Ask a complete social failure anything!

Ask a complete social failure anything!

> 36 year old male
> kissless virgin
> no friends
> bad relations with family
> minimum wage jobs despite university degree(s)
> chronic illness

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What are your uni degrees

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want your cock sucked or is it limp too?

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Biomedicine
PhD in Medical Science

Spent 6 years in postdoc hell, now unable to find a job.

My cock is stiff as fuck.

Sounds like a you problem

It is a me problem. I should never have studied anything with bio in it. Also, I suck at networking and have no skills relevant for industry since I myopic and only focused on academic research.

Well where are you?

love you bro its ok, me too. try finding new hobbies, do good at work. women will have sex with u still if you pay them

Can't you get an entry level position in a lab or research facility with all those degrees?

And you call these degrees? Jesus Christ

How is it that you can't find any jobs in the medical field? Are you unwilling to move or something?

Of course he can but he's telling us he's a failure and a weak man.

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I assume you are a fat bearded male.

Not with these degrees.
I've been trying to get any position on the PhD level but without success. I have now started to omit PhD and master in order to apply for lab tech positions - but of course I am more than 10 years older than other applicants.

I'm willing to move to any place in Northern and Western Europe as well as to Canada and the US, Australia and NZ. But I'm not really qualified for the medical field in general (I'm not a MD). I'm essentially a biologist with a more fancy name.


Why can't you get a job with these degrees? What job does a person with your qualifications usually hold?

here is your problem, the academic career no longer exists, tenured positions are going extinct, and any kind of research position pays less than a taco bell manager. You have been duped like so many others by the scam of college and are just now on the tail end of this useless debt generator that people call an education. You will never have a tenured position and neither will anyone you know, and degrees will continue to lose value exponentially as there are only going to be more pumped into an already crowded market, forever. You have fallen for the trick of college in the worst way, the academic way. You are fucked.

Where are you from? It's pretty hard to get a work visa for the U.S. as well as Australia from what I understand. Could be you just live in a place with a shit labor market. In the U.S. theres an insane amount of healthcare related jobs in shit like administration and policy

Outside academia, usually some kind of scientific position in pharma or biotech (R&D, quality control). There are also quite a few people in sales and consulting. However, they job situation is terrible for biologists since there are many more graduates than positions.

I wouldn't say hes fucked but he needs to just abandon the whole academic meme career bullshit. Get your foot in the door in the healthcare or biotech industry and work your way up

can i have money

Yeah... you just outlined the problem again yourself. "there are more graduates than positions". So most grads are fucked.

unless he had daddy or mommy paying him through college, he is fucked. The debt of three degrees is insurmountable for a non skilled employee. Fuck man its Three degrees, not one.

OP here. You are right. Science and research are a ponzi scheme. But we've been tricked in a different way. Everybody in the field is now transparent that it is very unlikely to get a tenured or faculty position. But they keep saying: you can try and if it doesn't work, just get an industry position. What they don't mentioned is that there aren't industry positions either.

The whole muh STEM shortage narrative is totally bullshit. Besides cs theres a glut of science majors and tech companies are lobbying hard to ease up immigration policies to flood the labor market with pajeets and gooks they can underpay

i really feel for you man. sorry

learn to code

What's the chronic illness?

Get a job in pharmaceuticals you seem like you have the brain

I've abandoned the academic career meme a long time ago. I wanted out of academia since finishing my PhD. The issue is: you get drowned in postdoc positions offers while it is incredibly hard to get industry position offers. Also, many industry positions at the PhD level now explicitly require some years of postdoc. So after half a year of looking, I went for a postdoc in NY think that I will hone my skills and find a industry position simultaneously. Nope.

Eventually people are going to realize that mining terabytes of data on people doesnt actually help sell them useless shit more effectively and lots of garbage coders (i.e. most of them) will be working in some shithole IT department for $15 an hour

I still find it extremely hard to believe you cant find some kind of lower level position in the umbrella of health care or biotech. If you work for a public agency you can also get your federal loans wiped out after 10 years

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You should do Americorps if you really cant find anything. They partner with all kinds of public health organizations

What’s your illness? Chronic wankiosis?

i think you misconstrue what most coders are doing. anyway i make good money doing retard IT work so it's still better than trying to be an academic for no money.

