Fake snap captions cont

fake snap captions cont.

Attached: 60542870_968888803497960_1580583881109751206_n.jpg (1080x1350, 104K)

Attached: IMG_20190609_1519319036.jpg (1560x2080, 1.45M)

Attached: F46CF21.jpg (549x589, 87K)

Attached: DF9548F.jpg (668x598, 55K)

Attached: c6d.png (478x686, 495K)

Attached: A92E61C.jpg (854x1280, 164K)

Attached: 9392282353.jpg (2308x1616, 153K)

Attached: c7d.png (470x681, 447K)

Attached: 54266434_796217387422273_8592869587999761106_n.jpg (1080x2076, 129K)

Attached: 52274977_2270438819882638_4710877791202111424_n.jpg (832x1600, 104K)

Attached: 1476457682746.jpg (960x540, 38K)

Attached: c8d.png (466x691, 448K)

do Charlotte

Attached: IMG_3101.jpg (354x591, 21K)

Attached: 8D88BF86-5E9F-4BDC-9750-33B9E0A18BFC.jpg (750x911, 634K)

Kate R.

Attached: IMG_2590.jpg (640x960, 154K)

Attached: 13502555_10153868439073477_9133859338780197422_o.jpg (2048x1536, 340K)

Attached: c9d.png (470x691, 464K)

Attached: p1354648.jpg (573x1033, 56K)

Attached: 10366190_10205436434543056_2427878646661757803_n.jpg (960x636, 59K)

Attached: c10d.png (479x684, 342K)

Attached: 44262520_2309599705720802_5756623015622213632_o.jpg (827x1364, 182K)

Attached: 270E8071-B19C-4018-87F5-C8C47018F2AE.jpg (2048x1536, 513K)

Attached: c11d.png (471x688, 293K)

Attached: 58423753_434631247108601_3150677387669689939_n.jpg (1080x2076, 134K)

Attached: c12d.png (475x682, 504K)

Anonamouseface on Kik if you want to trade caps

Attached: Snapchat-1153449593.jpg (1079x1919, 118K)

Attached: 1556465755410.jpg (1296x1613, 673K)

Attached: Joy5.jpg (960x720, 296K)

Attached: Photo 26-03-14 5 14 31 PM.jpg (768x1024, 159K)

Attached: c13d.png (471x686, 487K)

These are great
Got Kik ?

Attached: c14d.png (461x690, 444K)

Lizanne pl0x

Attached: 100_1066.png (1080x1920, 1.44M)

Attached: IMG2450.jpg (540x960, 44K)

Attached: 0751214393.jpg (1916x1604, 213K)

Attached: 19942877_10213041478452282_377359754699511960_o2.jpg (769x1147, 342K)

Attached: 1464517948886.jpg (480x640, 44K)

Attached: c15d.png (465x685, 532K)

Attached: 532349_4610169776126_919871607_n.jpg (417x625, 32K)

Attached: c16d.png (466x687, 442K)

Nice thx

Attached: 64265580_10157387378599675_7483812816281927680_o.jpg (777x1431, 113K)

Attached: p1545643135.jpg (331x577, 84K)

Attached: c17d.png (457x687, 348K)

Attached: 1478124595903.jpg (540x960, 63K)

Attached: c18d.png (465x684, 356K)

Great, thanks!

Attached: c19d.png (468x690, 719K)

Attached: 20190429_200505.jpg (1154x2048, 796K)

Thanks a lot

White South African slut

Attached: 20190429_200425.jpg (1154x2048, 1.26M)

Attached: zKp8sSA.jpg (1511x2377, 299K)

Attached: Joy3.jpg (1366x768, 84K)

make a cheating caption for this

Attached: Screenshot_20190611-004729_Gallery.jpg (676x924, 326K)

Attached: Joy4.jpg (1366x768, 80K)

just wow

Attached: c20d.png (468x693, 571K)

Attached: c21d.png (470x687, 454K)

Attached: 36085382_649320845443819_7414814076477374464_n.jpg (1080x1350, 139K)

Attached: c22d.png (467x687, 355K)

Attached: 20180627_143431_0206.jpg (534x778, 297K)

x box project i cant stop fap owo

Attached: 32763929_207832329825422_1068874286023835648_n.jpg (1080x1349, 89K)

Attached: c23d.png (461x688, 329K)

Attached: c24d.png (464x691, 462K)

thanx bro

Attached: 37062852_10156654344199656_2919575032445272064_n.jpg (768x1262, 106K)

Attached: c25d.png (470x695, 500K)

Attached: mBm2dT1.jpg (664x1180, 109K)

Attached: c26d.png (464x686, 511K)

Attached: 08A01DBD-E0A9-4B00-8980-BF1AF3609504.jpg (1041x1864, 427K)

Attached: c27d.png (465x690, 483K)

Attached: EB80E11D-46E2-4475-9AE8-EED01855166F.jpg (640x1136, 93K)

Attached: Snapchat-1421413571.jpg (750x1334, 172K)

Attached: 001D0F06-A966-4FBA-BFFE-E34C71E273E7.jpg (898x1280, 296K)

These two?

