Would you creampie tard pussy?

Would you creampie tard pussy?

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Oh... not again...

No, i'd be afraid it'd rip my dick off with its super-tard strength. not to mention the face and behavior is usually a major turn off.

What happens if two downsy types procreate? do you get even downsier offspring? Supertards?

Retarded girl sex moans are so hot


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You get OP

fuck yeah, post more

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That's not a retard you fag. This thread is for downy queens that need breeding not disgusting ugly midgets

I would fuck her so hard she would need to change her name to dauphinoise.


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I used to work overnights in an adult group home. There was one hyper sexual girl in her 20’s that lived there. She was brain damaged. Not a tard. She was a chubby 4/10. My job was to make sure everyone stayed in their rooms overnight but most nights I let some of the tards fuck sex girl. She’s take 3 or 4 tards in a row and love it.

Would I plant a seed in a potato?

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Never again. I still owe your mom back child support


There has to be more pictures. I haven't looked very hard but I want to see a yard get fucked

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You are a consummate professional at your job... Employee of the month.

I would tardcream a pussy pie

inb4 fetal alcohol syndrome girl

How do you think you got here?

you rang?

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mmm more

only if she moaned "durr" during the whole thing; that really gets me off


Fucking kek

Or at least a link