We need to make Yea Forums great again I'm getting sick of seeing most of Yea Forums be porn posts and I know people...

We need to make Yea Forums great again I'm getting sick of seeing most of Yea Forums be porn posts and I know people enjoy it but there are barely tard posts here so make Yea Forums great again my fellow anons

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Other urls found in this thread:




Just filter the word "thread" you fucking nigger

We need a plan most of this newfafs dont even know who is Tacgnol and thats fucking lame

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Would you enjoy swallowing my huge dick, or we gonna do this the rough way?

I agree. Althogh /pol/tards helped ruin this site, I never thought that Trump Pepe would be so symbolic on this site after the elections

lets get rid of this shit

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>donald trump pepe
>make america great again
Kike confirmed.

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We must plan out how to fix Yea Forums any ideas fellow anons?

if you want to improve Yea Forums you can start by fucking off back to /pol/

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who are these people again
oh, right

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Alright guys imma come up with a game plan to do this
1st. We must try to start our uprising in the land to fix the land of us lads who just wanna live with no rules we must do 1 thing
we must find a place for the porn elsewhere to go
we could do this by making another board but we could also do something much easier, we could flood it elsewhere to another website
but what website
that shall be for us to decide right now
2nd. once we find our target website to get rid of the porn in, we must raid it and post more pictures of porn
soon after our attacks we must make the website nothing but porn. so we must sadly do something that i would consider the downfall of Yea Forums, we must spam porn on it. thats what the tumblr thots or should i say dipshits did to us in Yea Forums, i never saw a greentext, and i hate to see it last, but we must do this
3rd. We must increace the appeal of that website and make Yea Forums look less apealing for porn
once we do that we will have succsessfully fix Yea Forums

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And what does this have to do with Yea Forums? Even as shitposting?

Brutality spamming porn posts

> we
> you go and make Yea Forums great again

Most of this faggots dont know who is the IRL Jason Voorhes

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Hey guys, this sounds stupid, but what if we make Yea Forums appeal to outcasts who are actually nice people?

i have vietnam like flashbacks going on Yea Forums for my first time to get what i expected to be some greentexts
but when i looked it was porn everywhere
i hated it, i tried making a post like this but it wasnt working
thats why the plan is so contrivetial to me
but i will name my plan
Yea Forumscome Yea Forumsetter

HELL NO im not letting the normies on the website, just us virgins

>sick of seeing porn
>on Yea Forums
awh hello summer friend

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We are the re/b/ellion

Yeah, we are fixing A SEVEN YEAR OLD PROBLEM, you idiot

Fuck the normies

Yeah, all the porn is normies

We already have another boads
/gif/ etc etc
Its the mods the ones who dont wanna fix this
We must make the mods ban almost all porn threads on Yea Forums because we are just a farm of money for the faggots
Lets spam BAN PORN FROM Yea Forums with pic related everywhere

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i mean i dont care if i see some porn, there is no rules, but only porn is what gets me in such a shitty atditude
Yea Forums as i want it to be
should be mainly shitposting, and not what i see as porn


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curb your autism

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You are not fixing anything, actually.

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I'm thinking that we should make a shit load of bot accounts on Twitter and make hastag called #make Yea Forums great again

The fucking ads are porn.
Mods want this board dead.

I am severely samefagging, but I am happy that people have finally get tired of Yea Forums porn as much as I did.

I first should say that we must force the Adult boards to allow EVERYTHING. That's a very good solution to the problem.

we should brainstorm a new 'hoax' like pic related

i was thinking something that 'lefties' really like so we can watch them struggle with having to throw a fit and something their hedonistic lifestyles require

Attached: ok-hand-4chan-troll-684.jpg (684x335, 66K)

Yeah basically 7/10 threads are porn and the others are nonsense bullshit not even shitpost just people posting their faces or bots

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tried making a tard post earlier on this board
shit got the delete
not like some of us ain't trying

Hey, I know this is Yea Forums, but how about we do it the other way and troll the right?

