ITT: ask a real and famed hacker anything

ITT: ask a real and famed hacker anything.

Attached: MV5BNTUwNmVkYWEtOTkwZS00ZjM2LWJlNzAtNzcyYzJkOWM4YzQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODgyMDg2MDA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,56 (563x1000, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How much of a faggot are you?

a major faggot

Get nudes off my friends phone or b8

I always went after pedophiles in opFunKill

can u use your cool hacker powers to make my cock bigger?

maybe. I'll need to think about how it could be done.

Ok, explain in the most stupidest way how does a ECC works.

are you talking about business intelligence?

well ill be sure to give you numbers to start
currently its 7in long
5.75in girth
^erect numbers


4.5in flacid

up my game man im above average but i want to be the big dick joe dude of groups

eat raw garlic. it makes your dick bigger and you get bigger loads as well. It makes the jizz pure white.

What’s the most notorious shit you been in?

How do I tell if other computers are connected to mine without my knowledge?

tcpdump or wireshark

Attached: 4d7.png (700x700, 825K)

we once hacked White Sands Missile Range and lifted blueprints on CIA drones. The case was referred to federal law enforcement because we found out about transparent drones in use by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Did the russians hacked the 2016 election?

Attached: 19b681f0d36df8c581bf4b79d9e48193.jpg (900x1125, 99K)

Attached: ultrabait.jpg (1500x1500, 154K)

can you give back my cousin's world of warcraft account

Any tips?
I want to upload creep videos and some private videos but how do I conceal my identity or how can avoid people finding out it's me, not to mention the site I want to upload it to has shit security, we are talking JS and no SSL

You only need those to play back the traffic. If you want to see connections you start with netstat. Poseur detected

no. The russians didn't do shit. It was the DNC / online trolls / Yea Forums raids injecting crap into the advertisement campaigns across social media. Information war across the internet such as programs like project mockingbird by the CIA helped change the tide for election outcome. Yea Forums and Anonymous did the operations for revealing pedophiles in the DNC and they did a great job of it.


use a VPN

how to install mysql server on ubuntu?

playing back the traffick would reveal any inbound connections like a RAT or an encrypted RAT. netstat is a fucking joke.

sudo apt-get install mysql

wow. this guy's the real deal.

what should i text my female friend whom i havent seen in weeks?

lol sudo apt-get install mysql-server

tell her you miss her

Netstat is a useful tool to show active tcp/udp connections to your box as well as shitload of other useful information. Tcpdump/wireshark is the logical next step to see what information is being transmitted (although you referenced encrypted traffic which is lol) but for quick reference netstat always.
T. Network security faggot

Hey op, forgive my inner fag, but ur a hackerman, so u know ancient chinee secrets. what's an easy way to make cash online. Legit question. Already got a job btw :)

I took network security in high school. netstat is a joke. netstat also won't show inbound or outbound connections from an encrypted RAT / trojan.

how do i make `sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress` faster?

you could dump credit cards and sell them in onion land. Discord / Roblox hacking is also popular these days.

where does one get a bunch of people's credit card info? skimmers? and i thought most of that stuff on the dark web was a scam?

I don't know how to make that cryptographic function move faster unless you're referring to upping 1M to a larger number to make it randomize it faster.

I'm going to call you a skiddie now and then close this window.

either by dumping databases or social engineering. We once got into a payment processor via sql injection and then did a RCE and logged all of the live transactions to an organize list in a text file.


Do you know about the aliens?

yes we know about the aliens. We found out about them in 2013. The pentagon spent 4 million for researching UFOs from 2010 to 2014. The aliens also use transparent craft but their craft are still somewhat visible in the daytime if you're close enough. It's probably where the CIA got the idea.

Oh shit I wasn't expecting a serious reply

how did you get into hacking? and whats ur wpm? my average is ~120 10ff for the normal and my advanced is ~90.

we knew about this in 2013

about 120 or more most of the time. I got into hacking when I was 13. I first got started programming by a friend I made online and then it went further into hacking. I learned the rudimentary exploits first such as SQLi, RFI, LFI, XSS, LFU, RCEs, etc. after I learned a few programming languages.

