Yea Forums must change

Yea Forums must change.
Hiro must be fired.
It is time for this site to change and return to it's roots, before it was bombarded by horny normalfaggots.

Yea Forums was good. Yea Forums is a pillar of internet culture, but it has been vandalized by idiots who think they know this site, but in reality, they don't. Yea Forums is just like any other site, and it's completely different at the same time.

It's about time that we make a change.


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Other urls found in this thread:

All they need to do in enforce the age rule and purge every shitty racist 12-year old.

Oldfag here. I'm all for it, but I think it's futile. The horny zoomers, fags and SJWs outnumber true Yea Forumstards.

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>Hiro must be fired
Retard, he bought it off moot
moot kinda did a good thing cause he was under constant threat from the feds and even tho he was true to himself for the longest time by not putting any ads and monetarizing the site, he did take alot of bullets for us
Still cannot believe all the hate he got from here aswell
Hiroshimoot just fucked this place even more badly than it already was

The only way out is to start anew
There needs to be a new chan, with real mods who actually do their jobs and a code of ethics
But this will never happen as nobody will work for free and who knows what could happen down the road that would garner attention from all the types of faggots ruining this place

It’s over, the glory days are over

We did it. Racism is no more.

Snacks is more than happy to be doing his own shit, if you would’ve checked
m00t probably didn’t realize how much legal shit would hit the site after going mainstream. Naturally anyone would bail and take the paycheck
Hiro just collects ad revenue and let’s this corpse slowly decay

Move on

Yea Forums was never good faggot but it was fun always fun and for the lulz. The pron is not the problem, the amount of it is though. The real problem with Yea Forums is it’s become super cereal there is no fun allowed since gamergate and trumptards got here this place has just lost its fun. We need to bring back the fun and lulz

Learn castilian and go to wired-7

Would you believe me if I told you they weren’t 12?

>a code of ethics


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Yea Forums allows spam, fellow old man

newfag since 2011 or by the chart a cancer
Mods need to work their job properly. Here we have too many kids from other social networks like fb, ig, faggeddit, etc who are trying to be cool. This is really hard for me to write but i know exactly where are we fucked up totally. I hate to be a sergeant buzzkill but this is what happened.
pic related

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Are you blind faggot?

I'm mexican and Hispachan is x99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 better than this, even with a fuckload of pedos in there.

People have been calling each others nigger on here since the beginning
Kinda akin to how everyone calls each other faggots on here aswell
I’m not racist but i’m slowly becoming biased because of the amount of bullshit i’ve experienced first hand in real life and how generally speaking fucking muslims fleeing their country aren’t half assed to fucking integrate themselves in their new environment but to impose their shitty culture and rules upon us
The governments are enabling this bullshit and it seems almost premeditated cause everytime shit hits the fan, people’s opinions are being molded by the mainstream media into acceptance of these fucking savages fucking shit up here when their excuse for leaving their ass backwards country was to have better life conditions
Yet, they come here and act like the land belongs to them
Fuck them

By that i meant none of the faggot ass shit that’s plaguing this place ya fucking dunce

>moot being banned

I just reported a spammer and he got banned. He might evade it, but mods on here definitely take down spamming if people actually report it properly instead of just screaming MODS in their post.

Let’s go. How to fix Yea Forums

>contain celebs/ecelebs in a board
>/pol/ shit in /pol/
>mods doing their job (banning spam, avatarfags)
>bring back IDs, fuck you samefags
>bring back silly wordfilters for retarded fotm buzzwords
>bring back Fortunes

Disregard that I suck cocks
>delete the board

I reported a spammer earlier and nothing happened
Please show me the post of said fag that got banned
Not that I don’t believe you but i find it hard to believe

>>bring back IDs, fuck you samefags
I can’t believe it’s been 6 years since moot fucking removed IDs for seemingly no reasons
Also, i miss heaven
He could be such a fucking faggot at times but holy shit was he fun to have around

He was spamming those gay thumbnails for a while. As soon as I reported it, he stopped. Might have been a coincidence, though.


you didn't know about this, well that is our bitter truth that happened in the 2012 and everyone was informed

No ban notice, mind you. But mods rarely do that anymore.


