Are we all frens here

Are we all frens here

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The blacks and browns we are friends

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am fren here

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gud 4 u

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I'm a left-wing atheist. Can I still be a fren, or is it just another club for conservative bois?

>Romans 12:21
>Quoting the bibble in this shithole of a website
We're not frens

is fren thred, not /pol/

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Yes, you can still be frens. Don't be so butthurt bc somebody quoted the Bible.

The whole point is to leave your hang ups at the fren club door and just try to be good to each other, everyone that's willing to do that is welcome.

OC frog I met on my path

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Wibble Bibble indeed

The next crusade shall be a true blood bath, and it shall be drawn from the veins of those individuals who put invisible God's and ideologies before their fellow man.
>Deus vult

These pepes are getting out of hand

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Kys bot

fuck off pajeet

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one 4 for each fren


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>Phone poster detected

Hi lo, Yes fren, we all fren here. Happy dayz to you.

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Fren club doesn’t in to politics, fren club is comfy and we dance sometimes.

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