No I mean the aliens having transparent craft and such.

yeah they do. We never found bulletproof evidence of aliens because our government thinks the UFOs are Russian tech but I beg to differ because the Russians aren't that smart. The intelligence reports we got indicated there was no link between the UFOs and actual aliens but again I beg to differ.

A payment processor could be injected? Jesus they deserved every single loss they had


You ever just like hack a hacker because they hack or did that make no sense?

then what did bob lazar fuck around inside and later blow the whistle about?

Alien craft

how can i make money hacking?

have they really built far ranging space submarines? I heard the navy has like 12 now

Not hackerman, but use alias if you need to use it repeatedly lole

Not hackerman, but go white hat. Companies will pay you to find vulnerabilities in their websites and such. It's called Penetration Testing

What made you famous?

Tell us all the secrets you’ve uncovered.


Attached: 1548728673407s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

how do magnets work?

They don't. It's an optical illusion

There are far too many to summarize here.

pick a favorite maybe?

we once got into the heads of state emails and they were using personal emails to receive intelligence from the CIA

Nice buzzwords, faggot

Actual hacker here.

You can't escalate to code execution via SQL injection. This isn't 1998 anymore, literally all SQL servers block system commands in prod, the SYSTEM command is turned off by default and the default perms don't even allow for file read/write. Calling bullshit. It would take a lot more than just an SQL injection to exec code.

kek that was hilarious

lol this. hackerman has been watching too many pajeet YouTube learn how to hack videos.

not true at all. You can run a buffer overflow on numerous sql management system versions.

how long does it take to write something like that?

not in the real world.. at least not with any respectable company. this will usually only worm in your ms17-010 test environment.

I think you're forgetting about all the unknown 0days. which is what I have a lot of axx to.

Just came ITT and you got my attention mr.hackerman
Tell us what unbelievable borderline secret occult shit you uncovered
Anything about parallel dimensions/world?

Anything unbelievable that is true?
By that i mean REALLY weird fucking shit

it just depends on the system. Usually no more than a day or two.

we got into Oakridge National Laboratory once and they were do experiments to determine if there are parallel worlds.


Nice, anything else?
Again, throw me the most weirdest/fucked up shit
Spill the beans my man
Finally something on this goddamn fucking cancer ridden board worth lurking

doubt. 0d RCE's in enterprise dbms could go for millions.

More buzzwords. You jumped from SQLi to buffer overflows. Epic.

Or are you implying the overflow happens by you somehow manipulating queries? In which case point to 1 (one) CVE which describes SQLi->buffer overflow->code exec in a black box environment.

Oh wait, you can't, because you just made that shit up.

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I believe personally there are parallel worlds simply because they determined there are.

Dude shut the fuck up and leave if you don’t have anything better to do
If you really want that much attention go start your own thread you fat neckbearded fuck

Come on and try me faggot, i’ll wait for you to disable my connection if you are that much salty for revenge

blatantly obviously not OP lmao

Yea Forums use to be the spot. Weirdest most fucked up shit I ever seen? We mass ratted a bunch of pedophiles in a pedophile ring with an encrypted RAT that I rewrote with pupy source code. This RAT was completely undetectable to antivirus software, hell even ClamAV couldn't detect it. We injected the RAT into a bunch of CP and distributed it across the darknets on gnutella. When we remoted into their OS to watch what they did we also snapped on their cameras at times to watch what they would do and we witnessed them jacking off to CP. It was mostly guys. One dude stuck a dildo up his ass. There were also pedophile women as well masturbating to children. I was disgusted and ashamed of humanity when I witnessed that.

okay, but you do admit they exist at least. Now we're getting somewhere.