What are you trying to say?


Ah shit, just realized the image limit capped out. Nevermind. Mods are probably fags after all

suck on a nuclear donger powerwhore.

Fight spam with spam, that's what I have been doing for the last two hours

Make a/b/erica great again


>contain social media/revenge porn in a board

That faggot has paid hiroshimoot to be able to spam this all the time, it’s a known fact
Besides, anytime somebody gets the banhammer, it’s usually written in red bold letters underneath the post
I came back in December of that year
I’ve been here since 2008 tho

The only way to fix Yea Forums or Yea Forums is to prevent phonefags from accessing Yea Forums BOOM half the problems solved.

As for those button to report. I was doing that shit before 4 or 5 years ago. Reporting every underage users, gays, traps, literally any degenerate shit. What happened to me is that someone was set me up with (fake id, fake ip) then i was accused for posting cheese pizza and got a permaban. After that i've never reported anyone.

all they need to do is turn off autonoko.

Yea Forums needs to return to its roots

>user was banned for this post

Nah, that's totally optional, and very rare these days. Mods only do it when they want to be funny or make a point.

What is that going to accomplish?
I’m posting from a phone atm cause i’m trying to minimize my time being sat on a chair because i’ve had issues with my hips
Sitting too much shorten your hip flexors, weaken your glutes and quads over time
Not to mention the lower back problems and angling your neck too much forward
So kindly go fuck yourself, i’m not going to put my health at stake because of a retard hating on “phone posters”

OP here, even though I phonepost a lot, I agree with this statement.

Phone posters conform the majority of Yea Forums and /pol/ users since 2014

No one lurks moar anymoar

What year is it???


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Then how do you know if an user got b&?
Who got banned lately that hasn’t got the
I saw it for the last time a couple of months ago

There isn't enough manpower, especially willing. Most Yea Forumstards are apathetic and just filter/hide. I occasionally gore bomb cancer but they just keep going. It's not a deterrent to them.

Reporting is futile.

Even when someone is clearly breaking the rules and fagging up the board, the mods just don't give a fuck and the reporter gets warned/banned instead.

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does anyone of you have some suggestions what can we do about it? every time i got here to have some good time it seems to me that it is all the same shit but different day.
these two anons are giving us a great advice, but this would be fixed if mods are working properly. What can we as a culture do about that issue is the main question?

Right, so what is your point again?
Phone posters or not, faggots come in whether you like it or not
Really a shitty argument

What’s the point of lurking when theres no rules to understand anymore. Faggots aren’t even consequent with Tits or GTFO. This allows /soc/ to bleed in for example.

It’s 2045 - 26

Ok, I'll admit. I am against it, but not totally

I always fucking laugh my ass off
Keep doing it

7chan used this boards engine for some time before using an alternate one. Used to mod for both versions. In this one you can select weather to show the default ban text, a custom ban text or no ban text at all. Also you can either silent ban or ban and remove all posts from this IP

Start a new chan
Have the owner/mods enforce rules like they should
That’s it
This place is done

Yeah, mostly celeb/circlejerk threads. Those faggots are cancer of the highest order.

>code of ethics
I can already see how this goes
>numoot makes 69chan
>makes code of ethics with reasonable standards
>69chan becomes known as last bastion of free speech
>gets thousands of threads per day
>nomoot needs mods and jannies to keep the site free on log/bananaposters
>one mod is closet faggot
>changes code of ethics
>"you can't use nigger or hurt people's feelings"
>69chan becomes new tumblr
>oldfags make new website
>same process, different chan

Phonefags are mostly underage, use this site as a porn website an make low effort posts. B-but i'm not like those other phonefags good for you you're not the majority. If you can't sit in front of your pc for a few minuets exercise fat ass.

Buy the site from Hiro. Fix it ourselves. The lazy Jap won’t do it

Ugh, it just removes the whole fun behind seeing some retard getting pwned for everyone to see

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Does anyone know a price for this site?

Most of the time, you don't. I've gotten bans before, and none of those posts got the notification. Maybe it's only for permabans, but from what I've heard, it's an optional thing.

