In three hours I'm getting onto a plane to Maine where I'll have no internet or access to meat beat material...

In three hours I'm getting onto a plane to Maine where I'll have no internet or access to meat beat material. Enjoy your vacation from my shit threads bitches it only lasts 9 days

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: CykaBlyat.gif (524x666, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you dude

and how does that make you feel? to say fuck you to me

he left again

and he posted my personal info without even consulting me

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Asian Boyl did that to you seuss?

Enjoy purgatory. I'm gonna be here you know posting and stuff lol see ya when you get back nerd!

I'm backpacking through yurop right now, have a safe and fun trip Toblerum i know the other guys give you a hard time but just know id fug ur boy hole anyday lole

that sounds like the middle of nowhere why are you going there?

Yes... he pushed it deep inside my comfort zone.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1561061733455.png (564x542, 108K)

Nice dubs
Family vacation, while I don't like my family I have to do stuff with them and pretend I like them so they help me pay through college otherwise I'm fucked as you don't get good money without college. Also flattering but a bit embarrassing that you would
Nice palindrome, also I thought you said you weren't gay seuss. Another fib of yours?

Leaving this music here before I forget and remember when I have no interent

It's a mystery confided in the senate...

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: biological-clock.jpg (1987x3056, 952K)

>as you don't get good money without college
and that will make you happy? what you need is a life partner Toblerum sum1 to fug you good and cuddle down with

b4 we get married u need to know that i think Florida's a shithole only slightly better than Louisianna and you will have to move to Texas, ok?

Agreed, Florida is a horrid place but the living cost is cheap. Though I know the money won't make me happy, but having a nice place to live in with a small garden and kitchen to cook in with a place to cuddle sounds like my place to live in, and you can't get that broke.

broke no, but there is some cheap land in Texas, living in a trailer on 30 acres with a garden and some livestock is not a bad way to go about living.

my friend just recently bought a 26ft boat and is living aboard it down in Kemah,only a 100 a month for the dock fees and the boat only cost 1000, tho it was pretty neat up, dirty, and the bottom needs work.

are you an urbanite or more country

Oh it's terribly horrid, such a pheasant of a place. I'm so precious and brittle, someone please tuck my lip into my mouth soeth mine spittle dont runneth off my chin

I'm kinda both, I don't really mind either way as the area I grew up in was a mix of heavy urban areas and heavy country areas as it was right on the border of a city. Though if I had to choose a place to live it would be Seattle so I could see snow and it rains often so I could grow some potted plants. Plus the University of Washington is a really nice college if I could get in that's really close to Seattle.

Though I guess I'm talking a bit too much about what I'd want, what would you say is your ideal place to live?

sorry 4 late response currently in the Rijksmueseum, my ideal place to live would be in the country somewhere with a lot of land. somewhere remote enough to go shooting whenever you want and not have to see another person for a very long time if you wished.

so I'm curious what are you hoping to do after college
pic related painting here at the mueseum titled the love letter me on the left Toblerum right

aaahhhh there's no image!

4chins is telling me that it contains possible malicious code damn book this is the painting

I'm hoping to be doing lab work to research biomedical engineering. Things like synthetic organs and pathogen cures both come naturally to me and are interesting to me so I started searching for ways to learn more about it. I got lucky and a really nice friend of my dad got me an Ivy league level textbook on Biomedical engineering so I'm going to be reading it in my spare time on my trip!
That's a really nice painting! Though I would look way more enthusiastic than the painting if I actually got a love letter

huh. well, you know what they say smart is the new sexy (u big fugging nerd).

Oh come on now, I'm not smart. I just have interests in siencey fields so it makes me look smart. Also I'd love to stay and talk a bit longer but I'm getting everything packed for the trip now so I'm going to be heading out in about 10 minutes

I know it's probably 2 late but have a safe flight and a fun time, hope you enjoy, or learn a bunch, from your book.

Nothing worth fapping to in Maine anyway.