Your 18 year old daughter says she wants to have sex with you

>Your 18 year old daughter says she wants to have sex with you
Wat do???

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Take her to a mental hospital.

Faggot detected.
Seriously kill yourself you degenerate homosexual.

Because I wouldn’t rape my mentally ill daughter? KYS gutterscum.

Take her to a Black Veil Brides concert and watch her bypass security, hop on stage, tackle Andy Sixx to the ground, pull his pants down and then suck on his pink starfish like shes never sucked on anything before until the creamy log of shit comes out

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I'd Fuck Her!!!!!!!!

>Rape her
>She asks to have sex with you and she's 18
Learn to read nigger

theres lots to fuck you dont have to be into all vaginas anways id hmm maybe a daughter swap with a good neighbor who kjnows i lvoe you take care of your family

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If she asks to fuck her father, she’s clearly mentally ill and needs help, not cock.

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weird kink.
id tap that wherever, no need to go anywhere.

Remind her we stopped doing that six years ago.


So sad what happened to her. She didn't deserve to die.

I would have fucked her in every way possible such a firm tight body and cum all over her face while she looks up at me saying cum for me daddy

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so why is there suddenly so much spam today?

Stop watching porn immediately then.

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It’s weird because even my IP is range banned. Which sucks because I didn’t spam and for some reason I can still post on work safe boards

i think whoever is spamming those struck a deal. this shit been going around for way too long.

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I’d remind her that I’ve been fucking her since she was 5 sovthis is a strange question

beautiful daughter or ugly daughter?

you say no.

your relationship with your child is for a lifetime, not a lustful night. You tell her to take her ass to bed and you will see her tomorrow and you never want to hear about this again

Tell her she's too fucking old now, go get your little sister.