Who said i was you fucking mong
I’m intredasted and you’re a fucking buzzkiller
So far OP delivered shit that no one could possibly make up so either keept it to yourself or fuck off

RIP faggot if hes still here

If you're such a successful hacker, why don't you go into detail on how what you describe is even remotely possible, instead of relying on buzzwords and when called out on just resort to lame name calling and childish rage? Oh, I know, it's because you're full of shit. Go LARP on some other board, I bet reddit would suck your shit up real good.

SQLi can lead to privilege escalation and if there are hooks you can do more things of course. Rooting a box is easy. I started out by uploading shells and defacements.

ah the glory, and the gore. ill tell my grand kids this story

no fighting in my thread Anons. Keep it clean! kgo!

i want to get into this stuff, nothing too serious, but something worthwhile. what does it take? do i need a retardedly nice computer? do i need to buy certain software(s)? i'm pretty oblivious to this kind of thing. if anyone wants to help, my d¡sc0rd is BrainDead#7612

OP here, I didn't write that comment. I don't talk like that anyway.

Can you help me find my xanga account? I lost it

sqli usually doesn't lead to rce unless the DB admin is incompetent. we're taking password 'admin123' level incompetent.


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>Yea Forums use to be the spot.
Been here on/off since 2008
I’ve seen some shit
>rest of post
lol.. uh that’s not really the kind of fucked up i was looking for but it doesn’t really surprise me as i already stumbled upon a pedophile forum by accident and was curious to see how these fucks interacted and i left before i even checked a second thread

But i digress, anything really top secret that has to do with some borderline occult shit? Even paranormal? Anything groundbreaking

Sorry mr.Hackerman, you’re the coolest thing to Yea Forums in a while and i just don’t wanna waste my time on the other shitty threads as i’m pretty sure you’re not gonna come back so might aswell take advantage of your time, amirite?
Btw gg man and keep on keeping on, i wish i could fucking get into that hacking shit but i’m too old for this and got a shit ton going on in my life

can i please have $30?

simply not the case.

they might exist or they haven't been discovered yet. who knows? either way I'm fairly confident you do not have any 0d dbms exploit.

Still here lol
I’m not OP, now fuck off to your trap threads, fucking faggot

no, it's my last $30 until my next paycheck.


There's a good one that's been around for a while. You just need to inject a fishy icon. That's all I'm going to say to you user because you are being counterproductive on this thread.

So the chain is now SQLi -> buffer overflow -> RCE -> privesc (from DBs acc to root or similar), which, while not impossible, is very improbable seeing how OP was initially just "bada bim bada bum we did the sqls and the rces". Just doesn't make sense, and no real security researcher would talk like this, it all sounds like buzzword talk from someone who's been watching too much Mr Robot.

paranormal? occult? Yeah I have access to the original unmodified Bohemian Grove videos. The ones that show John McCain grab assing a male waiter and then wanting to suck his dick at the Bohemian Grove in California. It also shows the politicians engaging in an orgy.

glad your still with us hackerman *salutes screen*


Ugh, bohemian grove is so late 2000...
You really don’t have anything more weird? I mean bohemian grove is kinda common knowledge to conspiracy theorists
I’m looking for some unreal shit like super AIs
Mariana trench(i know it’s a meme but you get the point?)
Secret knowledge
Shit like that

>been around for a while
>fishy icon
ok got it. you sound legit now.

What leverage are you specifically employing in exchange for your life?

sorry I meant Dick Cheney*

lots of things

Is lulzsec gay?

Most damning?

I never came across anything to do with super artificial intelligence yet, but I did see some shit on AI a few years back when we got into Sandia National Laboratories based in Hawaii.

Not OP and i don’t know who the fuck that faggot is but most likely yes

people won't generally fuck with a group that has the power to bring them down.

Oh shit satan

There's like 4. Stop being a faggot.