if you dont know already this is my plan

Alright guys imma come up with a game plan to do this
1st. We must try to start our uprising in the land to fix the land of us lads who just wanna live with no rules we must do 1 thing
we must find a place for the porn elsewhere to go
we could do this by making another board but we could also do something much easier, we could flood it elsewhere to another website
but what website
that shall be for us to decide right now
2nd. once we find our target website to get rid of the porn in, we must raid it and post more pictures of porn
soon after our attacks we must make the website nothing but porn. so we must sadly do something that i would consider the downfall of Yea Forums, we must spam porn on it. thats what the tumblr thots or should i say dipshits did to us in Yea Forums, i never saw a greentext, and i hate to see it last, but we must do this
3rd. We must increace the appeal of that website and make Yea Forums look less apealing for porn
once we do that we will have succsessfully fix Yea Forums

but you could also do a vietcong style rebellion where we do this

1st we start protesting for admins to make Yea Forums only shitposting and nothing else
2nd admins deny this saying that Yea Forums is a rule free website
and soon we would start to make a rebellion
3rd start spamming the website with our propaganda, maybe even get a twitter hashtag trending, and soon mods would appeal
4th our victory day
the problem with this is that its going to be much harder to preform, but also easy in another sense, it could help but it could not
both are appealing ideas tho

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but the first idea would require more men, and maybe even meme war veterans
lets decide
Yea Forumsecome Yea Forumsetter
or Re/b/ellion

The irony is that Yea Forums is LeftWing
Also its fucking lame the mods banned a man who killed a pedophile and hidded his boddy in (pic related) then the mods banned him and deleted the thread REEEEEEE FUCK THE MODS

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you're a stupid shit if you think a political agenda could possibly play any part in "fixing" Yea Forums

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okay idgaf what do you suggest tho?

also i only say lefties because they are the ones always overreacting

>meme war veterans

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I say Re/b/ellion
The mods must fix this

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Because the left cry louder


if you dont want to try and fix Yea Forums than fuck off, or watch, i cant do anything about your say its Yea Forums
but still lets try to get people in this thread who mainly agree with us


i dont give a shit about the state of Yea Forums

i crave only chaos


That's the thing tho, it would be easier on the left, but it would spread the /pol/ cancer. Trolling the right might give a jab to the cancer but the cancer might strike back.


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The left is a literal Viking horn if something happens

so edgy

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If Yea Forums allows shitposting, if we constantly spam our propaganda within periods of an hour, we could make something

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Spam this shit on Yea Forums and /r9k/

samefagging but what about kissing

just make kissing a patriarchy thing, i dont think it would be hard isnt there a historical origin to it that involved not letting women drink?

ok then
lets post our plan over and over again

if you dont know already this is my plan

Alright guys imma come up with a game plan to do this
1st. We must try to start our uprising in the land to fix the land of us lads who just wanna live with no rules we must do 1 thing
we must find a place for the porn elsewhere to go
we could do this by making another board but we could also do something much easier, we could flood it elsewhere to another website
but what website
that shall be for us to decide right now
2nd. once we find our target website to get rid of the porn in, we must raid it and post more pictures of porn
soon after our attacks we must make the website nothing but porn. so we must sadly do something that i would consider the downfall of Yea Forums, we must spam porn on it. thats what the tumblr thots or should i say dipshits did to us in Yea Forums, i never saw a greentext, and i hate to see it last, but we must do this
3rd. We must increace the appeal of that website and make Yea Forums look less apealing for porn
once we do that we will have succsessfully fix Yea Forums

but you could also do a vietcong style rebellion where we do this

1st we start protesting for admins to make Yea Forums only shitposting and nothing else
2nd admins deny this saying that Yea Forums is a rule free website
and soon we would start to make a rebellion
3rd start spamming the website with our propaganda, maybe even get a twitter hashtag trending, and soon mods would appeal
4th our victory day
the problem with this is that its going to be much harder to preform, but also easy in another sense, it could help but it could not
both are appealing ideas tho
but the first idea would require more men, and maybe even meme war veterans
lets decide
Yea Forumsecome Yea Forumsetter
or Re/b/ellion

turn this into fix Yea Forums propaganda


yes please, i came here from ifunny wanting to find more greentext stories, but only found porn

