Name a better throat master? Protip literally yuo cant

Name a better throat master? Protip literally yuo cant

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Other urls found in this thread:

heather from ideepthroat

your mom


Any death metal singer or whatever. I don't even know what are you talking about or who is that children's notebook, I'm just drunk.

Hey logfag, tell everyone about your:
1. failed reddit/discord/meme
2. faking your own outrage
3. creepy celebrity obsession
4. butthurt that you fail
there are two main losers: the BRITFAG and the ANIMATERFAG
- they created a reddit and discord - both FAILED
- they spend 20+ hours a day trying to keep this alive
- neither works, they just post all day
- their threads are full of SAMEFAGGING
- if they didn't keep switching IPs and SHILLING for themselves, their threads die.
>notice how most log threads have no interaction, just spambot-style shilling.
originally, they wanted to be like the naked banana - piss off newfags
but after a wihle, newfags stopped responding, so
and when challenged, they try their best to distract, because the truth (that they samefag their own butthurt) proves how PATHETIC they are
these faggots obsess over many celebs: Andy, Billie, Ellen, etc.
the andy thing was borne of their creepy celebrity obsession
this is the kind of obsessed fag that sadly eventually kills his 'love'
that makes these obsessed losers DANGEROUS
oh, and let's not forget how mad they get when criticized
>"when they mess with me, i'll angrily respond with 'grow up!'"
originally, they stuck to their response, but sometimes they lose their temper
and threaten you and get butthurt
>"i'm not mad, you're mad GRRR!!!"
but above all, these losers are MENTALLY ILL
1. deny reality: nobody else cares
2. rationalize their obsession: if you care to mock them, you must be more obsessed than them!
3. cry when you mock them
just tell them

Attached: logfag samefagging falseflag pt1.png (1590x798, 1.08M)

Attached: logfag samefagging falseflag pt2.png (2079x921, 1.42M)

I miss when pastas where actually semi-funny. Kill yourself.

stay mad faggot

Fite me you fucking faggot

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

forced meme? if its googlable its a thing. nuff said

i'd rather make you rage some more like the pussy you are

>thinking everything that you can find on google = meme
no wonder everyone says you're mentally ill

Attached: 1558500988073.png (512x448, 11K)


Attached: sagerage.png (1280x720, 743K)

>forced meme? if its googlable its a thing. nuff sai
>pretending you didn't laughh

>when the logfag is so desperate to annoy, he creates his own picture, wishing it was like that
>but the truth is: HE FAKES IS OWN OUTRAGE, just like his faked image
and he eventually gets banned for spamming this garbage

Attached: 2019-0608 logfag short cawk gets banned.png (986x674, 361K)

>hating logposts
>spending an inordinate amount of time lurking in log threads AND the log discord
Hate to break it to you but you're a logposter

Attached: 1554932788181.png (720x775, 628K)

>"now that we've been exposed for the obsessed logfags we are"
>"we will try the old 'your'e one of us' strategy"
sorry faggot, unlike you, I am connected to reality. I know this was never a meme and coprophilia is a mental illness. I also would never associate with a bunch of losers who spend all day trying to create stupid images about a homosexual fantasy.
I also do not believe in creating 20 threads just to desperately try (and fail) to annoy newfags on Yea Forums
if I shared anything in common with you faggots, it's the satisfaction that whenever i'm a bit bored, I can open a browser, and waste a few minutes mocking a few faggots who are too deluded to realize their efforts are also futile.

Attached: discord log rules.png (1222x1154, 313K)

enough said

true. logfags are desperate to lie aren't they?

Grow up.

>this mad

>I am connected to reality.
I'm connected to andy sixx's asshole via my mouth

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Log rage: the thread

Attached: plopslop.png (600x448, 439K)

your mom

>he doesnt know about heather from ideepthroat

zoomers man

also,this meme is 2018

in 2019 we are about billie eilish and ellen page

You should shop a lil' poop on his lip

>yep, this is what delusion looks like

Imagine caring this much about a guy who posts pictures of poop online.

you mean your failed HOAX attempts?

Attached: hoax bbc eilish.png (1462x1702, 347K)

Still mad about the Billie eyelash logsuit?

You can Photoshop anything you want.

imagine thinking a single effort by someone once = crazy effort
imagine how lazy you must be to believe such low effort = crazy effort

Attached: butthurt crying logfags.png (1670x1514, 1.5M)

>if I dismiss it, everyone will believe my LIES
>oh no, he posted links! maybe I can claim the links are not to a legitimate archive, but a virus page... everyone will believe me then!

Attached: hoax eilish latimes.png (791x1024, 159K)

Did your crush leave you for a log?

>actually posting a virus page
This is gold

...not a crazy effort, he said

>Server with no rules
>Anything goes; post whatever tf you want

(Remove the extra dot

you sound mad kid, sorry if your efforts failed


>said the phoneposter, not realizing not everyone types at a retarded 2wpm

>here's an idea
Wfag spammer

>(remove the extra dot


Not him but that sounds like ad hominem

hi animater man. i see you're trying a new variant of the 'proof' distraction tactic.
i can respect your use of it, as proving anything to an opponent is already impossible, but on an anonymous image board, doubly so.
so you believe that with that one distraction, you win.
except, even a 4th grader recognizes motives
and you can't stop others from noticing your obsessions.
but i can't blame you for trying
why not try to respond with
>no proof? gotcha
or some other continuation of your distraction?

Imagine using these mental gymnastics to squirm out from under the burden of proof.

Holy shit! SAUCE?!


there might be an ad-hominem in there, but the point is still quite logical, even though the logic might evade you. let me break it down so a mental midget like yourself gets it:
1. someone who types at even average rate (60wpm) can type the text above in 2 minutes. once. every other time it's just copy-paste = 5 seconds.
2. this faggot
wants to argue that whoever created that put in a big effort
3. more important that same faggot wants to argue that a 5-second effort = big effort.
4. pointing out that normal typing shows it's not, and for good measure, making fun of the faggot's argument by accusing him of being a phoneposter... why? because the main logical point (that a text like that is low effort) was made, and it's always fun to add an insult that is relevant to the ownage

Attached: hoax popoholic1.jpg (708x1024, 145K)

This is your brain on 'tism

Not him but you sound autistic

not who you replied to, but you sound butthurt

Not him but I support neurodiversity. You're in good handz