Subtle YLYL

Subtle YLYL
This is my OC

Attached: Screenshot_20190610-202033~2.png (1080x1415, 390K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not funny sorry

Honestly not funny but thanks for sharing

They’ll remake it and you’ll watch it

Not the comment, the names, retards.

Have something actually funny user

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why is 'screenshot' funny.


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Attached: EEA7665B-7DA0-4F2E-89FE-E5AA361AB015.jpg (795x960, 117K)

Btw I know none of these are subtle, but thread was trash so I fix it.

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Someone appreciate me!

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Nvm lol

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Attached: 3C8B9A6D-3558-4531-8ABF-E1DE76CE965E.png (851x644, 315K)

Plz contribute instead of being a huge faggot

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Fuck off Randy

>lighning rats

Attached: 1555440629733 (1).jpg (700x692, 88K)

U gots to wait tills i posts it

Attached: F6E8922D-0207-41B0-9DD3-2433D6FD4248.jpg (1001x1024, 138K)

Lost already


Attached: 755617EC-E25F-4305-AC16-38768FCAB163.png (573x912, 222K)

well this was a shit thread.

Attached: sam hyde 2.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

good shit user

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why did i fukn laugh


Attached: 580D6DCE-21A5-45E4-B9FB-1C4C9D027701.jpg (396x382, 80K)

This thread is awful

I hope a black man cums in your food soon.

This is th worst ylyl ever

Attached: Guide_to_Elves.png (480x376, 83K)

Posting not very funny and obscure OC per your request. If anyone LOLs at this they deserve to be executed with anti-aircraft weapons.

Can we perhaps make this a cringe thread instead?

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All I got for now, Yea Forums

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I remember that meme!
It wasn't funny even when it first came out.

Attached: WiseBeardMotivator2.jpg (750x600, 59K)

Not too bad

top kek

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Fucking waste of space

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Never understood the sort of people who kept going on about beards. Won't they just get filled with semen?

If that's OC, it's surprisingly good.

Got into it w/ gf & her kid a few nights ago about why I fucking hate pop music, the "stars" that make it and why Beyonce, Madonna, Britney Spears & Aguilera do not put on CONCERTS, they have SHOWS. I'm a musician, so I'm kinda aware of the music industry & how things work. Really insulting to see cretins like Bieber on tour & hear people talking about how they went to see his "concert." Tried my best to explain pov but all I kept getting was shamed for my reasoning.

>played DK's "MTV Get Off The Air" for the kid earlier today
>she said she gets it now

That's one down...

Every time I see a bearde

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Youre not funny or clever and no one likes you, you big stinky poo poo head

Attached: holmes2.jpg (368x956, 166K)

the food you shit out IS digested already. fucking idiot

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leggy boys always gets me lol

Attached: tookit.jpg (1080x1600, 227K)

Attached: a9b.png (637x964, 574K)

this is like the ray pist or andy log poster, right?
why don't you kill yourself

Are you 5 years old?

Can someone explain these? Who is that guy?

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Attached: B592B3F2-BDC1-4618-8F61-638F1CDC99F6.jpg (800x723, 53K)

Go to bed

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

Attached: 1537721639178.jpg (497x544, 25K)

Kecky Becky.

ha ha ha?

This thread is shit.
The posts are shit.
You are all shit.

Shut the fuck up you horrible cunt

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OwO ... take my ass now!


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Attached: EC82DD51-C6EA-44FC-B6E4-A126E7F767AE.jpg (640x480, 91K)

just neck urself ... furries are gay

This happened like years ago, who cares anymore. I fucken dont

gawd i love me dem thicc bums

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( ).( )

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Maybe even the same one.

No I will not n3ck myself and you can’t make me Hahahahahahaha u r a massive impotent faggot who can’t make me do shit

I still care

simple, but I lost

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

Attached: 1543443500999.jpg (960x960, 40K)

Cos u potato

Attached: bitch.jpg (625x532, 74K)

It's easy to not get semen in your beard, if your not a faggot.

Fuck off randy

Attached: ky93NzH.png (720x713, 745K)

Attached: 1232666953995.jpg (428x572, 53K)

Kill yourself you disgusting nigger faggot. You swarthy baboon, jigaboo cocksucker. If I ever find you, your life will be over.


Attached: 80586836-247A-4AD4-80B5-4150F218D1EF.jpg (396x382, 129K)

I can smell your melanin from here you disgusting swarthy subhuman.

Attached: 1243654745745.jpg (225x225, 8K)

amerimutt is not a subhuman, pure nigger is subhuman

Attached: 1521765103635.jpg (508x673, 45K)

Making me frisky uuuh uuh!


And my axe!!!

Attached: aWlxlljX_700w_0.jpg (500x638, 52K)

oh god, that cracked me up.

Im not a nigger you low IQ troglodyte

Attached: 32D12F0E-BAD5-4C34-825D-AD5D2B146B78.jpg (1024x640, 73K)

You a professional autist or something?

Drink bleach

Attached: D18193DC-A342-4B7D-B2E3-3477AB5A2ECD.jpg (500x529, 45K)

Fucking lost

What kind of faggot world do you live on?

