Hey, Yea Forums. Which ethnicity is the hottest?

Hey, Yea Forums. Which ethnicity is the hottest?

British femanon here, Americans 100%. Deep voices, hot accents, and they act like entitled assholes.

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i'm also femanon what a coincidence


I love the way they kill british fags.

that doesn't answer the question, dipshit

Have you ever known a country more alpha than america? We really don’t give a fuck what everyone else thinks!

Btw, I’m 6’4”, 250lbs, and a deep bass voice. You figure out the cm conversion.

All depends on what you call entitlement.
See, I have to work for a living to pay for my home.


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She’s referring to our confidence. Our fuck the world mentality

Well, in that case. We do like to fuck the world. LOL !

WHAT?! Same! Omg! :O :D

Black women

Lol my Canadian friend says all british guys sound like faggots

Right? It's hot as fuck. Strong economy, strong military, strong men. What more could a girl want kek.

European, followed by American colonialism has lifted more people of of poverty and a mud hut lifestyle than any force in history. I didn’t say we fucked the world. We just don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about us or the things we do. We’re the boss, don’t argue with the boss!

>canadian friend

You know the rules. Tits or GTFO

">british femanon"

dick or gtfo, loser.

Proudly from Toledo, OH here. Voted toughest city in the USA. Kicking ass and taking names. Girls freak out when a fight breaks out, but always want to fuck the the dude that beats everyone’s ass.

Shut up and make me a Sandwich

He’s right ladies. Rules are rules! Tits and timestamp now

I find big bulking Norwegian and Scandinavian men to be most attractive.
Especially when they have that Viking shit going on. Really makes me drool.

Toss up between beautiful middle Eastern women and petite redheads for me

What the fuck is wrong with you?

so you have never fucked one of them user? that's a shame!

ill make you a sandwich only if you're american.

I’m American. Where’s my sandwich?

Probably Scottish for me. Or other Norwegians.

scottishanon here!

to understand that America is a continent and not a country, and every single one outside of the USA knows, implying that you can make Sandwiches even to Mexicans, so no, I will not ask again, but you really should not leave the kitchen with that kind of thoughs.

are you fucking stupid? north america and south america are continents. 'the americas' refer to both. 'america' refers to the country of the united states of america and so therefore anyone who is 'american' is from the united states. i would never even go near a mexican.

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Finally see someone I know on Yea Forums and it's a fucking dude

got the wrong person then, hun


Just imagine a japanese chick who doesn't act childish an doesn't moan like a retarded baby when fucking.
I'd marry that in 0,0001 seconds