OP should make a discord

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By removing /pol/ from Yea Forums. Might I suggest butt chugging bleach/

>let's flood out all of the shitty posts with even shittier posts

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And if we DOX the porn threads creators
Post their shit and pictures of their thread and post them on instagram/facebook/twitter saying "OMG look a this people masturbating with pics WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE PERSON, they even post pics of underage girls and talk about rape" if we do this the leftwing of any social media will IRL Banhammer the creator of those posts and people wont post more porn on Yea Forums with the fear of being killed/end in prision IRL
Easy plan and we just need to send the info to famous lefttards so they post it and send an Horde of left niggers to clean Yea Forums
And then we fucking kickout the soft normies from Yea Forums with necrosis threads and other nasty shit

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from ifunny
i funny is filled with normies and i wont TOLERATE NORMIE

Nigga, you just got the best fucking plan ever

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Yes, YES!


You are making it overcomplicated because you're stupid thats not gonna work because we arent famous and noone is gonna give a shit if we say "Yea Forums is a good place"

This lad is a GENIUS
i mad the 1st plan
the second was inspired by someone else
but this is plain smart
we can use the gullable media to do our plan for us
801908347 you are our battle strategist

Idk if anyone remembers but it's nearly 5 years since Tumblr declared war on us shall we pause on making Yea Forums great again and prep for a blitzkrieg of fucked up shit on Tumblr or we continue this campaign to make Yea Forums great again

fair point lad
i see what you mean

keep going with making Yea Forums great again
Yea Forums has become greater very fast making actual Shit posts able to be seen but i wanna fix it forever

We won that war, and we could have Tumblr as an ally, but by doing so we are risking them and us

I know
Lets do it isnt complicated because its true
Lets post their info or send it to famous leftwing niggers and they will take care of the problem
Then we take care of the Leftwing with savage gore and praising the faggots from ED/internet killers like pic related

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No one likes pedos, but you’re missing the point of an anonymous website. You’re proposing that we turn this place into facebook.

What pisses me off is that I cannot even post pictures. It says I’m range banned from uploading files here. Apparently some kids with Verizon must have ruined it for my entire fucking area

I'mma head to bed rn my fellow anons talk about battle plans to make Yea Forums great again

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lol sue me

ur the problem

by a landslide the 3rd idea will be put in place
now its just a matter of doing it
if you dont know this is the 3rd plan

And if we DOX the porn threads creators
Post their shit and pictures of their thread and post them on instagram/facebook/twitter saying "OMG look a this people masturbating with pics WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE PERSON, they even post pics of underage girls and talk about rape" if we do this the leftwing of any social media will IRL Banhammer the creator of those posts and people wont post more porn on Yea Forums with the fear of being killed/end in prision IRL
Easy plan and we just need to send the info to famous lefttards so they post it and send an Horde of left niggers to clean Yea Forums
And then we fucking kickout the soft normies from Yea Forums with necrosis threads and other nasty shit

To make this we need a L33T H4X0R or we can even lie about the irformation making everything up, the porntards or leftfags wont know if its true or fake news, and with the pictures of the threads they wont give a shit

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Yes, we must do that. Grab as many evidence and use it wisely

how would you make it apparent that Yea Forums is not all like that

No it wont because we will be doxxing their ass
Just we will know if the shit we post its true or not and leftfags will believe it anyways

now its just a matter of doing it
everyone start doxing the porn thread creators and uploading images of them complaining how they are posting porn without the permission of the people who actually made it, all on bot accounts that will be spammed across widley on twitter, facebook, tumblr, and many, leftist sites
lets do this

lets name our plan
make "Yea Forums great again" as it has been used widely to do this stuff

It doesnt matter if we make Yea Forums look like a pedos/fappers website because it is
We just gotta kick the lefttards later with necrosis shit and shit that is hard yo see
And praise the beloved Internet Killers of ED

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Not your personal army go back to ledeit

literally the least important part of planning something

hey i already have a discord cannel for a rebbellion its discord dot gg/mezZQw

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As the creator of the idea n'3 i'll name the plan re/b/ellion

Got an idea. Don't go too far with the name as it isn't very important.


quads confirm

Put an image to this and spam the threads on Yea Forums that shouldn't be here.