That would be my dream. Until now, didn't even get interviewed.

For lower level positions, they prefer people fresh out of uni, 10 - 15 years younger and without a PhD.

Crohn's disease.

You ever shit yourself?

OP here. FYI: I went to university in Germany and the Netherlands and therefore have no student debts.

Yeah this is what I figured, no one youd be in the U.S. and literally not be able to find a job with those credentials. Eurocucks get fucked in the labor market because companies are regulated and taxed out the ass


wew lucky guy


I've spent the last six years as postdoc in the US. The situation is not much different than in Europe for bio PhDs.

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If you dont think avoiding like, half a million dollars in debt is a lucky escape, you are a fucking moron.

So change your career path. theres complete retards who work in business side of these organizations

Happened once our twice.

Half a million in debt? How retarded are you? Why would you go into a PhD program that's not giving you funding

What about quantity over quality? Apply to every technical position at every place that looks for a math foundation in applicants. Most financial analysts have degrees in EE/ME. You can even apply for smaller, less prestigious bank positions. It's obvious you have the brain to learn on the job.

OP here. It is indeed very unlikely that you have to pay for a PhD position.

Theres a story about some I think physics PhD student that murdered his advisor with a hammer because he fucked him over and was just perpetually using him for cheap work

Hey! I have a BS and MS in Mech Engineering from a top 5 uni.
Was doing okay until my spine became kill and i have a bunch of neurological disorders. Would like to work, but i know it would never last since i never have any clue how bad the pain will be any day.

OP here. I spent most of my PhD and postdoc analysis large genomic datasets. So I was hoping I could get a data science gig. But again, no success. In fact, many people prefer mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, physicists and engineers for computational work in biology.

Also, don't forget that EEs/MEs have a significantly better mathematical education compared to biologists.

Ever shit yourself in front of a hot chick?

How about a pivot to management? Leave the field, become the world's most qualified Target Manager. Depending on the area you can hit 6 figures a year. It's not prestigious, but at least you'd move on.

so what work do you do for money, retail?

Yes. I work in a supermarket.

I have a Master degree in Osteoarchaeology and now I work a shit job sifting dust for bone fragments in a dank basement lab. Not exactly what I had in mind during college.
But, thanks to OP, I now have reasons to be happier with my life.

what position?

if it makes you feel any better, im 35, only AA in engineering, and same retail - supermarket manager ~$12/hr


No, I didn't

Never change Yea Forums

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Ever considered opening a quackery shop? Selling voodoo or healing crystals or some other type of bullshit?

Those bastards make DOUGH, and you could hang your degrees up on the wall to convince the suckers that you're legit.

Wtf is an AA in engineering? Arent those basically vocational degrees where you're supposed to get a specific job?

associates of arts, aka 2 year degree, what leads to a bachelors

an AS associate of science are more what you are thinking

its just no one really talks about or brags about an AA degree, a bachelors is considered the standard degree

I'm a 36 year old virgin. As socially awkward as human possible. Do you really think I could pull quackery scheme which usually completely relies on charisma?

I know what an AA degree is but I've never heard of one in engineering. The "engineering" degrees that community colleges offer are usually very specific skilled labor jobs where you're working in manufacturing plants or something

Have you ever actually been to one of those places? They're just as autistic as the rest of us.

You just need a little practice. Honestly, I'd help you out with that if I could. I'm all for ripping off gullible losers. If they have that kinda spare cash, and they fall for obvious scams, they don't deserve it.


ever get a hard-on thinking about shitting yourself in front of a hot chick?

Do your diabetus tablets make u feel shitty?

A PhD is usually funded. What kind of retarded nigger private school are you going to completely unaided where bachelors and masters costs half a million dollars?


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Ever hired a hooker?

yea well you know the rules kys by posting pictures of your self

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