That’s not what i meant by code of ethics you double nigger
I meant to enforce rules such as
>no log posters
>no underage fags
>no trap threads
>no cuck threads
>no (insert cancer ruining the board)
Is that too hard for your shitty brain to fucking compute?

With this amount of traffic, considering the data center costs, you’d be in a 5 digit area minimum

I am Hurrty Durrty, and I will go to battle against these cretins, charging in alone if I have to. Remember me.

I’m skinny and fit you fucking dumbass
I just want to minimize any musculoskeletal issues
Stop being retarded on purpose you dumb shit

well then i've got an idea. all of us must unite to fight with this issue. if any one is really interested to save this place we need to open one account for donatons to buy this site. NOW WHO IS WITH ME, I KNOW THAT WE CAN DO THIS

How do we know you will not pocket the money? I mean, it's a noble proposal, but still.

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It won’t happen
Best case scenario is either to start a new chan or to migrate to one on the deepweb
Besides, you really want to pay for Hiroshimoot to give you the keys to this shithole, then have to constantly pay monthly to keep it running?
How are you going to do this?
Do you have the knowledge to help you take care of all that it implies?
This is a pipedream man, just let go already

>missing the point
You remember what's happening to Linux? The same exact shit will happen

just because youve been on this website for a year doesn’t make you not a newfag

What happened to Linux?

I know, but I honestly just want a place on the internet where I can talk with other people anonnymously

No i don’t, please enlighten me and elaborate on how it’s relevant in any ways to the issue this thread is about

both of you are right. if no one can believe me i will post my actual mail address so that any one could contact me.On another thought
>Best case scenario is either to start a new chan or to migrate to one on the deepweb
it is hard to maintain this site i'm aware of that, but i'll not give up that easy no matter what.I don't know but maybe it will happened in the next 3 years you'll know when that day would be

Its dead. I posted the same thread at the,same time here and on another chan today. Here i got grunts, retarded replys, etc. The other I got actually conversation and a stormfag attempting fo hijack my thread, everyone making fun of him. This place is only good for oc porn, rekt, ylyl, and watching idiots hero livestream.

Just spam propaganda and something will come out of it

There’s like 2 threads atm in the catalog speaking of this issue
It happened several times this year and it usually goes like the following
>faggot starts thread
>gives hitler speech
>people are so pumped up and claim to carry said plan implemented in the thread
>a day goes by
>nothing happens
Talk is cheap, until i see tangible results, this is only going to be a thread among others that will eventually get deleted and sent to the archives
Deal with it, this place is dead

Sjws are making a code of conduct making everyone become politically correct on Linux


I'm not gonna rest until my fight gives me the fruits of victory.

Yeah, that's a pretty retarded thing to say, but I am decided.

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Seriously tho, i really want to fucking obliterate some goddamn SJWs
They really fucking suck the fun out of everything and turning everyone into a bunch of fucking overly emotional faggot bitch
I fucking hate this gay ass population

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>Deal with it, this place is dead
How? i have really enjoyable memories of this place and you know and i know that we have developed some sort of sentimental connection thru years on and for this site. i'm totally agreed with your statement that talk is cheap. i don't know about anyone else, but i will not give up that easy. only yesterday i lurked for 14 or 15 different chan sites, do you know what happened? every other site have a very low traffic. when someone is trying to make a conversation you need to wait for about one our to read a reply from someone else. every other chan site is almost dead


This place will never ever improve until Hiro is removed and replaced by an owner who actually gives a shit (will never happen), and RapeApe and his cronies get the boot (ditto).