We have to start with Fb/Ig threads first. We need to post some stuff in them and make them go to /s/.

been a garf meme in a while?

Attached: garf.jpg (800x800, 55K)

No discord
We are goin to be callective lonewolfs
So if the admins wont be able to ban us because they wont have any info about us (except for this thread and anyways they cant do shit)
After that just use a good VPN and dox the shit out of the pornfags
Post it on twitter/FB/IG or even send it to the fucking news and we will be fixing it on a easy way

I already made a discord for this a long time ago


You are never gonna get rid of the porn. The only way to exile the porn would be to Yea Forums be full of people not interested in porn. And the only ones who can try to live without porn are those who can actually get laid. That obviously is not going to happen to the Yea Forums permavirgins so you would need normies. So that's the secret to saving Yea Forums, become normies. But ofcourse average user refuses to do that, so the porn is gonna stay. You lot fapped yourselfs into a check mate.

boi come on m8 i already have a bunch of people fighting for the cause and yall should join

this with pics of police.
we gonna clean up this board.

Attached: b police.jpg (225x225, 13K)

discord dot gg/mezZQw

All give some, some give all. F̶a̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶i̶c̶e̶r̶s̶ OLD Yea Forums will never be forgotten.

Attached: b police.jpg (601x640, 60K)

>No discord

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Yea Forums is full of porn thanks to underage zoomerfags who know nothing about this site so they just be horny.

/r9k/ is actually filled with incels and they don't even post porn, they just talk about problems that they can't talk about with another person or anywhere else

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All right if people wanna join then let em join
I'll go and dox em on FB feminist pages

Attached: 300px-Cat_Of_Doom.jpg (300x357, 25K)

You have a choice: Support your P̶o̶l̶i̶c̶e̶ or Support your T̶h̶i̶e̶v̶e̶s̶ LEAVE.

̶P̶e̶a̶c̶e̶ Yea Forums Officers...The Original American Hero

Attached: b police.jpg (295x300, 33K)

How the fuck would that make b better


/r9k/ simply post their porn on other boards like Yea Forums

We're the biggest street gang in America. We're the P̶O̶L̶I̶C̶E̶. Yea Forums

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it would make this more coordinated

Again, Yea Forums is just horny zoomers and spambots.

bad boy bad boy, wuch ya gonna do, wuch ya gonna do when the re/b/ellion comes for u

Attached: bad boys wuch ya gonna doo.jpg (124x186, 5K)

we need to get into trouble again.
anybody got the paypal headquarters admin?

How about we just post unpopular fetish porn and then the zoomers will go to another board.


That would solve the zoomer problem but bring another one. It's not a bad idea to attack spam with spam, but it's risky to post shit that can and will attract other subhumans.

How do you even dox a porn poster?

most of these have been related with zoomers
we must make something new
Yea Forumsan zoomers or
gtfo zoomer scum
something that attacks the zoomers

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How about this
If you fap you will become a gay incel

take a screenshot of what they are posting and post it on social media claiming that they are stealing it from people who dont want that to be seen

Yeah, but there is one flaw with your plan: anonimity

nice, nice indeed

b/b has never been exclusionary.
in the past you just had to prove yourself like an initiation.
too many stupid threads getting bumped.
We need sage back.
anybody got a mod on speed dial?

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That's actually a very good question, but I think the solution is not doxxing the porn poster but find the people portrayed in the picture and notify them to start an FBI campain

that can be fixed, if my studies are correct, all, or at least the most of the people who use this side are concidered, "insecure" they will feel pain even if it doesnt show their name

Attack them personal like gtfo new fag normie virgin

before any of yall leave, this is a disc server with people who also wanna support our cause
i dont own it

Attached: lies matter.jpg (815x1024, 86K)

Yeah, but I've known some kids who have been smart enough to pass as adults. Although those would probably be the last kind of zoomer to post porn on an anonnymous imageboard

they ain't leaving.
fundamental change is needed.
logs are still here despite it all.
only thing that got rid of ponys were mods and their own board.
Trips got deleted through fundamental change.
Either the site changes or we make it dangerous to come here again.