Disgusting mutt detected. Ofc you're a nigger no matter how much you deny it. Kill yourself you subhuman.

Shutup you horrid cunt

Lolol I will NOT drink bleach and I will NOT kill myself lololol there’s nothing you can do about it! You can’t make me do shit you little weak boy just like you can’t make anyone in your real life do anything either. Lolololololol

Actually lost. First time in a long time. You win the game sir. Please eat my donut.

Attached: B2AA1A4A-D08C-432A-B9AE-608635D29752.jpg (699x436, 72K)

lol lost

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Attached: VifLGgBHgVUwGzckMAXP6Q3xCu08IcXNI0RFrLIJ_U.jpg (960x863, 92K)

Attached: Ur gay gay.jpg (1080x761, 316K)

Attached: Ur sister gay.jpg (1080x1124, 558K)

Attached: Ur wife gay.jpg (1080x1019, 466K)

Attached: Ur aunt gay.jpg (1080x977, 459K)

Attached: Ur husband gay.jpg (1079x1157, 392K)

Attached: Ur dad gay.jpg (1080x1081, 524K)

Attached: Ur gran gay.jpg (1080x1148, 542K)

Attached: Ur babe gay.jpg (1077x1385, 533K)

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Attached: 1454448384944.jpg (700x702, 58K)

Attached: Ur tits gay.jpg (1079x1125, 407K)

>be me
>have a Yea Forums
>virgin 4ever

Attached: Ur PP Big gay.jpg (1080x1088, 647K)

Attached: Ur food gay.jpg (1080x989, 453K)

Please try to be less obvious of a shillbot.

Attached: Ur homo gay.jpg (1080x1074, 483K)

Attached: Ur pencil gay.jpg (1080x1035, 518K)

Attached: Ur kitten gay.jpg (1075x1026, 359K)

Attached: Ur waldo gay.jpg (1079x1049, 464K)

is this really the new thing? gay porn in ylyl?

It's probably just one or two guys posting it

What’s with the butthurt gay faggot? Didn’t enough anyone laugh at his shitty joke or something?

Yea Forums, as my personal army your job is to duff up this man and slash every tyre on his car.

Attached: received_244158529624423.jpg (640x641, 41K)

NYPA fucktard

Attached: 1542084089540.jpg (1080x1080, 321K)

Suck your dad's taint

What a newfag...

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Kecky Becky.

Fuck off Randy

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I think this one actually IS gay porn


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Anyone else voting for socialism

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Stop normalizing roasties

Attached: 05725.jpg (1439x1592, 485K)

Attached: 2194405.jpg (1438x1304, 676K)

No, it's when you're trying to take notes but can't read the board.

Attached: Chris.jpg (1440x1355, 776K)

This shit is fucking 85 IQ nonsense. You're almost certainly a bit dim and have probably bumped your car into something while parking it.

Da fuk is "BUTZ" dont tell me thats his last name lmfao

How come you never see black school shooters?

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They're too busy shooting their neighbors

>Why do white boys like eating cum? (Their own or blackman semen)

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that's not funny

Your life (pic related).

Attached: Shit.gif (320x320, 31K)

fuck lost...

Fuck off, Randy.

Attached: 1559670662248.jpg (500x500, 24K)


Keeping neighborhoods safe will always be labeled "dorky"

6 October 1979 Mark Houston, 19 Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
17 April 1981 Leo Kelly, Jr., 22 Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
24 February 1984 Tyrone Mitchell, 28 Los Angeles, CA: 49th Street Elementary School
10 December, 1985 Floyd Warmsley III, 13 Portland, CT: Portland Junior High School
12 August 1986 Van Hull, 29 Brooklyn, NY: New York City Technical College
22 September 1988 Clemmie Henderson, 40 Chicago, IL: Montefiore School
16 December 1988 Nicholas Elliott, 16 Virginia Beach, VA: Atlantic Shores Christian School
12 October 1995 Toby Sincino, 16 Blackville, SC: Blackville-Hilda High School
10 March 2000 Darrell Ingram, 18 Savannah, GA: Beach High School
26 May 2000 Nathaniel Brazill, 13 Lake Worth, FL: Lake Worth Middle School
28 August 2000 James Easton Kelly, 37 Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas
11 December 2007 Nicco Tatum, 18 Las Vegas, NV: Mojave High School
26 April 2009 O’Dane Maye, 18 Hampton, VA: Hampton University
5 January 2011 Robert Butler, Jr., 17 Omaha, NE: Millard South High School
20 November 2014 Myron May, 31 Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University
1 October 2015 Chris Harper-Mercer, 26 Roseburg, OR: Umpqua Community College

Because the media doesn't cover those.

Because you have a tiny pp.

Because your mom is a saleman for jeanco.

Because you are a prostitute.

They don't. One clip repetitively played proves nothing princess flapjack. Did you eat your moisturizer this morning?

Fuck off

S u m m e r

Wow what a scientifically illiterate meme. Fucking dumbass

Attached: goosebumps.jpg (539x365, 18K)

This meme makes no sense, like most of the down syndrome memes. People with down syndrome aren't missing a chromosome, but instead have an extra chromosome, specifically an extra copy of chromosome 21. Anyway, whatever niggers.

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