Attached: Snapchat-2118205380.jpg (750x1334, 49K)

Attached: 18620946_10102177241478031_8671558407957270317_o.jpg (1536x2048, 228K)

Attached: 1448958315967.jpg (720x960, 68K)

Attached: 4G0z9e7.jpg (1536x2048, 344K)

Attached: 20190303_173929.jpg (800x600, 47K)

Attached: c28d.png (466x688, 500K)

Attached: c29d.png (465x692, 670K)

Attached: c30d.png (466x693, 302K)

Attached: 51618DE5-5471-4A40-A2FB-7A364FDCD6D0.jpg (1026x725, 181K)

Attached: 20180109_230854 - Edited.jpg (2298x3202, 1.06M)

Attached: c31d.png (464x688, 536K)

Attached: 3739DFBA-1DAD-425B-9D6E-1957F791CF49.jpg (1365x1365, 174K)

caption please? she is an ex

Attached: 54512363_2277518669157338_2134406393075113461_n.jpg (750x422, 37K)

Attached: 411921AF-D2E3-41F8-9C82-493E6DA39393.jpg (617x788, 263K)

Attached: c32d.png (466x687, 527K)

Attached: FAE3546B-1667-4A4E-874E-63DFD8327BD6.jpg (700x560, 86K)

Attached: 566D7BE2-9954-42B6-A131-FD047F6A8D44.jpg (1610x2046, 978K)

Attached: E702873A-12F4-4498-94B4-12F58B8D6556.jpg (750x1334, 131K)

Attached: c33d.png (469x689, 182K)

pls and danke

Attached: 20190223_095439.jpg (800x788, 349K)

Attached: 13628015_1197356626962491_1854315847_n.jpg (612x612, 78K)

Attached: c34d.png (462x687, 449K)

Attached: 36948655_1541851179271411_4056986284864831488_n.jpg (959x960, 129K)

Attached: c35d.png (466x689, 490K)

i love it, heres another if you want to caption it too

Attached: 53691625_399962504134458_1305217606283916469_n.jpg (1080x1350, 152K)

Attached: 15178937_1404033579607080_3865s836876647237240_n.jpg (693x960, 175K)

Attached: c36d.png (460x694, 569K)

someone do something to her
booty-related, please. no cuck

>she was my senior year ap calc teacher in hs, this girl had a fat ass and knew it

Attached: 20190610_110426.jpg (543x978, 69K)

Attached: c37d.png (468x695, 535K)

Attached: 15781482_1451943958149375_7603944015217005391_n (1).jpg (720x960, 109K)

Attached: 15896035_1461023933908044_52347317619875382928_o.jpg (1159x1536, 523K)

i'm makin' gravy
now if you feel so inclined

Attached: 20190329_153930.jpg (800x997, 387K)

Attached: c38d.png (470x677, 556K)

Attached: tumblr_mxgkpzsboz1qlqbyeo1_128.jpg (513x640, 75K)

this is another pic of her for reference.

watching this ass in jeans all day was the hardest thing about ap calc

Attached: 20190610_111701.jpg (713x1268, 147K)

Attached: c39d.png (471x682, 560K)

That head is huge. It looks like she has a midget head.

Attached: c40d.png (467x670, 546K)

Attached: c41d.png (466x687, 448K)

Attached: DSCN1399 - Edited.jpg (1393x2631, 642K)

Attached: 20190330_100708.jpg (800x938, 337K)

Attached: 31.jpg (1224x1632, 468K)

please just one more of her dancing? this is so hot i love your captions

Attached: ex dancing.gif (267x208, 971K)

Attached: c42d.png (469x690, 591K)

Attached: c43d.png (463x693, 458K)

Attached: F6E752EF-751A-48C7-B821-523F98602421.jpg (1362x2089, 520K)

do one of this cutie!

she seems super subby

Attached: kyleemoreland_1484185714973.jpg (722x1280, 42K)

Attached: c44d.png (467x690, 496K)

Attached: 4564584858.jpg (674x899, 101K)

