What's your best holocaust Joke?

What's your best holocaust Joke?

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What's worse than the Holocaust?

Having six million more Jews around.

Dude, fuck you, don't make jokes about the holocaust! My great grandfather died in Aushwitz.

Why do the shower heads have 11 holes in them?
Because the Jews only have 10 fingers.

How many jews could the gas chambers fit?

Clearly not enough.

Let me guess. He fell from a watch tower

Oh shit, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Mine died when he got crushed by a guy falling on him

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You guys know what german trains sound like?

"Jew Jew"

Christians always go on about the time Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes

What about Hitler? He made six million Jews toast

and gave the people some soap too.

That it happened

probably the pizza one

Knock knock.
Who's there?
An edgy failure at life, probably still living with his parents who would likely be outed and humiliated as a shining example of degeneracy, and cower in fear if they ever had to live in anything even approaching a far right regime.

What's the difference between a cake and a jew?

The cooking time

the Holocaust

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/r/ing that one chain joke

i dont get it

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a jew and a german walked into a bar and nothing happened just like the holocaust

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if you word it like that, then you're saying the holocaust actually happened

Hardly a surprise. Is there a lot you don't get?
Intellectual inferiority at work.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the "master race".

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your joke is bad. boooo.

It's hilarious how upset some people get over things they read on this board

Boo, you stink

Who's upset user?
I'm just making fun of you retards.

How do you fit 20 jews in a car?
In the ashtray

>join thread that triggers him
> make fun of anons having simple fun
>Attack them personally
>defensive when anons ask why party pooper here
>"iM nOt uPsEt SiMpLe GoY"

Dry your eyes lol

Yeah, ill do that with my ashes and bars of soap

"Hey goiys... Joo bad SKSKSKSKSKSKSK"

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"I feel personally attacked because a random on the internet made fun of me for making holocaust jokes"
Hahahaha wtf dude?
On an unrelated matter I'm curious about something. Have you ever seen a pussy in real life?

With soap? You're going to dry your eyes with soap?!
Do it! Then post pics

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The one about the Holocaust being real.

Fuck off back to the safe zone of Facebook

triggered jews

>judges argument on how much someone has had sex.

Unrelated point
"You're not making a logical argument in our holocaust joke thread, just trollin". Uuum, yeah, and?
You fuckers are hilarious.
Just not in the way you think you are.
Sniff sniff. I smell a triggered incel

Nice tits. Post moar!

This is now a tits thread. Post tits!

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How many Jews can you fit in a car?

2 in the front, 3 in the back, and 0 in the ashtray because the Holocaust never happened.

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>it actually happened.

Can you dicktards stop arguing and post more jokes

This ain't Facebook faggot.
Insult people properly or fuck off

you mean horn, right?

jr high school kids off for the summer always post shit just like this nigger kid. probably pissed because most of the humor here is over his nigger head.

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found the jew grammar nazi

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pull up your big girl panties and shut the fuck up

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How do you pick up Jewish chicks during the holocost?

>With a dustpan

not my proudest fap.....

It was the best thing that never happened.


that's a (nice) ass, not tits.

you sound like a precious little aspie cunt. go back to your tranny discord safety net you colossal summerfagging nigger. nobody wants you insignificant retards here.

why cant jews cook?
because they always mistake the chicken for the baby

Hahahaha shame cunt