What's the local time from where your posting?
What's the local time from where your posting?
Why are you not posting in my thread faggots?
>I'm from pajeetstan
Are you still up or already up, shitposting on Yea Forums?
8:04 pm
Yeah I slept earlier listening to music, I guess from 10 to 1:30. My sleeping schedule is fucked up, mate.
>My sleeping schedule is fucked up, mate.
Same here
Are you: Or:
OP here
2:38 am
Why is you still awake?
Talking to a bunch of US friends and all the blue light is just killing my tiredness
I wish I was asleep about 5h ago
9h45min pm
Do you have to get up early? Because that would really suck
Nah I don't, but I hate that I am wasting so much daylight because I usually wake up 1 pm or later because of the time I go to bed
What if I woke up at 8 am? I would have 5h daylight more, goddamn it
Did you ever hear of an invention named "Alarm Clock"?
what do you need daylight for, user?
Yeah nice, I'd get to enjoy 5h of daylight more but oh wait it's useless cause I'd be a human wreck
I'm a chem fag and need to do experiments outside, the bad ventilation in the shed isn't cutting it. And then I need daylight for that.
Also, it's summer. I want to go outside more, staying inside is killing me on the inside.
gay o'clock
im looking at you op :0