Has anyone ever withdrawn money from their account and then reported their card stolen...

Has anyone ever withdrawn money from their account and then reported their card stolen? I'm thinking about putting on a coat, hat and glasses and going to a gas station ATM and withdrawing the max 300 from my account.

Attached: tumblr_p46j33B4O11u3zs4bo1_1280.jpg (720x1280, 181K)

This is stupid, but if you’re going to do it, make sure to be outside of your normal geographic area.

yeah maybe I should go a couple towns over

Credit card fraud is $1,000 fine and 1 year of jail time in the US. Is it worth it for $300?

Low key I've been thinking of doing the same. I'll go on to the other side of my town, take out the max amount, then report the card lost. get a new drivers license and everything

I've reported fraudulent charges on my card before because somehow somebody was able to withdraw 120 bucks from an ATM 60 miles away. Didn't lose my card or anything. They didn't even question me, they just said did you do this charge? No. Okay sir your money will be back in 3 to 5 business days. Have a nice day.
I don't even think they look at cameras.

Imagine being this poor you gotta do shit like this to survive.

as if you're not a dirt fucking poor basement-dwelling incel LOL

No because they'll see where exactly the money left and could get suspicious. All ATMs have some form of camera too. So put two and two together and you get arrested for fraud.

Lmaoing at you’re life kid

That's a crime you might get away with. However, consider the following:

1) When you call your bank to report the theft, they won't even begin investigating until you provide them a copy of a police report.

2) You have to take time to go file a police report.

3) The bank isn't stupid. So, if they see too many suspicious things about this claim that lead them to believe that you stole your own money, they'll just deny your claim. If you want to counter it, you'll have to take them to court.

For $300, it's probably not worth the effort.

This user is right. They launch an investigation whenever you claim fraud away from your eyes. They'll get ya for sure bro the Jews are in with the prison system admins

Wait a couple years and plan this out better. Wait until your ATM withdraw is maxed out then do it?

worked for banks for 15 years on both retail side and IT side. for starters, don't be an idiot and steal only a few hundred dollars. if you're gonna steal from a bank, be sure it's enough to retire.

That said.

Bank fraud department will say...how did bad guy get pin? you'll say....uhhhh
they will say, claim denied.

How do you pull out $300 from a gas station?

Completely false. You do not have to file anything when you call the bank. Literally I have gotten money stolen out of my account from some weird place twice in my life, both times they literally just put the money back into your account and send you a new card. You don't know anything about what you're talking about.


Ur too poor to liklve. Keys, you leech

Fraud isn't worth $300..especially the way you are planning to do it

Not worth $300, man. You think you're the first person to ever think of this? A jacket and glasses won't help you.

is that even english you fucking moron

Of course they look at the cameras. Just because they refunded your money doesn't meant that they just closed the case.

I work for the bank. ATM have cameras, you idiot and how do you explain the pin? Fraud you could get away with will probably be purchases with credit card. you are more likely to get away with that.

> Go to a different location.
> And a store you would never visit.
> Purchase some shit you have never bought. Don't buy your fav drink or candy with that purchase.
> Leave your phone at home.
> Wear someone else's shoes. Put a stone in it to give you a slight limp.
> Try add an extra inch to your height
> If you have to sign anything use your non writing hand
> Use phrases from a different area - for instance 'y'all' and 'howdy' shit like that.

im dead