Should abortion be legal?

Should abortion be legal?

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>should homicide be legal?


Retroactive abortion should be legal for some people

found the religious faggots.

Not religious just morally

No. It's murder.


then you're just an idiot

Oh yes, as should the brutal rape and murder of women. After all, as a man, don't tell me what to do with my body or penis. And if somebody has to die for my convenience, well, fuck it. Kill them.

Fucking morons.

There won't be u two if abortion would be legal

If you want a discussion like this post it on /pol/. It’s gonna get annoying and political and stink up Yea Forums

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You should kill yourself since you’re no longer human.

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It is, idiot. I hope your mom gets raped by Hitler and has to keep the baby.

It should be mandatory.

Sure. Just like tattoos and vasectomies and getting your tubes tied kill off your gametes and blood cells, theres no difference between that and terminating a blastocyst


Depends on the race. Also free abortions in Africa.

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As it has always been so it will be. Illegal or legal... it's going to happen. The question is "safe" or "not safe". Making weed illegal has done zero. If you want to stop abortion you need to support IUD's without parental consent, sex education, free contraceptives other than IUD's... if you don't women will get fucked up or killed having abortions and more niggles will torture our society. You ain't stopping shit with your personal beliefs cuz people have different beliefs.. get the fuckin government outta women's cunts. You ain't doin shit.

Just rapist say abortion should be illegal

Loves unwanted didn't do nuffins running the streets.

my belief is that abortion should be legal and all stem cells should be donated to science.. in order to advance as a species.. we need to figure some shit out...

Fuck yeah, its better than just smashing a baby with a rock after its born

Why we're talking about abortion:

Stop letting them divide, distract and conquer us.

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Fair enough. Are you limiting it to the blastocyst stage? Or just being misleading on purpose?

Cuck wants niggles raping his mother/daughter/wife.


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Yes. No one should be able to tell someone what they can and can't do with their own body. Especially if it's something that could save their life.

>As it has always been so it will be.

But it has NOT always been legal, as you know. It has gone on since somebody first figured out how. But that's not the topic under discussion.

Nah don't live in the US

Not sure those are the only two options.

It’s not their own body at that point

They used to leave babies in the woods after it was born I think abortion is the most ethical way to off a baby no one wants except the pseudo-moral religious fags

But there are two bodies involved, more clearly so the later in a pregnancy abortion is allowed.

Yeah their are a bunch of different ways to quickly kill a baby just be happy we can do it in the womb

Abortions will happen whether they are legal or not, we should keep them legal to keep our people healthy.


We should sterilize mongoloids to prevent them reproducing. .

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Correct and so moral I'm sure he supports abolishing the 2nd amendment, funding programs that feed children, public housing, and all the other moral shit that saves life....

Why not? Its not like anyone enjoys getting one

99%of the time late term abortions happen to save the life of the mother or because the baby won't survive anyways. A woman doesn't just carry a baby body of the way through pregnancy for fun before aborting, those children aaaayyyeeee usually wanted but would either die quickly or kill the parent.

I would agree it is more humane to abort a fetus than abandon a baby in the woods. But like I said above, those are not your only two options.

It is a clever false dichotomy, but it is similar to arguing that you should be able to shoot people in the head at will because it's got to be more humane than slowly feeding them through the slicer at Arby's. While true, it is a deliberate misstatement if the range of alternatives.

Murder will happen whether it's legal or not. So let's legalize murder.

But it is. A baby is just a parasite until it's born.

Thank you for your contribution, summerfag.

The only healthy murder would be to murder niggers like you.

Yes and they should be encouraged. Do you really want goofy broads who would consider an abortion molding the minds of kids?

Fat people should eat themselves to death, trannies should continue to get sex changes then off themselves, and abortions should be legal. Stop getting in the way of people darwin-ing.

Never said that there wasnt other options but everything in nature will kill its young if needed. Why would we bring a life into this world for it to not get a decent chance, adoption is full, foster care is a nightmare, and that isnt even talking about all the reasons for why an abortion may be necessary like someone isnt prepared, baby will be deformed and living in hell, someone raped the person and they want to carry that piece of them around. Honestly it should be a mothers right to snuff out her child even if some fags think its homicide.

>99%of the time late term abortions happen to save the life of the mother or because the baby won't survive anyways.