Kids would probably fap rather than post

And you are suppoused to figure out who the poster is irl, how exactley?

The problem is not that they exist but rather that poor management have made /s/ users migrate here. /s/ is so strict it's ridicoulous. The problem would be solved if the mods at /s/ weren't so fucking entitled

Just find out personal information and scare them with that

I've had kids tell me my isp location on omegle.
there an ap for that?

so we need a porn/random thread.


Yea Forums.org/feedback

I guess we do it by the books?

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Pretty much. I would recommend spam a solicitude to create that board on the feedback page.


You can do different shit to like blackmailing them but i would not do that

why dont all of us make a thread on anything right now. Theres a ton of us here, even random images from google. We could drown out the porn threads, have them flushed away and we keep it like hat Yea Forums what intended for. random

You imply that what you suggest is easy.


as i heard someone say

just get the cucks on cnn to buy that they are pedos stealing porn and posting it on the site, that will scare the zoomers and get them off

better than waiting for the mods to do it. Saving Yea Forums isnt easy. No revolution is easy

do this


Umm, no, we are a lot but not enough. We can bump them into oblivion, but for me, it works better if we just spam the same thread with different text and images, but the same core idea.

this is what we should do
and i know it
i shall combine the ideas of many to make a destroying strategy

if we fill their inbox with polite messages maybe they will respond faster???
leave as many suggestions as you want.
If they ignore we will fill their ad inbox.

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lets assume theres at least 10 active people here. They make threads in a short amount of time each and you have 10 porn threads gone. but yeah, lets spam pepes, weird stuff, gore, etc on their porn garbage first. what should we hit first?

Did one

> somebody posts a picture on Yea Forums
> "zomg u guyz!!!!111!1!!1 I now have their address and credit card number"
Is this the legendary hacker 4skin, did you hack the planet?

who is this Yea Forums person?

Remember to be polite.

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Greentexts. Sounds as reddit normalfag shit, but pretty much all of the greentext on YT videos are artificially fabricated on /r9k/. Not to mention most of the unironically good gt readers have moved on from it.

I was

You realize this has basically become a completely ridiculously thread now that your spam has begun? It is no longer random, you’ve made yourself not Yea Forums

Spread the word.
Submit your suggestion.
Be polite.

Attached: desu.jpg (680x522, 64K)

Spam shall be fought with spam

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our renaissance is soon upon us.

Attached: desu.png (600x458, 442K)

Fellas, someone posted this on a re/b/el thread:
>There’s like 2 threads atm in the catalog speaking of this issue
It happened several times this year and it usually goes like the following
>>faggot starts thread
>>gives hitler speech
>>people are so pumped up and claim to carry said plan implemented in the thread
>>a day goes by
>>nothing happens
>Talk is cheap, until i see tangible results, this is only going to be a thread among others that will eventually get deleted and sent to the archives
>Deal with it, this place is dead

Please don't let the re/b/ellion die. This time we will do something.
And changes will prevail.

do you contain politeness?

Attached: desu.png (438x544, 199K)

start spamming all porn threads with pepes and try and derail it.

Two options
1:spam shitpost

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Attached: 5568362010.jpg (1612x1270, 156K)

Derailing never solves the issue
Please porn bot. Go! Do it!

say that pedos are stealing nudes from people who did nothing wrong and without their permission, that might do something b i g

There is no re/b/ellion here.
This will be a demonstration of politeness.

Attached: desu.png (1600x1200, 431K)


bump bump bumpity bump

i dont give a crap about ur anime garbage

Do you know how to use it?

Attached: desu.png (1442x800, 585K)

Anons, apparently you can't have more than 5 active threads at a time. If we want to spam, everyone in this thread must spam their own threads, or we must use our own bots. I'm probably getting banned for this, but using a VPN can get us over that issue?


No u

You can fuck off to /leftypol/

Do you give a .... about the foundation of the building you are living in?

Attached: desu.gif (200x297, 29K)

Also, loli, dick rates, shota

Start here.