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Yeah but look at it from this angle
>Yea Forums used to be akin to a local business
>both employees and customers were tight with each others which made customers become daily regulars
>some major events gathered a bit more clientele
>shit isn’t bad but the new clientele is starting to change the friendly family vibe that was once naturally there
>word of mouth brought more different clienteles over time
>eventually more events gather more attention to the local business
>new customers have really over taken the place and now it’s really noisy and the fun is just not the same but it’s still enjoyable from time to time
>over time, shit starts happening
>the owner almost closes shop a few time but fought to have it running still
>customers almost get owner in several legal trouble which the owner works his way around it
>customers keeps coming and they start talking shit about the owner all the time despite still going daily to his business and act like a bunch of self entitled pieces of shit
>eventually more events start gathering even more clients that has nothing to do with the core values behind the business
>owner gets tired and ends up selling
>new owner fuck it even more up and shit has just became exponentially worse then it was
Then here we are, at the same table, having a coffee, trying to discuss like mature adults among the noisy immature fucktards flinging shit left and right
You as a customer have 2 choice
>shut the fuck up and keep coming back because muh nostalgia
>go elsewhere
And i’ll even add an optional choice
>start your own business and try to gather the kind of clientele that once made your past hangout place of choice good

I tried googling it, all I got were lame jokes. Mind linking to something showing what you're talking about? Or explaining what you mean?

Nigger spotted. And you are the real racist against white people. Fuck off and die

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Just google "sjws ruin Linux" or "Linux sjw code of conduct"

heaven? Yeah I’ve had run ins with him too, that fucking nigger

>clientele that once made your past hangout place of choice good
this one is the hardest thing to do, thank you very much for your supported statement and solution for this (oh man my heart will break to write this words) shitstorm site nowadays.

i'm usually of the spirit that Yea Forums was never good

but free speech, freedom of thought and diversity of thought was what made this place good. this polarized mainstreeam shit spigot was never what Yea Forums was. it feels this way because there are paid armies of trolls and AI is good enough to make us think replies are real. this killed the internet

AI and paid armies out pissed us in our own ocean of piss. it was dead around gamer gate, when moot was in power still, but he sold out and works for jewgle.

I bet he’s fucking turning in his goddamn grave laughing at how wack shit is on here


As with most SJW tactics, it backfired almost immediately. Will they ever learn?

Granted, but hey
Anything is possible
Gotta start somewhere
So much this

Also, thanks for the link.

>Anything is possible

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This sadly

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it was shit yesterday
it is shit today
and it will be shit tomorrow
but it's our shit

I lurked for over a year because of fear of hackers, viruses and Anonymous still being able to deliver.
Now there is no fear keeping normalfags away. Most Normalfags here aren't even scriptfags.

The fucked up shit on Yea Forums would keep normalfags at bay.
Normalfags call the shit we used to make fun of 10 years ago, they now call it cringe. The shit we used to fap to in roll threads, moralfags try to use to derail threads.

Normalfags think Rule34 is porn. They don't even know what the rules of the internet are.

Yea Forums was taken over by kekfags from Yea Forums, /r9k/ and other boards and we let it happen.

Yea Forums will never be what it was but we are all still here.

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We can make it better.

>45 unique IPs all complaining about the current state of Yea Forums
>0 threads made by them
This is why Yea Forums is shit.

Bullshit! /b will rise again!

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The homos are cancer, too.

OP here, I made 6 threads including this lne and actively participated in the thread that saw the birth of the Re/b/ellion. I don't see people doing they're part

just go to nanochan faggot. its free from newfags cause its an onion site, which scares away a lot of the people who normally shit up Yea Forums. not giving link though, cause fuck you.

>the fucked up shit would keep normalfags at bay

Not anymore, people aren't as sensitive as they used to be. Everyone's at least seen an ISIS video. It's not so much that Yea Forums has been changed, it's more that Yea Forumstards spread out into the normie-web and normalized a lot of the shit that used to be a no-go. Then they ventured on here, but without that fear and respect that you mentioned.

That was my point. 10-15 years ago it did. The shit you see here now you can see on leddit everyday. what's the difference?

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let's make a one deal. we will start to make our own threads every time when somebody have a free time to spend. I have only one question, when would be our first time in this week to start this evolution of the Yea Forums. my suggestion is lets start on this beautiful sunday 'cause i think that we're all free on that day

the logposters are oldfags, you dumb cunt.
they're original memes that cant be stolen by other websites, same with the YLYL banana and 60's spiderman.
shit's either gross or copyright so plebbit, 9fag, iFunny etc wont steal them.