Not sure where you live, so can't definitively call bullshit - it may be true there.

But I'll grant a different status to abortions performed for either of those reasons. I understand that not all folks who are against abortion would do so, I can only speak for me.

You are a parasite, should it be legal to chop you up and vacuum you up out of the basement?

>Honestly it should be a mothers right to snuff out her child even if some fags think its homicide

It may be significant how few pro-abortion folks make that part of their argument in public.

I think that the crux of the whole thing is we don't know when a baby becomes a person. Both sides basically agree on all the facts and science of the situation. Like liberals will pretend to not understand the pro-life argument. And claim they just hate women. But we get it. We just think that argument is better framing.

Anyways. Science will never tell us when a fetus suddenly has the divine spark of precious individual human life.

It's essentially unknowable right?

Wouldn't you want someone to decide for themselves instead of the government deciding for them?

I'm an actual human. A fetus isn't. It's Apple's and oranges

I know quite a few people like this but I'm just some guy on the internet so don't trust me

Somehow pointing out the murder of a human being is a sign of religious bias? I think not. It is what it is buddy, if you want to kill innocent babies just because they're inconvenient to you then own it as it is, no need to delude yourself.

Yes, they should be legal and readily available to those who need it for whatever reason they may have.

>Like liberals will pretend to not understand the pro-life argument. And claim they just hate women.

And also I guess pretty often people claiming to be prolife actually do just hate women. Not all of them. But plenty. These people generally show very little regard for kids after birth. Not interested in some sort of minimum standard of food, healthcare, housing, education for kids even though they didn't choose to be born or to be born to poor people.

Still not addressing my point


That's the death penalty in a nutshell. Only used on the worst offenders.

A human fetus is 100% human, no different from you. It’s not a giraffe or a giant squid, it’s human. Do you know how ignorant you sound when you say shit like that?

What people need to understand is that whether or not you agree with abortion it's none of your business if someone gets one.

That’s what people used to say about spousal abuse. None of your business.

If they repeal the Hyde Amendment, then yes it is my problem as my tax money would be paying for it to happen.

do whatever you want to your kid.

I mean, my jizz and toenail clippings are human too. They're not a person though. Neither is a fetus

> my face when someone trys to tell me that actually my jizz is a person

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(it'd be saving you tax money in the long term tho. ofc.)

Im going to do a bunch of abortions where abortion is illegal. So many of them they will have to legalize it

Hey, libtard. You avoided the argument.

No...., but aborting fully grown anons who unironically frequent /pol/ should be.

Nah the only thing that actually is a human in that list is the fetus. Jizz is half the DNA needed for a human, and nail clippings are just dead cells that have extended out past the quick of the finger or toe.

Soooo, felonious criminal, where will this happen? Your name? Uhhhh, so we support you?

>attempts to greentext but cant

Well, maybe they should have used protection in the first place and then they wouldn't have a little ankle biter running around.

Everywhere and my name is Mr. Bojangles

Is greentext used as parenthetical now?

My jizz is 100 human DNA. Nail clippings too. It's no different from the fetus. Having a full set of human DNA doesn't make a thing a person.

If you can think of something different about a fetus that earns it that title I'd be interested to hear it. But it's DNA definitely does not.

Well, the song says he spent plenty of time in jails.

What forms of contraception do you also consider to be murder btw?

Yes, anything that kills more people.
Not effective enough, they spawn faster than can be killed off.

I think we somehow found common ground from a gay black man

Murder should be legal as far as I am concerned. In fact, it already is. And you get a Purple Heart if you get a paper cut while carrying it our or some dumb bullshit like that. If people can kill hundreds of people "by accident" while calling it "collateral damage" and "civilian casualties", then women should have the right to beat their own pregnant bellies with a hammers as far as I am concerned.

Abortion should not be allowed. Adoption,abstinence,marriage,birth control......just because you want to be a whore does not mean you can kill people.......

Cue mc hammer

Gay JEWISH black man

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Worlds full faggot and its going to happen anyway

Probably the only good one kek



It should be legal only to kill retarted down syndrome babies.

With a hammer?

Well should 14 year old girls getting raped and pregnant from that have to keep kids they cant take care of? Course it should be

why would you want to do that to yourself user?

