Sup Yea Forums

Sup Yea Forums,

So whenever I jack off, I cum on this tee that’s in my drawer. Been doing this for years

I’m currently high in bed and thought you guys would like it

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thats pretty fucking gross
good job OP

Give it a lick

eww I just jerked off on it, that’s gay

the stench on that must be awful

Pick a corner that you didn't?

How long does it take for it to smell? I used to do this a long time ago with a sock (I use tissues now). I think I would switch the sock every couple months? It just smelled oddly sweet, not gross though

Oh my fucking god

I've got one of those on the floor under my desk that i just bust all over. For emergency quick faps Its a couple years dirty but looks nothing like that. Just covered in hard white crusty streaks.

The wood backing under my desk is also caked and crusty as fuck from power shots.


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but your socks werent decayed brown like this were they?

I mean I can’t really tell since I’ve been doing this for years. I just went up close and took a sniff and it smells like cum

Just cum on yourself and wipe it off.

I call bs on this fag

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very cool, user!

lick the crustiest spot

anyone know if it’ll grow mushrooms? at that point I’d throw it out and start fresh but for now imma keep going

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why the fuck would you keep that

I’m not licking my dried cum, I’m not a fag

put it on, then take a pic, you'll be a legend i promise.

Wouldn’t fit anyways, but I could try to open it up and break the crust

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Keep jerking off onto it until the day you die.

Nice work op. Reminds me that Yea Forumsro that used to post his annual bottle of cum.

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I like the mild scattering of pubes. Nice touch.

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Or make fake napalm (really easy watch a youtube tutorial) and mix it with that shit
You will make the perfect explosive

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Thanks, didn’t even notice them until I took the pic

Do it for science

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I might do the same now if I don’t eventually throw it away

what the fuck is wrong with you?

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>0 search results
I'm scared bros

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At what point did it become your official lifelong cum rag?

Oh okay, well...

You could take it and leave it at a mall or subway or somewhere populated.

Maybe a playground? Too far?

Does it have any smell to it?

Idk, I’m just lazy af and didn’t want to get tissues

Dude you're a legend, up there with MLP cumjar guy

LMAO I could totally leave it somewhere. I live in this complex where everyone has to get their mail at this certain place, and there’s a small playground and a picnic table there. I could leave it there tomorrow night

I used to cum on the floor onto the carpet. After about 5 years I changed the carpet. Thanks for the memories op.

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Can really tell anything unless I get close to it

Indeed it would be epic as fuck. I was just thinking though, you aren't a registered sex offender or anything right? It's unlikely, but if some kid buries there hand in it like I buried my hand in a warm pile of MAN shit on top of the slide as a kid, mom might put 2 and 2 together and know its cum and hand it in.

I mean its more likely they'll just think its shit and sit somewhere else but its up to you.

Looking out for you user, is all. There is a bit of DNA on that shirt.

Not a sex offender or ever gotten in trouble with the law, and yeah your right

>thinking that someone will request a DNA test on an abandoned shirt
Imagine being so naive

Well then, it can't be traced back to you. Unless you fuck up down the road.

>30 years later
>thats the fucker who jerked off at playgrounds
>sex offender
>but it was a joke
>sex offender

But hey, you'd still be that legend I promised you.

It's very unlikely as I said, they will likely think its some kids old shirt covered in bird shit.

this is why the white man needs to die
black fucking power, yall to nasty to survive

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dude what the fuck?
please kill yourself fking weirdo

i wonder how it would smell if you burned it. like if i were you id burn it out of grim fucking curiosity

im just fking vomit
This shit is beyond gross

I remembered his name. Jizzus Christ. He posted every Jizzmas.

You are standing in the company of God's user, and you are holding your own.

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I still wonder how much he sold em for.

this is going to get so many upvotes on reddit

I'd say sweet scent, but in summer or a hot room. Like burning candies.

Start pissing and shitting on it to make it smell better

He sold them? Wew lad!

Can someone please screencap this?