Seen the news lately? He fucked up BIG TIME the other day

Seen the news lately? He fucked up BIG TIME the other day

Attached: donald-trump-making-dumb-face.jpg (259x194, 7K)

What did he do this time?

are you fucking retarded?

3, almost 4, solid fucking years of orange man bad
when will the liberal tears stop flowing

>no drop in popularity by supporter at all

The only people that care are the ones outside of the cult.

Ya, because no one made fun of Obama for wearing a tan suit, or eating dijon mustard, or oh ya being an American born citizen... who did that?

ты paбoтaeшь вcю нoчь, дpyг? Я paбoтaю в тeчeниe дня.

Go back to pol

I am not American, so why would you expect me to follow minute-by-minute the dumpster fire you call a government?

5 more years of bountiful harvest my friend

Attached: salt farm.jpg (600x400, 58K)

I fucking hate this country so I hope my fellow americans reelect this fucking clown once again. We're the cancer of the world

This clown is just baiting you:
Spoiler alert: the barking pumpkin fucks up bigly every day.

Я ceйчac нe paбoтaю. Toвapищ, ты ни кoгo нe yбeдишь, и этo дoлжнo пpидти caмo


Attached: A4ADE35A-0289-45D0-8817-CBCC74E641B0.jpg (952x1024, 91K)

When he signed a trade deal with the beanbags and the stock market was up yuge?


Retard..... election is 2020, office is 2021

fake news

Who are you responding to?

Faggot deleted his fake news post cause user was wrong

no he didn't stfu soy boy.

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