Attached: c46d.png (457x690, 489K)

working on it. Trying to figure out how to do gifs

thanks bro you are the best

Attached: 74725D8A-839E-4B08-ADF6-E39449134B48.jpg (397x960, 62K)


adobe premiere.
i can upload my snapchat file if you want

here's a demo mega

Best I can do. Not really good at this stuff

Attached: c45d2 (1).webm (1536x754, 1.81M)

Willing to do any other pics of her you want done. Since I know this one took forever, and quality is kinda eh

i'll take it into premiere and do it with your caption, will upload in a few

pls do my princess

Attached: 20190606_094805.jpg (800x1067, 438K)

Attached: c47d.png (460x694, 418K)

awesome thanks for helping out.

Attached: c48d.png (465x688, 294K)

Very nice

that would be awesome bro

Attached: 61021258_112899759952827_4325417899303353226_n (2).jpg (763x847, 110K)

Attached: c49d.png (474x696, 545K)

Attached: Snapchat-1882490935.jpg (720x1280, 126K)

Attached: c50d.png (467x693, 530K)

Attached: c51d.png (464x688, 455K)

i love this style of caption you are doing here is the last one i will bother you with

Attached: 57462986_131945391296558_5283568839034163026_n.jpg (1080x1079, 73K)

One more of her?

Attached: 3DCA4695-0E2B-4FF4-922D-371A4DFB24E6.jpg (1224x1632, 576K)

Attached: 20190422_234917.jpg (800x787, 217K)

Attached: 1560100755280.jpg (720x1280, 357K)

If you got them. Keep them coming. Don't suppose you have anything more lewd of her?

Attached: c52d.png (470x692, 445K)

Who is she, any vola up?

Attached: c53d.png (471x690, 740K)

Attached: c54d.png (468x685, 399K)

Attached: c55d.png (465x694, 450K)

Something in french please

Attached: Screenshot_20190101-121501.jpg (720x1280, 336K)

oi what's your ex's name so i can put it in the top right?

Attached: c56d.png (468x686, 529K)


do you want me to stick with user's caption?

you can make it whatever you want, she is dating this massive black guy now and i get off to that so if you wanna play around with that go ahead. 99% sure she was sleeping with him for the last half of our relationship

I love these threads so much

Attached: 20190610_092501.jpg (800x1130, 423K)

Attached: c57d.png (478x692, 492K)

i can use his name too, if you want to give it to me. i've got an idea you'll probably like

his name is Troy

what a white name lmao

alright, cooking it up in a few

Attached: 20190224_130513.jpg (800x975, 458K)

The kinkier, the better. No cuck.

Attached: 12274279_1037846059588643_4696764578144634820_n.jpg (685x960, 88K)

Attached: DSCF4294_1.jpg (599x931, 136K)

had to throw it on mega because it's too big to upload here.


shit meant to tag you


Attached: 15622101_352751868438399_8610015480341747055_n.jpg (957x958, 115K)

Attached: IMG_20181029_183010078.jpg (2592x1944, 418K)

go to

(without the "000"'s between it)

then put that code at the end.

damn you a pro!

yeah, you did a great job

oh god i'm gravying

Attached: c1d.png (469x688, 495K)

Attached: c2d.png (469x689, 594K)

if you wanna make another this is like the most nsfw thing i have left from her

Attached: ex tits.gif (400x225, 1.88M)

free-use bitch

Attached: 20190606_094834.jpg (800x1177, 546K)

Attached: imagejpeg_0.jpg (1024x768, 154K)

Attached: 75D57C5B-C584-4589-8ECE-F8C263AC6BEC.jpg (1080x1389, 315K)

Attached: 20190203_022453.jpg (800x526, 246K)

lol i took classes in high school that taught me how to use the adobe products, built the template from scratch, and now use it to do this.
thanks though, glad ya like it

i also did this one i linked earlier
This is the template i made from scratch for instagram. Well, the only thing I stole was the logo but yeah.

Attached: sample.png (750x1334, 52K)

Almost img limit guys let OP do his work

someone post the new thread when it's up and functional

not sure I could do much with that, the aspect ratio is way off.

It'd be 3:4 usable, and phone aspect ratios are usually 16:9 (height:length)

Vertical videos make good snaps.

Attached: 1560058623206.jpg (640x800, 85K)


Limit hit. If people start a new thread and provide material I'll keep going.

what a marvelous set of bazoopers. post her in new thread?


made one for you

where you going OP?

going to eat real quick. I'll do whichever is more active when I get back. Should only be 15min