Also, are we to be expecting an informational dam break within the next 4-5 years that is going to change this path we’re on for the better? Looks to me like this cartel-like grip on control of this planet is faltering and plugging the dam along the way

Think there were poppers involved? Lmfdo

Anything uncovering the elite’s plan to further indoctrinate the masses?
Secret CIA projects?
Psychological secrets?
Any borderline stargate project shit?
Anything having to do with the mind?
Sorry OP i’m just thirsty for some interesting info that’s not available to the general public
>pic related
Best depiction of how this thread stimulates me

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I see an age where disinformation is king. The Internet changed the world and how people received information whether it was factual or not. For a while we were able to use the Internet to spread truth but the governments and corporations caught on to our techniques and started squashing them. Most hackers active in Anonymous moved on by growing up and the skill left the flag. But I still have that information activist in me and I'm hoping to bring it back this year.

Also, please do tell


>inject a fishy icon

No words can describe how retarded this sounds to an actual security researcher.


I feel sorry for anyone who is taking OP seriously and indulging him in his Mr Robot roleplay.

Attached: _82796964_450986676.jpg (976x549, 61K)

Just shut the fuck up already, Debbie Downer
Make me faggot
Fuck my shit up, i’m still waiting for you to disable my privilege to call you a flaming faggot

AI doesn't stand for artificial intelligence it stands for archonic inventions, sincerely buzz lightyear

Well generally how it works is they stand back and let their enemies take eachother out. Just look at the cities of Chicago and Detroit. They allow for gang organization so they can wipe eachother out in the short run or long run. That's one of the ways they play. Another way they plan is through disinformation and they start them very young in schools etc by indoctrinating them with disinformation and bad education. Secret CIA projects? The CIA is engaged in intelligence gathering on ever level. I know of 'secret' CIA projects that require a certain clearance such as Project Mockingbird and programs like that. The government experimented with remote viewing once haha.

is this the right icon? please tell me how to inject it op

Attached: 52803234-fish-icon-fish-jump-sign-fishing-symbol-white-fish-icon-on-blue-circle-background-vector-il (1300x1300, 59K)

Have you ever connected with Jeremy Hammond via internet, phone, or in person?

>"inject a fishy icon"

my sides

Attached: Obama-Laugh.jpg (3528x2449, 1.44M)

Well, not wanting to seem condescending but nothing of that is new to me
Nonetheless, anything more murky?
Anything really impressive? Groundbreaking? I really want to learn something other than UFOs cause so far that’s the only new shit i got out of this thread

They put together 800 playstation 3s with original firmware so they could combine all the GPUs together similar to how the AirForce did back in 08. They then started experimenting with advanced artificial intelligence by writing scripts and applications that gathered intelligence from the internet so there was that and then they aired it to these little robots they made. So think of a big brain relaying information to smaller things detached from it. IBM sponsored some of the shit they were doing so they could build a medical AI that would tell the doctors everything about the patients and what meds to perscribe the patient super fast.

it's a 0day.

Goddammit OP, i can see exactly how that shit could backfire on us if super AI came to the light of the day and waged a war against humanity
It’s as if scifi movies are slowly starting to be prophecies yet to happen
Good thing i dropped the controller when i was 13, vidya are kinda lame nowadays aside from old school RPGs

Anything else in that vein?

I have.

hey buddy it works.

Nothing I would disclose here because I wouldn't risk my life that far.

Fair enough, care to drop some hints? Pointers?
Have you ever been backtraced or gotten your shit fucked up or even death threats from officials?
Any funny/eerie stories?
Share some of your close calls

I have gotten death threats unfortunately. Aside from that it's all pretty funny. Eerie story would be the pedophile ring we got into and I detailed the event in another post.

OP here. I gotta crash. Decent thread tonight. I'll come on again tomorrow sometime.


>Yeah I have access to the original unmodified Bohemian Grove videos

You’ll have to wait tomorrow
Mr.Hackerman went sleep mode

Can you counter the hacker already in my laptop and wifi.

Please hack into some bitches insta for me

How do I get rid of the invasive mint that's growing in my garden?