Attached: desuu.jpg (600x881, 99K)

Attached: desu.jpg (640x480, 52K)

How do we even use filters? Everyone tells you to, but nobody tells you how

Attached: desu.jpg (200x211, 15K)

crap our re/b/ellion is getting ruined by THESE WEEBS, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

Attached: desu.jpg (804x693, 115K)

There is a loli thread that i want attacked its like the pedos are emuine to b8

Or instead of censoring people be an adult with self control and let the porn threads die on sight retard.

Ah, crap, and this was going into a good direction.

I don't wish to ruin anything.
I just promote politeness.

Attached: desu.jpg (1920x1506, 241K)

Well, that's enough. Don't spam desuvon this thread and instead do it on the board

Attached: desu.jpg (385x429, 46K)

How many people we got doing this?

Attached: desu.jpg (640x480, 56K)

Attached: desu.gif (635x472, 135K)

33 not counting the desu weeaboo

Weebs get off me thread, i would reee but i cant because anger makes you happy, so ill just call you a nigger

all must be polite.

Attached: desu.png (1366x768, 924K)

oh my.

Attached: desu.jpg (474x355, 35K)

Dosen't anger make everyone happy not just weaboos

The only reason why you're even saying this or that you even can say it is because of what I've been doing. At the beginning of the year 100% of the threads were AI bots, mulitple andy sixx log shit threads, multiple celeb threads, multiple FB/INSTA threads, Mulitple "U MAD WHITE BOI" threads

As soon as I started spamming this image in new threads THEY STARTED LEAVING.


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Attached: desu.jpg (720x770, 159K)

THIS IS BIG NEWS,my boi 801805331 u did a good thing

Attached: desu.gif (600x338, 122K)

Attached: 6901207090.jpg (1884x1454, 170K)

It finally happened.
A thread born from the passion of the Re/b/ellion has finally died at the darkest hours of the night.
To fucking weeaboo memes.
This site is probably unsalvageable. Maybe not, maybe yes.
I will not end my fight, and I hope most on this thread will as well keep the battle alive.
The Re/b/ellion shall not die.
The Re/b/ellion shall arise.

>The Re/b/ellion will achieve victory.

Attached: Who's_Afraid_Of_Godzilla_Godzilla_Sits_Alone.jpg (600x754, 128K)

look I'm pikachu :3

Attached: desu.jpg (474x355, 30K)

Make the new Yea Forums then.

Attached: 2154156188.jpg (1014x1670, 116K)

The weeb is b8ing ignore him/her

I do listen to you

shut up with the "desu" shit, niggers

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the battle of Yea Forums
>one day a bunch of newfags begin the idea to end the porn on Yea Forums and reaclaim it for shit posting, older lurkers think they are ruining the culture of Yea Forums
>battle day arrives
>the weebs are on their side and are mass attacking us
the battle of Yea Forums
>one day a bunch of newfags begin the idea to end the porn on Yea Forums and reaclaim it for shit posting, older lurkers think they are ruining the culture of Yea Forums
>battle day arrives
>the weebs are on their side and are mass attacking us
the battle of Yea Forums
>one day a bunch of newfags begin the idea to end the porn on Yea Forums and reaclaim it for shit posting, older lurkers think they are ruining the culture of Yea Forums
>battle day arrives
>the weebs are on their side and are mass attacking us
>get idea
>contact cnn
>get leftist with us
>news pumps out our propaganda
>gullable facebook users buy it
>zoomer leave in fear of getting targeted too

that win

wait fuck i posted it multiple times

Thread is dead


start bumping the random, nazi, or ama threads u guys! We can do it

We shall continue tomorrow. I'm gonna post another thread, that is, if there isn't one posted before


Allright goodbye

Bye user

Well the mods sure aren't. They think I'm just doing this because MUH RACISM.

It fucking works because its true and it targets the source of all the bullshit.


Attached: desu.jpg (800x600, 119K)

You are absolutely fucking right.

thank u user :3

Attached: desu.jpg (900x1271, 259K)


Attached: 89708.jpg (225x350, 49K)

Hey, that’s my post lol


And gay, gey, geey, geeey, geyy, white boy, whiteboi, whiteeboi, whyteboye ad infinitum until you realise that these faggots are just going to spell it differently and you set up filters for nothing.

