NJ Thread, 732 welcome

NJ Thread, 732 welcome

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201 here

Hoboken or jersey city girls? I got a few

Post em. I only got my girl to share.
Pic related

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You have a kik you can share on?

You got a Kik to share?

emily 732

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If you want to share, share here
Hate this kik shit

looking for this 732 girl

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Or he can kik. Fucking faggot

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Any discord or telegram groups?

any discord groups that get made, get deleted automatically


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She yours?

Oh wow, I’ve never seen a 743 thread. Finally!

you still haven't

I’m awesome at typing, obviously. 732*


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post more of her, shes fucking hot

have this 732 nude to feel better by your shit typing

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Sarah C
856 / Runnemede

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looks like this girl Erin I knew

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is that your mom?

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not so much in this picture.

Lmao she's actually 19 but I can def see how you'd think so

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she has that old lady look. needs a new hairstyle and glasses to counteract it.

she looks 40

alexis h 732

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You're not wrong lmao

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Brutal lmao

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Anyone know Sam?

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Is that amanda Sorento?

sdaly no, but she looks fun to fuck

No but wish i did lol

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Can you guess how old she in Yea Forums?

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i wish someone had this whores pictures

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Hamilton/Trenton area

Just turned 17

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tits lopsided kek

Her insta

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You have a kik to share on?

You have a kik to share on?

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not unless you have pics to trade buddy

hot as hell

I think it’s just the angle. Also, most women have one boob that’s larger than the other you incel.

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Looking for Clementine from Mays landing

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Yeah it’s crazy She’s so young too

fucking hell, she is absurd. The things id do to her

this is the only pic i could find of her

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You nj Faggot’s need to step your game up posting these ugly ass bitches

This ones from Robbinsville about to be 20

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are you retarded? That has to be one of the most ugliest cunts ive ever seen kek

Her and her twin sister

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this skank is no better than anyone posted so far.

do you not see that her forehead is larger than her friends entire face???

Nah fam she’s 100% 10/10

She’s an annoying shitty cunt irl but a dime peice no less

>looks anemic

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I’m not defending her cuz me and her go way back and I’ll literally kill her if I see her but stfu she’s a 10 and if you don’t agree your opinion isn’t the right one

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ariaan 732

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damn user what did she do to you?

in no way is she a 10, maybe a 6.5, maybe

Fuck You i posted the bitch in the pool other than that everyone fucking UGLY Nigga

>"I'll literally kill her if i see her"
> "your opinion isn't the right one"

bet your the type of faggot who cries that all woman are whores when they reject you

aw, did I hurt your wittle feewings.

you're a moronic ugly little shrimp

Lol was high as shit the other day and thought this was her

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No I’m aware I’m ugly and off putting to women but me and her, me and her got big issues

She’s got some nice tits

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lmao. i see it though so you werent wrong to think that

found her youtube channel, she talks about anime episodes. She is cringe as fuck but still fuckable

>talked mad shit about me to people, like way over the like shit you don’t make up about people, that’s as far as I’ll go because I don’t want to be identified lol but yeah that was in hs made things kinda weird but it’s fine. Argued for a while after it happened. She’s weird man like she tries to be funny but she just steals jokes and annoys people

I would have made her happy.

I just mute it and jack off to her vids

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you're a depression cuck to be around, what did she do to you? Reject you?

I spent like an hour comparing pics but never saw her with a piercing like that lol

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get off the internet you fucking incel cry baby. Jesus fuck your a pathetic moron aren't you? "i could of made her happy" youre a fucking unstable little cunt? Normal people don't think like that kid shithead

Yeah, but like she lead me on because we were super similer in personality but I wasn’t good enough for her so to completely ruin the chance that we’d be together she made up a bunch of weird shit about me and made some people who didn’t even matter now that I think about it think I’m weird. This was so long ago and I was on all these different meds and drugs I was totally delusional so maybe I just weirded her out, either way I haven’t felt the same about a girl ever since. Probably won’t ever feel the same again

her tits are a little droopy but she is still hot as hell. I just like perkier ones ya know

Emma from EHT

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Jesus, do they land planes on her forehead?

dude, shut the fuck up? re read everything you just typed and realize that you are actually retarded and should go lock yourself in a psych ward.

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her face looks way to young for her body, very uncomfortable

Nigga it’s 9;30 in the morning why don’t you go and hang yourself talking all that unnecessary bullshit. Fuck you

makeup and filters, man

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Lmao, it’s not that bad. You’re taking it out of context like a fucking Jew Faggot would, just read and understand I’m relatively normal I just really like a girl once. Holy fuck how’s about you go feel what it feels like like you ever will you fuck

body is rockin tho

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Whats her channel called

little baby goes through 1 rejection and is going to cry to strangers online saying he will kill her if he sees her. Retard, i understand exactly what you typed out to everyone here, normal would look at you and find you pathetic for thinking like that cunt

WTF that so fucking weird. How do you go from being a face of a 9 yr to having a body of a 20 yr

>implying now, 4 years later that I don’t fully comprehend that

stop trying to have the moral standpoint, I aware it’s ridiculous and I still regret it and wish I didn’t do things so stupidly


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there has to be nudes somewhere out there, this girl is wayyy to fine


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I’m sure there is she seems like she’d be a great fuck too

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Can someone please help me out... Noelle C (last name rhymes with tafone) from Kinnelon.

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wish there were more pics of this girl

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Probably calls guys she fucks daddy

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You got a kik to share more of her?

Thanks Yea Forumsuddy

shes seems like she'd be extremely submissive, these two girls are fucking stunning

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never heard, sorry bud

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Yeah she does

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hopefully her ex dumps photos of her, that would be fucking great

Melanie N

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He seems the type to do so

lets go jump this cunt to get these pics

Dude looks hella beta

lol not arianna and not from NJ

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>doesn't understand a joke

Anyone got the uncensored pic?

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dumping more

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Non nude version

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okay I was just saying the dude looks pretty beta.

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Classic Jersey Skag

973 thot

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She looks like fun

Moarrrr, who is she???

She is so hot

Reminds me of aphex twin lol

where from?

973 here

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I hate when there is a 732 thread but no old brick chicks

Near West milly

Emily, what’s her last name start with? Also, more?


near morristown

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How do you Coley? Do you have a kik?

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