ITT: What are the sketchiest / easiest ways you have made money?

ITT: What are the sketchiest / easiest ways you have made money?

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Other urls found in this thread: engineer&l=Palo Alto, CA

Once sold a kid oregano for $30

Got edged by some old ass man on seeking arrangements for 300$

>be 12
>sold candy in class for $1.50 ea when i bought for $.30

"detail" cars for old people when I really just run them through automatics and wipe down the dash and shine the tires

I took my gun to the bank, used it in place of my debit card to make my withdraw

Invested in a payday loan company.

Traded options. Made 30k last year buying and shorting on hype and news.

How do we know you're not just being a fakefag

what was your biggest loss though?

I've done pretty good on puts on bullshit too.

A family friend used to sell me to her friends for sex. I was 12 when it began and stopped when I was 15 because my half brother found out.

I used to get 20 bucks a pop. Even thonshe was gettinf 200 average.

Easiest, I spoke to a local realtor, flew a drone around a house for 30 minutes and took 40+ pictures and sent them to him, made 150$. Not big money but it has potential

I live near a street where all the hookers gather... I’ve thought about getting a wig and crossdressing to get picked up lol. I’m too pussy tho

Got nudes from girls at my school through friends cropped the heads off and sold them to a guy online. (so technically sold child porn to a pedo)

claimed car was stolen and got a check for 35k when it was in a storage unit the whole time

>I’m too pussy tho

No you just have a functioning brain. That is a great way to end up in the emergency room or dead.

stand just outside of busy parking lot
w/ sign that says DESPERATE
ppl stop & give u $$$

sell weed and webcam model

You think so?
I figured all the folks picking hookers up are just super horny

or worse.... anal prolapse

delivered a package from a friends friend to a major city 3 hours away for $1500

>bought display jewelry
>made of solid brass
>looks like the real thing
>has 14k stamped on clasp
>traded a bunch of it for a ounce of cocaine

Sold weed to 15 year olds
Bought for $135 a zip, rolled into half gram joints, sold for $7, told them if their parents ever found out they say it was some kid at their school. Did that when I was 17 lol made fat stacks

Good way to get shot

broke into a funeral home a long time ago. took all of the jewelry from the corpses. friend grabbed a bottle of formaldehyde. He was dipping joints into the bottle making sherm sticks. he was selling those things for about a year or so.

I found $50 on the ground once

Visited local cemetery every afternoon the first week of February a couple years back and collected the flowers people left for their loved ones. Kept them alive then sold them at my highschool before Valentines day

I know all of my parents passwords so whenever I'm low on cash I just transfer some of their money into my bank account

The small business I work at was contacted by a small company that was contracted by a bigger company that was contacted by an Oil company to make insulation blankets. Each company down the line was grossly inflating their costs knowing that the oil company had pretty much unlimited money. I made 40k in 2 months.

Pretty sure this is how all big business works.

Scammed fellow students for 3 months straight

Tell us more?

Pimped my gf

How much so far?

Thats actually kinda fucked lmao

That's pretty shitty. Get a job neet.

software engineering, $220k/year
Not very sketchy, but it's easy as fuck

Does this work!??

Dank. What did you do with the car

>Got caught drinking and driving
>Made to take alcohol education classes twice a week
>$25 each time
>8 people in class at small office building
>See they just keep the cash in a drawer in one of the rooms.
>Break in one night after class and get $200
>Decide to break in again after 2nd to last class get another $200

If you have full insurance. But if you get caught it's a felony.

Being a sidewalk caricaturist is probably the SKETCHiest way to make money.

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Big, big consequences if you ever get caught. I couldn't live with that burden hanging over my shoulders

so now what? are you stuck with this card forever?

took apart and sold for parts slowly for more than actual value

what language?

Yes, for women

Boontapple McMixturemeats

used to get lead discs and coat in gold coin molds and sell to pawn shops as "solid"

Record yourself spinning your own dick then put it on a site with ads. Nobody can resist watching a good dickspin.

Isn't that the name of that talking bear toy from the 80s? Teddy Dixpin?

>Teddy Dixpin

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>needed money
>Took an replica airgun
>Rob random guys in the street
>Bought another replica airgun and beers

when I was in the air force some guy paid me to step in pbj and then let him lick it off my feet
I didnt need the money and it was really fucking weird
I dont know why I even did it
guy was security forces and I we were both dudes

Went to the service station bought cigarettes and sold them for $5 extra on what the price was when i was in school best $250 i made in 3 days.

