When will the USA embrace Islam?

When will the USA embrace Islam?

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it already has

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former muslim here, it'll never be embraced, too many attacks by muslims. It is what it is.

I left that shit when I was a kid. Fuck em. Some are chill but by and large the entire religion itself is backwards as fuck.

All religion is tbh.

When we collectively decide to follow the insane ramblings of a horny Arab paedophile?

We’d sooner embrace eradicating Islam

Fuck off came here to yell at the jews fucking greedy fuckers who spread cancer

Anti Semitic piece of shit

guys come look at the Q-fag

>it'll never be embraced

Salam Alaikum, my friend.

Firstly, the Muslim population of America has a very long history and tradition, and is very much a core part of American society and culture today.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA with several million adherents across American cities and regions, and new worshippers are welcomed daily to become proud Muslim Americans.

A huge driving force of peace and tolerance in American life, Islam offers hope and love in the face of adversity, and more Americans are starting to join Allah in their quest for salvation.

Attached: FT_18.01.04_muslimPopulation.png (420x466, 11K)

Find your local place of Islamic worship, there are over 20,000 mosques and holy centres devoted to Islam in the USA. All Americans are welcome

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I appreciate the statistics and reply, my reply was mostly anecdotal coming from the bullshit as a kid. I'm pretty much only speaking from my own experience so I shouldn't even be quoted on it to be completely honest.

Either way it goes my man, I highly highly HIGHLY doubt Islam as a whole will ever be accepted the way christianity is. There's just too much violence behind it. White people aren't gonna ever get over that shit.

I like the idea of women not being able to enter the work force, drive, or even be literate. Killing gays is a nice bonus. How many gays have you killed?

Le edgy commie neckbeard spotted. Liberal faggots like you will hang from trees first due to diesasing a nation with infectous stupidity and marxism. And Islam is very compatible with Fascistic philosophy. Me likes it

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Yeah, you can all fuck off back to your 3rd world shit hole. No sane american will follow a religion who allows the rape children and treats women lower than dogs... keep up with your shitty infographics, and shillary.

>No sane american will follow a religion who allows the rape children and treats women lower than dogs

But enough about Christianity ...

I love how violent Islam is and how you can treat women like garbage. The inner psychopath in me is drawn to Islam like moths to a flame. Do I have to do all the gay Allah shit or can I just say that sentence then fuck 6 year old hijabi bitches like prophet muhammad pbuh

i wonder if retard realizes that in her home country she would be beaten for expressing her opinion as a women,islam gets alot of shit wrong.but the way they treat women is better then feminist ran america

Nice larp sand nigger. Islam is being cucked by Saudis. Nothing else.

>Yeah, you can all fuck off back to your 3rd world shit hole

Why? America BELONGS to Muslims just as much as it BELONGS to the Europeans who discovered it. It's clear that the future of the USA is with Islam which is growing, while Christianity and Judaism are declining very fast.

>how you can treat women like garbage

That's just American society in a nut-shell. It perfectly suits incels like yourself though.

Why should women and fags have rights?

Judaism isn't declining. They run the entire western world. lol

>in her home country

The USA is her home country. Muslims are growing faster than every other demographic in the USA. America is a failing nation because White people have given up since the 50s/60s. Asians/Muslims/Blacks and Latinos are the future of America.

because all you sand niggers are smelly filthy mentally handicapped fucks who think they can do what they want and fuck their family members...

look at him try to shill more, point and laugh at the fuckin moron. Your meme is bad and you should feel bad shitskin

Found the retard

Imagine being such a loser you whiteknight for a politician

Oh but it is

"Increased assimilation, intermarriage and declining birthrates in the Decline in Worldwide Jewish Identity are making the likelihood of today's secular, Reform and Conservative Jews having Jewish grandkids and great-grandkids remote."
-Jewish World Alliance

>smelly filthy mentally handicapped fucks who think they can do what they want and fuck their family members

You just described Alabama faggot. America is a third world country without immigrants.

What will you call your grandkids? Jamal, Mohammad, Jose, or Ho Lee Fuk?

If the future involves a collapse of civilization and barbarian tribes falling back into the stone age then you would be right

man... what? lmfao

Yea Forums is confusing as fuck sometimes, i thought you retards hated blacks muslims hispanics and jews?

pick a goddamn mindset and stick to it ffs.

lol yeah all the immigrants are so fuckin helpful, how many of you fucking mongrols live off the government more than half, the only ones that fucking help worth a shit are mexicans and people from asian countries.

imagine being such a loser you talk shit about a politician thinking they'll ever see what you're even saying.

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probably chad, i live in a 95% white city same with the surrounding towns a few mexicans here and there thats about it. So yeah maybe chad or brian....

Not in my lifetime.

It doesn't matter. 10 jews could control the world.

Also islamic society. Most muslims are incels anyway. The only ones that arent are those that shun faggot muhammads rules and go have fun.

>All these people falling for the bait
Just because he uses reddit spacing doesn't mean he's being genuine. I swear you motherfuckers are getting more gullible every day.

>i live in a 95% white city

69% is the highest in USA, you must be including Mexicans as Whites LOL

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There, now that the muslims have all been triggered and run off this thread, lets have an actual discussion

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>they run the entire the entire world

>Most muslims are incels anyway.

Ok kiddo, that's why Muslims are having big families and expanding, while white men are jerking off to anime and furries in your mom's basement.

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islam has nothing against depicting mohammed. your stick figure though, it seems to be out of proportion and doesn't look comfortable. would you like to be depicted in such a pose with such a strange body?

how the fuck i didn't think about this bait?

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>gets mad at thread topic
>has no original thoughts
>calls it bait to distract

Did your feels get hurt faggot?

Only in the cities, it's alright for me though, I hate the city.

As soon as Israel opens its borders.

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Then why do muslims chimp out and shoot people dead for doing so?

He's baiting you. Sage goes in the options field.



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I'm guessing about 5-10 years before the complete collapse of its government, culture, and entire way of life.

i'm a muslim you fucking retard, i'm just reasonable enough to keep my beliefs to myself instead of ranting about "when will others accept my religion?!"

>"has no original thought"
>implying that this shitty post is capable of provoking discussion

Why should it?

Gonna hit me with a sword if I don't convert? Behead me because I don't accept or respect some fake prophet?