Why did liberals ruin Spider Man?

Why did liberals ruin Spider Man?

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You mean, everything
Not only Spider Man, unfortunately

What's the end game though? It makes no sense

You realize that Spider-Man was created by a liberal and was held up as counter-culture icon in his early years, right? It's just like you conservatards and Captain America. He's always fought for progressive causes, but you think he's a nationalist because you're stupid. (Ultimate Cap does not count, he was meant to show how fucked in the head a conservative Cap would be.)

Spider-Man was created by a liberal my ass. Why do liberals constantly try to take liberal for shit they did not create or do?

you can lie all you want. the facts remain the same.

almost like most of the original marvel characters are made to show progressive viewpoints and promote not being dumb cunts

Yeah bring back the original alt right spider man who did nothing but sit at home shitposting frogs in his spidey thigh highs

Alright where's the sauce then?

Yeah AFTER liberals decided to use those chars to push their stupid agenda that normal people don't give a shit about


sauce on what?
you want me to make a fucking essay on the political affiliation of the creator of spider man during his development you dumb fucking retard?
read up on him and stop being such a lazy retard.

I'm sorry liberals ruined your silly cartoons, you idiot manchild.

Found the faggot with no taste. Do you like watching the niggers run in NFL?

>What's the end game though?
Destruction of the white race and the death of christianity.

Liberals value “being able to identify with characters” over “looking up to characters as inspiration and trying to be like them.”

It’s similar to the difference in play patterns between boys and girls—boys will see that Batman practices acrobatics and fighting styles to defend truth and justice, act out those scenarios with toys, and then say that they want to be like Batman when they grow up; whereas, girls will see what Batman is like, then act out play scenarios where Batman likes to do the kinds of things that they like to do (or have been raised to think that they like). Suddenly Batman hangs out with Barbie and helps her get her hair just right.

To most Liberals, they don’t care if a character represents something they could strive to be like—nevermind that Peter Parker grew up poor, worked hard to excel in science, takes the blame for the death of a loved one, and uses that self-blame to push himself to be the best person he can be. “He’s got a job NOW, and he’s a straight white male, so I can’t identify with him. Maybe I would spend money on comics and movies if he were more like ME.”

Marvel has made “bold” moves like that several times, specifically with the goal of making a “relatable” Spiderman. A few years ago they started an arc where Peter’s struggling for money once again, specifically to appeal to jobless America at the start of the Obama administration (right at the beginning of his campaign to increase employment rates, when it was a hot topic issue); a few years before that, they retconned Peter and Mary Jane out of marriage because Marvel was convinced that he was more relatable as a single man. Now they have Miles Morales as Ultimate Spiderman, to appeal to blacks, and Gwen Stacy Spiderwoman to appeal to women.


And by todays standards since they are anything more then slightly right of marx they would be be racist nazis.

No. Do your parents know you're using their internet to bitch about Spider-Man on Yea Forums?

>Found the faggot
Sure cartoon boy. Go hug your waifu pillow.

Did libruls make your tendies taste bad?

YFW spiderman was made by JOOS!

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The goal posts move as the decades go by. While they may have been considered liberal in their time today they'd damn near be considered fairly conservative.

Comics today are trash. There's no point in paying for anything newer than late 90's books. Everything since then has been a long decline of standards in storytelling and art while SJW agendas are shoved down the readers throats.

If you still read comic books as as adult, you have more serious concerns than any SJW agenda they might contain.

Just as I suspected you are full of shit

>Comics today are trash.
Oh shit, a cartoon fuddy-duddy who luvs old spiderman. You almost have a full row on the incel bingo card.

Attached: at least ahm wite.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

He's from Queens, NYC.

Did you think Spider-man was a conservative character?

Marvel, as a corporation, has always just followed the money, and made pushes to rewrite Spiderman as whatever is “more relatable,” because readers have consistently shown that they will pay for it, and the comic writers have consistently shown that they’ll make said changes when incentivized to. No one makes money off of making a press statement that Spiderman as straight white male Peter Parker is his own established character, and that he represents an ideal to be lived up to.

I hate this pattern, because I think more can be gained by aspiring to be like a hard-working, respectable, self-sacrificing “ideal” character, and that people should be able to relate to a character for less concrete things than “having the same skin color/sexuality as the reader.”
But at the same time, I don’t think it’s quite so sinister as what people like and are saying. Yes, there are individually tons of readers on both political sides trying to push their own agendas, and Liberals are more prone to pushing for “progressive, minority-friendly Spiderman and/or woman,” but the character has only gone in that direction recently because that’s where the money is right now. As soon as someone shows someone high enough in Marvel headquarters that the market for progressive soyboys is tapped out and that Conservative gun-loving Christians are just rearing to throw their money at a straight white male who pulled himself up by his bootstraps again, he’ll be re-written that way.

I hate it, you hate it, but that’s how it works.

Let's not proceed as if this user actually reads any comics.

I'm afraid to admit I don't own a single comic book. So it's hilarious to me that some incel is broken up that his favorite superhero doesn't reflect his chosen political views.

Yet fags like you NEVER say this about liberals? Why is that, because they're on your side?

Because most of western culture is liberal leaning