I am on vacation, so I will be regularly posting said threads

there's only so much you can do against the IG/FB/CSGO/WWYD/LEFTRIGHT/ASIAN/FAP/DUDE I TOTALLY KNOW THE CHICK ON THE LEFT threads that hit 150 post bump limit every hour before they're remade.
Mods need to do their actual fucking jobs and ban that shit to /soc/, which is the entire fucking reason /soc/ was made in the first place.

I know, I was agreeing. Just adding that it was Yea Forums that went out and made those things less intimidating by spreading them around.

Breaking rules 1 and 2 also played a big role. They were at the top for a reason.

I have turned in to a phonefag in the last couple of years and I support this, we truly are the cancer that killed this place.

I phonepost. Am I a worthless faggot nigger?


t. fat neckbearded desktop poster

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>t. logposter

nigger, do you even know what site this is?
You, you're the cancer you retard.

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>says nigger to appear like le ebin hacker known as Yea Forums
>proceeds to sound underage b&
There's a reason summer is the worst time of year

Based neckbeard and desktoppilled. The spirt of us all.

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>saying nigger makes you a hacker.
Man you really have to step your bait game up. you keep mentioning age even though I don't though. you should project more lmao

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Trips of truth, checked.
Guess he's underaged then

Will Snacks get rid of all the Trumptards and Alt-Right fuck heads? I miss when Yea Forums was good. Now it's just a circle jerk of angry incels that blame women and other races for all of their failures.

Join operation RE/B/ELLION fight the porn threads

What we really need is to make Yea Forums newfag bootcamp once again. Most newfags come in through /pol/ or Yea Forums and it's brought nothing but ruin upon this site.


I hope he gets rid of pol and leftypol

There's also way too many bitch-made leftist SJWs. I'd be okay with banishing them all to /pol/.

But to answer your question, no, snacks would probably end up clearing out more leftists than righties.

Should we get Yea Forums passes?

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enjoy your b&

If moot were still here I'd consider saying yes.

What you need to do is make shitposting threads that promote humor not political divide make green text threads again weird porn not the stuff you'd save when you see a shit thread derail it into a win that old mentality of for the lulz embrace your inner autistic again Yea Forumsros

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At this point, our only saving grace is schizoposting

aaaaahhh all the new friends.
2017 must have been really exciting being your first time on Yea Forums
You're talking about the same site that started the 'the pool has aids because there's niggers in it' pools closed prank as shown up here.So where'd you come from new friend? le reddit? I hear they have the mostest le EPIC meh meh's XDDXDDxddddD!!1

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Hiro can't be fired:
he owns Yea Forums - lock stock and barrel.
He can dismiss, or ban, anyone who he wants to get rid of and there is nothing you can do to stop him.

Also [ re your pic related ] :
> "Snacks" ;
was, is and always will be, a total cunt of the highest order and moot
(may he rest in peace)
should have got rid of him much sooner than he actually did.

Live with it or gtfo.

>Snacks was a good guy
Get the fuck out of here newfag, he banned everyone but those with cheese pizza and was a massive insufferable twat
>h-he kept cancer away
Dude fucked a whale.

> "... and was a massive insufferable twat ..." ;
I wouldn't have said he was that nice.

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Use the power of bots and autism. If mods allow bots, use 'em.


ebin...the reditars ruin ....

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>Make /b Great Again!

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Checked and witnessed trips of truth.

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thank :DD

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Lets get this bad boy media influencer on our side boys

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I ve been banned for a post like this you know


Fuck that guy. He tries to shit on other YouTubers constantly, but he's the worst. Like he mocks reaction channels, but that's basically what his channel is. Autists watching him laugh at memes. And he has such normie reactions to everything.

I would like to but...

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Double Eights of Truth and Justice.

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You want to go to the old Yea Forums go to /B2 faggot like a more concentrated b

ngl i miss moot

You must have faith in the power we are harnessing here. Believe!

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Daily reminder to derail porn threads with Jesus

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Also: Chek'd

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so asking for censorship? Hello fellow goyims meme


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Checked n Amen

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Checked, agreed, and Amen.

No thank you for rolling such pretty repetitive numerals user.

the postings on /b of late shows the true nature of the people of the internet these days.

as much as the postings sucks. It truly reflects the nature of the people of the internet.

