33yo virgin, no friends no job, no money, small dick, thinking of suicide what do

33yo virgin, no friends no job, no money, small dick, thinking of suicide what do

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We are your friends

Why do you keep posting this? Also fellow fatass here, would let you put it up my butt

TBH, I'd meet up with you and let you shoot your worthless load in my ass.

First get a fucking job. Anything. When you get it, start looking for another place that pays more.Might as well make some money while looking for a decent job.
Virgin? Tinder or Grindr. No friends? Internet. It's fucking easy, just don't be a fucking weirdo. Small dick? Some people are into that shit. I think.

lose weight, get job, get friends, and pay for penis enlargement. ez pz.

>what do
Depends, do you own a gun?

He just wants the attention, is why he makes these threads


You from germany? Kik is erikalfonso

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Go fuck some whore its pretty easy even if you live in bum fuck no where

Become gay, endless sex

Post dick.

Also fat small đick. Have a 6/10 wife that loves me. Go outside. It's the best advice I can give.

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>endless faggotry

Sadly i just vant become gay like that

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Get a job. Get out of the house more, take walks, chill in the park or at Starbucks. These 3 things will totally change your life. Try it for a week at least. If you still want to suicide, go do some epic shit first like skydive or travel. It gets better bro. Of and I'm also a bit husky with a small dick

I like this girl but she doesnt like small dick guys need at last 5 inches i habe 4

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Become a sissy.
Soon after you will be virgin no more, have lots of "friends", you will earn honest money with sucking and fucking, your dick will beven become smaller.
Or stand up and get a job and a hobby that you like and stop bitching around.
> pic related, could be you.

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A hole is a hole, just close your eyes and imagine whatever

stop being german

Try sex first. Then you will change mind. Buy penis pump / extender.


>penis pump
How to destroy your penis

Less thinking, more action.

At least it would put an end to your shitposting.

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your dick looks fine, a bit above average even

Give me your email and i'll hit you up and suck your dick next time i'm in Germany

kik is erikalfonso

Find a nice trap and make them your bitch

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an Hero yourself

Don't have kik, guess i'll have to create it later on.
I'm a dude tho but getting your dick sucked isn't gay.

lol u gay

If you weren't that fat, your dick wouldn't look as small. a vagina is around 10 cm deep. threre really is not problem if it's thicker that a needle.

So if you really wanna change your worthless life, lose some weight. the rest will come step by step.

If you don't really wanna change anything and just want people to tell you how okay it is to be a fat fuck, go die an hero and don't forget to stream it.

You ok with that?

yeah, can you send me a picture if you got kik? i never had any sex so dont know if i can be gay

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I've written down your info, won't add you til my Germany trip comes up and that won't happen til i have my drivers license so don't get too excited. a couple of months til a year.
What part of Germany are you in?

Also no need to be gay, just lean back and close your eyes while imagining whatever you want

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she is nice looking who that

An user on here has been getting his dick sucked by his sissy friend and started sneaking us pics and vids of it

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If you want more

You have a tasty looking cock


What are your thoughts/opinion on getting your ass eaten?
Also you were close to the border of France right?

/user who wants to suck your dick

You're not the best at responding

have never done it yes iam near france, can you post some pics of your dic?

Don't have access to a camera at the moment but i have some old ones, 11cm.
>have never done it
Would you like to try it? I'm a virgin myself and eating a butt is something i've always wanted to try.

Attached: me older pic.png (566x593, 365K)

I am a grower tho so it's pretty small when i'm not erect.
Have to go now but i'll be in touch, either in a future thread or when i'm heading to Germany

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i got you bud
>sign up for doublelist and/or fetlife
>post a few ads
>"chubby virgin seeks mature mentor"
>explain you're a fat small dicked virgin in said posts
>sit back and wait for replies from old fat widows or divorcees
>have fun being shown the ropes by said old fat widows or divorcees
you're welcome user