Abortion is the closest we got to actual eugenics, so fucking right it should be legal.


>defending yourself should be illegal
Found the retard.

My nigga


I've always thought of babies as sortof a blank disk. Like its a perfectly acceptable substrate to develop a person in. But until the baby's at least two or so it's not really a person.

Likewise, substrates other than babies can also store/be people. Like if we simulated a human brain on a computer. Or modified a dog to be smart like humans are.

Eugenics it should only be legal to the darker colored races, & JEWS

What if someones got so many freckles on average they're pretty dark?

One word
end of discussion stop killing BABIES YOU FUCKING SATANIC RETARDS.

Satan is my nigguh, fuck orphanages I grew up in homes like that and they are absolute shit. Kids need a parent not a big fucking building

So don't have fucking 9 kids!

T h i n k! my nigga!

Yes it IS the topic of discussion. You can't legislate morality. You can't stop women from using herbs, imported pills, and back alley doctors. Just as you can't stop me from smoking my illegal weed from some fuckhead latino who probably kills, robs, and steals to get it to me. if you REALLY care about the unborn stop them from existing. Educate people. Give them a chance to not get pregnant. I'm tired of my taxes going to pay for people who can't afford not only giving birth to them but then paying for food stamps, housing, schooling, and jailing them. Your morals don't fucking matter. You're not saving anyone you're fucking up the world with this thinking that the rest of the industrialized world has figured the fuck out. My man, on like my 5th to 10th date I'm asking the girl if she'd abort our healthy baby.. she says yes and I have before... I'm done with her but I can't push my ideas on others. It doesn't fucking work.

Nope got thrown in by social services due to violent beatings because they didnt want me

Why not and while we're at it how about cyanide pills for the adults, in case they ever feel the need to "opt out".

And yes if my shit family got a abortion then i wouldnt be here but i still support abortion

Certainly don't owe the world any more babies. Flush the lot of them.

Dude some people deserve to be late late late term aborted while they are walking around so yes.

Sorry to hear that but if your not fit to be a parent then you shouldn't have sex to begin with. Don't take out your issues on infants you fucking social reject.

Well people will still have sex. Think about all the times teachers told high schoolers to not have sex did it work? I may have had a shit run of things in the beginning but at least I am not dumb

>supports murder
>not dumb
Lose your V card and grow the fuck up.

I'm a gay retard. And i'm telling you this is fucking retarded. There's other ways you blood hungry monster.

Its only murder if its a person in which a cluster of cells is not

Nice confession moralfag


It should be mandatory after you've had two kids.

only for niggers

It is legal. There is no "should" OP.

isn't there a bill where you can kill the baby at nine months now?
Stop it. get some help. All just so you can keep being a slut for a few more years. it's fucking gross. no one wants a pussy graveyard!

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Fuck pretty soon we will be able to beat newborns with hammers. God the future is great

the edge. but you know i'm Right.

Yup you can kill a 9 month fetus, you are right there. But hammers arent known for their edge

ya what's that edge on the other side of the blunt

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The problem many people face is when the fetus can be classified as human. Since this is a gradual process of development it is not possible to name an exact point.

So an arbitrary point will have to be picked out. It may a heartbeat, development of nerves, ...

Nobody is arguing it is ok to kill a child here. People are asking when a fetus becomes a baby giving it human rights. This is a difficult question which courts, scientists and we the public have to think about.

As for everybody in this thread. Set your emotions aside for a second and learn to understand this and come to a joint cut off point

Thats a pick you dummy

Yes, but it should be culturally frowned upon. Those feminazi cunts that treat their repeatedly scraped vaginas like a badge of honor should be exiled to Siberia.

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instead of admitting to yourself that your fucked up and that you fucked up. your just gunna keep advocating for the death of innocents. Get some help.


Hell yeah my dude

So I argue in favor of abortion because ultimately it is an issue of bodily autonomy. Would you support a law that makes non fatal organ donation mandatory?

Don't call me dude nigger.

One life to save another is ok, one life to improve another is not

Okay i didnt call you dude nigger i just called you dude


Okay ill just call you nigger then dude

I think of it like this:

Is it your kid?
Is the girl aborting the kid your family?
Are you going to adopt said kid when the parents don't want it?

Then you don't get a say in it.
Debate me otherwise.