I took a picture of an intake manifold and carbs that some dude was going to put on his hot rod. A friend of mine asked me for the picture. Two days later he called and said an insurance guy would be calling me. Tell him that guy i sold the manifold and carbs and we could split the thousand dollar check they would be sending. I said i sold the stuff, and for how much, 5 days later we had a check in hand. This was in the 80's so trying to pull the scam now would be impossible.

c++, java, python depending on the project

Had my first job at 12 years old. A friend and I would sit outside of a gas station, waiting for customers to come in. We'd open the door for them, and say something like "tips!"

People would come out and give us both either: a) money b) candy c) drinks. This continued for a few weeks, we probably made over $100/piece. We eventually got kicked out.
Thinking back to this makes me cringe. If a kid ever did this to me now, it would probably annoy the fuck out of me.

Sold crack,heroin and weed at 14 also some Ecstasy cocaine ketamine

Become a freelance IT guy. You can upcharge the shit outta everything, and people will pay it. It’s like being a legal dealer.

Sure ya did....

how long did it take to get to a 220k salary?

I smell the bullshit from here.

12 years or thereabouts

why? engineering jobs in silicon valley actually pay a lot more than 220k these days

where? been in IT over a decade across the midwest and getting clients to justify most expenses is like drawing blood from a stone. engineer&l=Palo Alto, CA

Maybe. But I big doubt it.

Hope you burn in hell

Not even remotely close to what Palo Alto jobs pay. I wouldn't take a job for less than $250k if I lived there. It sounds like a lot, but considering the cost of living there, you'd be "middle class" on that salary.

made stupid money selling salvia, kratom, and other "legal" drugs on ebay before they banned it a decade ago. made ~$57k last year on eBay making my own hot sauces and lube marketed to furries.

I used to have access to a database for a rather large city. I knew a few gang members that wanted addresses for people. Usually charge 150+ depending on the person's prowess. Easy money and nobody suspected anything.

>lube for furries
how? did you just make a basic lube and say its for furries, or what?


probably make lubes and you should add different animal urine/scents to them, for each type of furry, make a lube that has cat piss/scent in it, one with dog, lizards,bird, etc etc, thatd sell like hotcakes.

Furries would eat that shit up

one of the most common symptoms of autism is not being able to pick up on a joke.

fake and gay, the longest running "scam" in drug dealing history. literally not even the biggest retard on the planet would fall for that

Underrated comment

no it's fucking ranked right where it needed it to be.

interesting idea, but i'd have to do some market research to see how much real interest there'd be. the most i've expanded so far is adding a few colors. blue/green sells okay but white is the biggest seller by a large margin.

I did this in highschool 12 years ago and it works. Teens don't cook so they don't know what oregano looks like, and if you find ones that don't smoke they don't know what pot looks like. It's the "longest running scam" for a reason, kids are stupid.

Texas. Where the oil flows, so does money.

I see what you did there,

Yalls shit weak, i ran illegals across the border till i had enough money to pay rent on a house for 5 years and have some extra

Beaner. That's like $12 US compared to your shitty economy.

>Traded options
what does this even mean

Just use Google you retard.

investing in the stock market. shorting is when you make money on a stock going down.

got a job at mcdonalds once

You people should be called as soon as you quit that job. You'll never become anything.

Culled* not called

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I sold smokes and porn in high school since I was the first to turn 18. I would by cheap Bronco brand cigarettes for $2.50 a pack and sell them for double or 50 cents a smoke. I bought 5 DVDs for $20 from the discount rack at DK wilds (biggest porn store in the NW) and resell them for $20 a piece. I made almost a grand in about 3 months till the everyone started turning 18.

When I was a teenager, we would go out to the ghetto and rob drug dealers. It was only a matter of time before one of them shot me. Easy money and dope tho.

Broke. Got kicked out. Couldnt make rent anywhere and was living out of my car delivering pizzas. Homeboy i smoke with got in trouble. Did it to pay some debts off. Gives me option to do it, 1.7k a run. Do runs every night for a month. Basically live off of coke and weed for a month to stay awake and keep away stress. Eventually decided its time to stop, and so i just chill and work part time and smoke my days away

And no i never fucked any beaner puss, alot of times when people cross the border. Theyre looking for work. Meaning its only guys for the most part, women and children arent really strong enough to make the journey across and be able to run if bp comes


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Grind up incense and spices like Rosemary and sage. Go to your local hub/mall and tell underaged retards it's opioids or barbiturates. They buy it every time. Charge as much as you want. Also sell gum and mints for a dollar a pop. Be careful though, if they always pay in coins it gets pretty heavy to lug around

Fuckin easy dude. Just walk around and tell people you're a producer for Netflix and they need a small down payment to be in the new original series. $100 will guarantee you about 5 minutes of screen time and we will pay you $1,000 for it! Take the hundred and disappear until you find the next moron. It's pretty simple my dude...

