How do you get out of California?

How do you get out of California?

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Grow a pair

I moved to California from Indiana 6 years ago. Never going back. Quality of life is soooo much better.

I point to the fact that gasoline can be purchased in cash at less cost than bottled water and burns exceedingly well. wink wink nudge nudge.

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You don't. You made this shithole, now fix it.

Found the faggot

Drive away

Honest perks to living in the city: More work, better pay, more entertainment, greater opportunities, delicious food, and loads more. In my 5 block radius of Hollywood I have more to do than I did in my entire hometown.

The only major downsides are: cost of living can be rough if you don't make a lot, you will eventually miss peace and quiet. I'll take trips out of the city to recharge once or twice a year maybe.

Unfortunately affording a home will be tough, Not impossible, but a challenge. Guess its not for everyone.

Kill all the liberal cucks that ruined that great state. Reclaim sanity.

Just give it more time, as the mexican, and homeless problem spreads.

You in NorCal or socal?

What, is your car broken or something? Just buy a plane ticket then. Worst cast scenario you can use Amtrak’s Sunset Limit line to get all the way to new orleans, and from there chicago and then pretty much anywhere

Grew up my entire life in San Diego....Makes me tear up whats happened, especially when we tried to save the state with Prop 187

Keep on driving east til you cross the state line. Pretty easy.

Hop a freight

SoCal, Los Angeles currently. I work in the industry, so I came for work. Was pleasantly surprised by the city. Only downside is there isn't a lot of LA pride (like New York, Chicago, or Boston). Mainly because no one was born here lol all transplants.

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My dad grew up in San Diego, he has told me stories of how great it was. And that it will never be that great again

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Take I-5 north, I-80 or I-10 east, or I-15 northeast. Or you can be an idiot psycho and go south to Tijuana

Those fuck liberals ruining everything

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Run with all the other lemmings into the ocean.

Go to the fashon district at night. Lmk how many homeless camps you see.

This amazing area has so much wasted potential, I grew up in Riverside county/palm springs area. This place has changed but not for the better.

On a positive note, the little car museum in San Diego has had the same Lamborghini countach on display for the past 23+ years. It has brought me peace since I was a kid.

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Someone recently said on a california thread that LA and San Diego are going to get nuked soon.

There have been a lot of things on Yea Forums that have been said anonymously and actually happened later on. I hope that person wasn't a bored rich guy who had been told that was going to happen.

It controls the ports from china to the united states. That's the only reason why its rich and why mexico is trying to steal it.

>cost of living can be rough if you don't make a lot

How much does it cost and how much do you make, if I may ask?

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California has a surplus of people, which means more homeless people packed into one place. Every place has its dark corners. Hell even Indiana has a higher murder rate than Los Angeles. Perspective is key. And statistically major cities have more opportunity. That's why people flock to it.

You're a retarded cum dumpster for believing that shit.

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You think its impossible?

Can you really live like that and not pay any property taxes or any kind of taxes what's so ever?
Cali has one of the highest homeless and highest taxed states in the country. Yet you can live comfortably without even paying for shit.

Its too hard to attack the west coast. It either has to travel across the ocean and get shot down easily by the Navy. Or it has to fly over the US first. There was actually supposed to be a plane attack in LA on 9/11 but it was grounded before it even had the chance to make it over to the west coast.

it looks like gta v user


>Grew up my entire life in San Diego
>Grew up my entire life

How old are you? 14?

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Your standards of living must be unfathomably low.

This place is a shit hole. The state doesn't want working class people, just their tax revenue. Now that they openly flaunt giving free health care to filthy fucking illegalsz it's only a matter of time.


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I'm a freelance assistant editor for film / television. And I make anywhere from 85k to 110k depending on my year. I also have a long term GF, who makes roughly the same. The dual income definitely helps. But I lived on my own for 3 years making less.

Sure in Indiana (my hometown) the rent I'm paying I could afford a 3 bedroom house, but I prefer the amenities to living in the city.

You can't if you're white, if you're a nigger or a beaners ass illegal you get tons of free shit.

Its EXACTLY GTA V. Literally. Its modeled after Los Angeles. My cousin visited and wanted to visit all the sites from the game lol

how'd you get that career?

Then why move to one of the worst overcrowded shit holes in the country?

I have a two bedroom apartment, I walk to my gym, grocery, movie theater, bars... Eat good food in the city and have a cat... Its pretty decent for me. Not sure what your bottom line is. I don't have a yard =/ but I have a farmers market!


Deosn't that mean you'd become homeless pretty quick if things go bad?


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I-5, I-405, I-15, Hwy 101

I had to move to LA to get that job. It only exist here honestly. I first stepped foot in LA the day I moved here. Came strictly for passion and work. Fell in love with the city and plan to stay as long as I can!

How I got into the industry specifically? I took a entry level position has a transcriber in reality television. Terrible job lol but I was young and loved the opportunity. Grinded until I met some cool people doing cool things and they got me in the door.

>transcriber in reality television

What's that?

It can. I was staff for 3 years editing behind the scenes pieces for big films and got burnt out. I really wanted to work on movies and tv shows, not market them. Fortunately I am in the editors guild which offers me health insurance and a pension.

When I quit my marketing job I was able to survive through California benefits (Cover Cali health insurance and unemployment). I felt dirty taking the help, but I paid into for 5 years. Its socialism basically, but it stopped me from burning through my savings chasing my dream.

If California gets nuked the rest of the country will be celebrating until they find out they have to go to war over a state they have nothing but contempt for.


Basically we interview these god damn morons to put them on tv. My job was to write down every single word they said in their interviews, so our story editors and producers had scripts to pull bites from. Basically creating scripts for a show that is all on the fly.

I wouldn't mind if I didn't live in LA, BUT I FUCKING LIVE IN LA

No, but we did beat up a hooker and get our money back after she pleasured us and gave back some of HP.

That sucks. The worst dialogue in the world. And that's saying something, given the garbage scripts out there.


Ever met an porn girls?

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It was fun at first, just excited to be in the industry. Fortunately I was able to move up after about 4 months. Assistant Editing in reality is a lot like being a tech guy. I just managed projects and organized media for older editors who don't know how computers work.

I'm in scripted material now (Tv shows and movies). Its a lot for satisfying. I actually cut scenes and sound design the entire episode or movie for my editor. I'm making decent money as an assistant editor and hope to some day be making even more as an Editor. When the time comes, right now just enjoying the ride and enjoying LA.

I actually just recently worked on a not well received show for Adult Swim called Tropical Cop Tales. It has its moments, but people hated it for the most part lol Can't always land the dream gig, but even still I love the process.

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California isn't that bad. Most people who hate it, just hate liberals and the idea of cities in general. Pros and cons to living in the city. Its not for everyone. A lot of great opportunities and experiences to be had, but requires you to be driven and ambitious. Because it can be unforgiving and expensive. You want a standard job to afford beer and play video games on the weekend, pick any fly over state and live your best life on your affordable chunk of land.

- Cali Fag out.

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No. 99% of the population are ugly Mexican chicks with pounds of makeup on.