Show me the most fucked up you have

Show me the most fucked up you have.

Attached: 1556148993916s (1).jpg (249x247, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: piggy.jpg (1280x1707, 588K)


Attached: +_d4177c344bfde7aeb51c698d012e4155.jpg (1000x789, 184K)


wow wtf

Attached: 1560047682964.jpg (686x960, 84K)

Attached: 1994325904521.webm (672x374, 1.68M)

Yeah that about does it

>chingchong man

Attached: 1527521552680.jpg (605x606, 76K)

Pic related is OP

Attached: nnwaMxe.jpg (1210x1174, 182K)

Attached: 1559228577568.jpg (630x473, 37K)


dunno. It got dumped in an earlier thread among others.

Attached: 1994325904813.jpg (1895x1043, 384K)

Attached: 1994325904980.jpg (1895x1031, 431K)

Attached: 1994325905018.jpg (1141x1033, 244K)

Attached: 1994325905091.jpg (1891x1041, 414K)

Post all you got then B/ro, i appreciate it



Attached: smcpy.jpg (833x500, 162K)

Attached: damn furries.jpg (1200x645, 82K)

Fuck off with your fucking fag shit you fucking niggers.


Attached: 1994325904761.jpg (2696x1020, 343K)

Attached: download.jpg (281x179, 13K)

Die in 10,000 fires.

Attached: 10.jpg (2736x3648, 1.41M)

Youre quite alright Yea Forumsro, ignore them and keep posting that good shit

Attached: 1558276808594.png (640x480, 498K)

Attached: 1555299418247.jpg (1124x1116, 261K)

Attached: 9948299392.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)

Please stop

>getting worked up over petty shit
Live a more interesting life

Attached: 1994325904708.webm (512x288, 1.98M)


What am I looking at?

Attached: 1528177498687.png (612x770, 342K)

Attached: 1994325905150.jpg (1879x1025, 420K)

I think you be traumatized....


Horseshoe crabs having blood taken. It's used for some medical benefit to humans.

Attached: 1994325906281.jpg (1895x1033, 187K)

Attached: 1994325906325.jpg (1831x1031, 347K)

About to fap on this

Milking horseshoe crabs for their blood for use in testing medicine.

They say that when they're returned to the water they don't die, but turns out a lot of them actually do.

Oh, okay.I could see the crabs, but couldn't make anything else out.

Attached: 1994325906389.jpg (1745x1039, 361K)

yea i know Imgur but w/e

Attached: 1994325906411.jpg (1611x1043, 295K)

last one

Attached: 1994325906570.jpg (1745x1017, 462K)

That was one hell of of a ride, thank you Yea Forumsro for sharing, know you did a good did today.

I spoke too soon, found a couple more

Attached: 1994325906612.jpg (1903x1047, 278K)

Attached: 1994325906645.jpg (1903x1047, 492K)

okay THIS one was the one I had in mind. Last one

Attached: 1994325906712.jpg (1738x1040, 168K)

Attached: Enigma x5538.jpg (960x960, 79K)

Oh hell yea, thank you man. Here, take this one. Hope you like legs

Attached: 20180320_204532.jpg (2560x1536, 1.45M)

we should make a discord for our mutual interest, but it might take a multiple invites through multiple servers for just us to conversate.

is that from gta?

All of these images are, some people like degenerative shit like this, like the cockroaches in pictures pior.

Actually, that's really hot!

What time was the post up? Im going to sift through the moe archive

What's supposed to be going on here?

Look closely at the crotch