Should have done Pepsi or mountain dew. They are less effective but hey they won't ruin your life

Basically, what the guys in this video get arrested

Well i dont know. Only thing i know that the guy in the picture is poor. Drives a shitty old BMW and holding only 7000 euro in his hands which is not alot of money. Seriously.

Nigga how do you think your middle class laborers live? Especially down south right next to mexico and around refineries where that shits the drug of choice? America functions on pase like every other country you fucking retard

Found a way to hack into Snapchat accounts and wrote a guide teaching people how to do it now I sell a shit ton of them.

To do that here. You have to have an official registred company and flight certificate for drones. Then you can do that.

I did this too, but we were 13 so I guess it was easier.

I agreed to be an older man's cum dump for a month, every day he would fuck my ass and make me wear girl clothes

Cost of living is shit. There are other places where the cost of living to income ratio is much better.

Income says shit to how well you are off.

To what extend did it traumatize you?
Did you report her?


I used to whore myself out to older guys on crag's list.
I made quite a bit of cash and dressing up was pretty fun. I liked being called cute and being treated like a girl

Same used to crossdress on Craigslist, started out with paid dates and ended up being a hooker

Still do it? I stopped once CL closed, but would do it again

How much did he pay to own you for a month? Was it worth it?

Stopped a couple months before cl closed, he paid me 2 thousand and it was worth it not for the money but i loved how i was treated

What were the conditions and how did you find him?
He didn't want to extend it or something?

picking up quarters that people throw at me

Also meant to ask how did he treat you?

Met him online, i had to wear whatever he wanted, dresses, lingerie, panties, and i would service him whenever he wanted, he treated me like his sex slave, gentle at times and rough in bed, i loved how he touched me and how he made me his woman

Gambled bitcoin once. Got superlucky and won 70 bitcoin.

One guy that loved paying for me for years also treated me roughly but gentle.
He would work my ass good enough that I could cum just from his fingering.
I miss him, but he said he stopped that. Are you still in contact with him?

Still dress up? I stopped once I stopped whoring

Not in contact anymore, and i dress up occasionally when i rp online in chat rooms

Sold a bunch of nudes of my gf for a bitcoin back when it was £150. Happy days

Did something similar in my HS days. Always was good with electronics. Made these small FET mike bugs that used a blow dart needle as an antenna. Would shoot them near a known crack house and listen on a walkman with headphones back in the 80's. Was a government job town, so the money flow was on a clock. Would figure out when they were sending a money shipment for laundering. It was literally a few paper grocery bags full of cash. We scored over +$100k, no resistance, as it was some crackhead bitch with her baby in a older well maintained car. She was on a long roadtrip to her destination taking very backwood roads. Less than 7 way split.
We listened later. They thought we were some kind of narcs that simply got the best of them. 2 of us now work in law enforcement, all pulled time in the military, one died in Afghanistan. All but one used the money to get through college nearly debt free, the one who died.

It wasn't like they were gonna go to the cops.

Well it was nice talking to you.
I'm still a slut even after CL. I'm just not a paid slut. It was fun while it lasted

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Same. But with capsules of "st John's ward". I said it was weed and he bought it.

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Selling street art to tourists.
I'd sometimes get booted from where I set up supply and display because of angry boomers and store owners nearby. Got bitched out by some lady who owned a restaurant once. Her rants made me laugh. She said it was all printed and fake but I did them by hand.
In some places the city won't even allow it, but I do it anyway in the right time and place.

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I solve captchas for a living.

nooo, some kids are fucking retarded if they havent even 'seen' it before, only been passed a joint.

Knew someone who sold oxo cube has hash.

Knew of someone in prague who brought some confier leaves wrapped in clingfilm, with a tiny bit of weed wrapped in the 'outer' bit of the baggie so it smelt slightly of bud.

nice, did this at school, we also made porn dvd's or just film dvd's that the poorfag kids or dumb kids who didnt know how to internet in the early naughties. im 29 btw.

I think so too, I was talking to a civil engineer before that gets contracted to build motorways/hghways, the amount of materials that are overbrought, and then wasted/left/buried/pinched and sold is insane.

Like at every level of the process the costs are x2/x3 what they should be. you have lorry drivers with hardcore literally drive it through the site, so the weighbridge checks it in and out, but the materials change hands to someone else along the way.

made fat stacks huh? let's see what you have to show for it. show us what you bought with all those fat stacks?

probably 31k

hulloooo raymend....

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Babysat a kid during the day for 4 days and made 700$, the dad was stacked