hate

you chill bro i like you. stay chill man i only hate these racist bitch mofos not chill dudes like you.

its cool, theres a lot of ignorant people but they dont matter. just keep doing what u like doing, others opinions dont matter as long as u aint hurting anybody. im gonna head off tho, so peace my dude