Vidya doesn't give me enjoyment anymore

>vidya doesn't give me enjoyment anymore
>fapping doesn't feel as good as it used to
What's wrong with me?

Attached: Crying_Cat_screaming.jpg (500x500, 17K)

You're gonna start wearing panties, take hormones, rip your dick off, then kill yourself.

Just need DOOM Eternal to release then all will be good again

I don't even care about DOOM. It's cool, but after one run through of the campaign, I'm about done.

What I want is God of War 4. The REAL God of War 4. Not the bitch-made bullshit that they gave us. No gore, no tiddies, gameplay all changed. Plus they removed TC Carson. Might as well just change the name while they're at it.

I'm a poorfag without a good pc or current gen consoles so I won't be able to play doom in a while

>tfw 11yo pc
Pretty much all I do with it is play Salt and Sanctuary, Super Robot Wars on emulators, and make stuff in Blender.

You need variety. Play board games with your friends (j/k you can play them alone too) and shove a dildo up your ass.

There's a lot more to life. Ever sailed a boat by yourself?

I've never been on a sailboat. The biggest watercraft I've ever piloted is a simple rowboat.

It comes and goes. I work for Activision so all I do is play one game all day and barely play any others

>make stuff in Blender

Oy vey. My PC is pretty beefy, and I still want to get upgrades. Must be a slog doing renders on an old machine.

>pic related
Took a few hours to render that. Can't imagine doing that on a potato.

Attached: Harley2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.43M)

You are turning into an adult. Start doing adult things like working out and getting a girlfriend. Also get into sailing.

you fried your dopamine

Same but also movies and tv shows all are fucking boring and I can't pay attention to any of them for more than 10 minutes, Read some books instead.

Swimming is better


So I can end up on an island with skipper and the howells? Pass

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This guy gets it though we are finally growing up and not playing digital kids toys anymore like the rest of the degerates who play videogames.

>tfw your girlfriend plays more vidyas than you

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Nah, I'm not rendering. I'm too crap for it. AllI know is basic box modeling. Pic related is my best efforts.

Attached: jhdssojsth53646332.png (1385x1703, 246K)

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I have no idea about weights and deformation so I'm working on making a single mesh basic body to experiment with.

Attached: rtyuighdb-327946183.png (985x1808, 148K)