Everything is good.

except that the people of the internet sucks.

Free Breivik

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another bump for anti-porn thread

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The intelligence level has dropped precipitously since the glory days of Yea Forums. Repetition has slowly replaced OC and that's not going to change due to the restrictions that lower intellect invariably brings. Nothing can change this.

I loathe to agree with you (but I do) so I’m going to say it’s more the Exp level of some of the posters because they are so young.




Why should Breivik be freed? He's a four star asshole.

>Op: internal review
First and foremost no outside influences, this is a Yea Forums problem and it needs to be fixed internally. At one time we were the police of the interwebs and the final boss. We need to get that back and it starts with Yea Forums. We also need to bring the fun back to this place it’s has become to super cereal.

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5th 1 I've seen

That man on the right has nice boobies

>He has the pc version saved
What are you afraid your waifu is going to see the naughty image

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Sorry user I forgot about that at one, will use it from now on. Also my waifu would post the non pc version so I’m cool if she sees it.

Every attempt at 'fixing' Yea Forums has failed. Honestly it's not just Yea Forums, Yea Forums as a whole is rotten to the core and it's unlikely to change in the future. Moderation is corrupt and Hiro will never step in to address that issue, oldfags and quality contributors are completely outnumbered by newfags/normalfags who completely disregard site culture and just dump whatever shit they want to everywhere. Best course of action at this point is to immigrate to smaller chans and become a hardcore gatekeeper so that they don't suffer the same fate as Yea Forums.

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>Yea Forums was good.

maximum newfag detected

But, you don't think there's at least one glimmer of hope out there?

>believing Yea Forums was never good.

>he was true to himself for the longest time by not putting any ads and monetarizing the site

Honestly? No. Too few people have the will to return this place to its glory days, and the simple fact that moderation will sabotage any attempt makes it almost impossible.

How do you fire the owner?



give the traps their own fucking board, for fucks sake

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It's because your rebellion is stupid. Instead of spamming the catalog with empty threads that will die in minutes you have to spam the popular porn threads that get a lot of replies. Spam them until the regulars don't want to make a new one. This tactic has worked for Yea Forums and /wsg/ in the past.

Amen :3

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Attached: 3421507167.jpg (2112x1614, 142K)

eat shit fag

Attached: 1412_08_u18chan.jpg (579x927, 317K)

imagine being an adult with imaginary friends and not realizing how literally schozophrenic you appear to functioning minds.

You’re referring to infinitychan by ‘new chan’. But nobody gives a fuck. The entire image board genre is nothing but a phantom of the past and will always be cancer because the userbase itself is cancerous.

it's called /hm/ they refuse to use it because stubbornly they believe traps aren't gay

Attached: 16748968964467258653.jpg (1522x1100, 512K)

................NINJA TURTLE SAYS
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I got banned and didn't have that red text. Most people don't. As that other user said, mods usually don't use that text



If you're not making threads make sure to fill up the image limit with bananas logs spider man gore DESU anything.
These are all the ones with activity make sure not wast time with new threads or dead threads.

first, hiroyuki came after the posters who didn't block ads, and i didn't speak up because i'm not an adfag

then, hiroyuki came after the posters who posted from their phones, and I didn't speak up because I'm not a phonefag

then, hiroyuki came after the posters who didn't have Yea Forums passes, and I didn't speak up because I'm a passfag

then, hiroyuki came after me, and there was no one left so speak up for me.

he slid his jewpanese cock deep into my rectum
and let out orgasmic yells as he thrust into my bum,
he groped me and fucked me and bounced me on his lap
from deep in his throat he groaned, "YAP, YAP, OH YAP!"

When he finally let me go, I looked around to see nobody.

no passfags, no phonefags, no adfags, no normies
no Yea Forumstards, no /pol/acks, no Yea Forumstants, no /soc/ whories
no [s4s]quatches, dumb frog posters or the 3 people on y/u/ri
and then he returned, he had "something" for me

one ad! two ads! three ads! oh my!
he piled the ads up high to my eyes!
he bent me over, an ad between my thighs,
"There's new singles in your area," now kiss Yea Forums goodbye


Open a discord server for the peration op

operation* fug