Face it Yea Forumsoys, this place has been dead for a while and we STILL have nothing better to do.

Desu fills you with determination.

Attached: desu.jpg (1600x1200, 249K)

auf wiederzehn dieses faden

Attached: images.jpg (180x280, 11K)

Pump out some threads



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I'm in faggot

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So, the desufag is gone?

Attached: iwonder.png (200x155, 9K)

bump of ebin....

Attached: novoi.jpg (680x481, 61K)

Some one get m.youtube.com/user/SomeOrdinaryGamers?itct=CCUQ6p4EIhMI07H4zqXZ4gIV_Qe3AB1TWQsv&csn=g1r7XLGpEOaQ3LUPpMm4wAg&wlfg=true on our side he will help!

Attached: 80239FC6-B7C7-428F-9662-71A55BC5C048.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Someone on this thread said we should get Big Man Tyrone. THAT WILL BREAK THEIR SHIT

>build time machine
>go back in time like 12 years
>lurk until you catch up with today





I seen tons of these threads and of course I agree. But we can't fix this problem on our own. The real solution is to make designated boards for the porn overload we have now. Same happened before with the overload of 'rate my dick' treads (/soc/) and ponies (/mlp/). It worked then and It'll work now.

Maybe a board for all fb/ig threads, creep shots, family members etc. /pirl/ PORN IRL or something like that.


>step one - whine to the mods
fuck off, filtering posts is the opposite purpose of Yea Forums

Dude don't dox fellow Yea Forumstards. This is some sjw bullshit.

>t. An IGFBVSCO poster.
Let it be SJW, fucker



Attached: 5foot2.png (1052x1092, 734K)

Agreed, but we need to make it notable. I'm thinking taking this case out of the site. It's risky, but strong


Attached: Flying-England's-flag.jpg (790x449, 21K)


I've had a server for this very purpose for a while. We fought a bit back a couple months ago but need more support for the cause. The original plan was to get rid of the traps but we're open to anything. Get your arses in here. gg/kKyWwB


Make run-on sentences great again!



Attached: 1559065015546.jpg (943x1024, 89K)

spam this in every thread

Literally just use adult gif for porn. Who the fuck jerks off to fucking pictures.

Attached: 56.jpg (720x826, 46K)

We should should someone famous congratulating them on their transition to a different gender, like brie Larson.

You guys do realize that you're destined to lose though.
I mean I admire your autism, but the very fact that people post something for the sake of posting something (like porn) is a much stronger motivator then autistic screeching.
I would enjoy Yea Forums with less porn, but it's not happening.




Only way to make Yea Forums great again is to ban all the trumptards and alt-right.

I think the real way to fix Yea Forums is to embrace the chaos and randomness of reality. Memes, pictures of street, shitposting, erotic thought provoking photos. And stuff making it a real Abstraction of reality.


Go back to reditz faggot


Attached: welcomepeperefugees.jpg (118x125, 2K)

Why is the biggest loli thread still untouched?

Attached: https___www.dailydot.com_wp-content_uploads_2019_04_winnie-the-pooh.jpg (780x390, 44K)

clean your room, bucko



>go on Catalog
>click on Search bar (at tight hand, above all threads)
>write "thread"

Or just Ctrl+F





Imagine being such a fag that you cant stand seeing naked women



Porn out of Yea Forums

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This is the future we will chose

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bumperino XDDDDD

Obvious bait but Yea Forums has the worst porn on this subreddit

Create a re/b/el thread and leave the link here. That way it's easier to bump 'em

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dubz have spoken

Hear hear

If only! Yea Forums has been nothing but trap shite and “mothers gonna die” bollox for too long...where the serial killers, adventure co ordinates and celeb raids we used to enjoy way back!!

I support this notion. Plaz make Yea Forums great again. Ban the insta threads too.


Attached: D0cGjHhU8AEV8YW.jpg (460x573, 34K)

G-guys we are losing. Are y'all sage'ing?

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>porn is cancer
>posts cancerous trump frog