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>Nigger Fagget

Some lovers struggle to breed and would be more then happy to adopt. Stop your savages way.
i'm gunna fucking say it. S e e k J e s u s

When did i say fagget? But i mean if thats the preferred term for you to be called sure ill help you out buddy nigger fagget dude


sorry I meant to call you
>Jew Nigger

Uhhhh contraception prevents the act of conception from happening, therefore it's not murder when it's only half of a full set of DNA.....

debate me motherfuckers I watch ben shapiro.

Where is jesus hiding? And isnt it gods plan for those parents to not have kids then?

Your jew tricks wont work on me.

Jizz has only 50% of the DNA needed to create a human. Therefore it's still technically your body. Do with it as you wish.

Like sammy jr?

Absolutely and without question.

Religious people should be BANNED from participating in politics until such time as they pay taxes.


Pick one, you subhuman retard.

you clearly don't read the bible because you would know it's a sin to murder a fucking baby. and your just going off the twisted words of men right now.

I'm totally joking.

That's not morality. That's retardation. Learn about what you speak so you don't sound like a fucking imbecile next time.

Abortion should be mandatory for most people. Think about how many fucking retarded niggers spics and white trash shit heads we already have running around with no skills or prospects that are a complete drain on society

Ive read the bible my favourite part is where jesus probably banged that whore

is this where your mind goes off to? Music? you're fucking pathetic.

"do not leave alive anything that breathes." -Bible
The bible is all for killing babies

You could literally go to Hell for that.

Religious people pay income tax, state taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, property taxes.....just the churches themselves don't and so they should not push agendas from the pulpit.

And fewer Republican trash dipshits.

Sammy jr isnt a music

Who gives a shit about what a bunch of ancient camel fuckers that wrote boring shitting mythology think about morality

Science says they aren't alive until the 7th month of gestation.

The Buybull says they aren't alive until they take a breath at birth. There is also a god-dictated abortion procedure in it. That means your sky wizard approves of Abortion.

Laws of bodily autonomy dictate people be allowed to control what happens to their body, and the fetus/embryo/zygote is entirely within and dependent on the woman's body. That's why it's HER. FUCKING. CHOICE.

Abortion should be available, without question and without molestation by fucktard subhuman politicians in every county of this nation. FUCK REPUBLICAN RETARDS.

But hear me out what if it doesnt exist?

fake or not there's something to learn from those books. I take it your already mentally unhinged because you kill babies so i'm just saying an imaginary friend with your best interest wouldn't be that far off for you. just trying to help! Holy shit!

No, you can't. Hell isn't real. The Bible is fictional garbage.

Because if you don't the Devil will get your Soul. We are here to stop that from happening since you won't.

So i should bang whores?

>camel fuckers
your thinking of islam.

It's Blasphemy to say Hell doesn't exist.

Theres literally nothing to learn from the bible. Abortion is a legitimate bioethical issue that plenty of legitimate philosophers have written extensively on

You should find a wife buddy.

I wonder why they put that in religious texts

>The Bible is fictional garbage
No that's how the Devil gets your Soul. When you grew up you knew God's Word was real, and then the Devil tried to make you doubt it as he is doing now. I've seen this happen over and over again.

Well your wife is a whore

>Should abortion be legal?
For nonwhite fetuses. Especially halflings.

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Nigger where do you think christianity started? In Rome?

Agreed, republicans are trash people and more of them should be aborted

ya, plenty of Jews.

I'm single nigga. Eat shit and die in a fire.


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Questioning the Word of the Lord is the Devil whispering in your ear. That's how he works, putting something in your mind that sounds plausible to the weakened spirit.


it's a dude that plays music yes.

Single man telling others to get married the fuck? Lol

Christianity is literally Jew cuckoldry bunch of retards worshiping their boyfriend that Jews fucked over

no u

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No they should be born and abandoned by dead beat mothers and live a completely shitty and crappy life from the onset just because their moms were unfit to actually be a mother

You could literally go to Hell for blaspheming our Lord.

Well shit then he is still more interesting than your god

why would you fuck a whore? she's a whore.

why don't you type in ALL CAPS some more

you lost me.

You will literally be burning in a lake of fire for making that post. I can help you. Send $20 to my Paypal and I will give you the Word to keep the Devil away.

Chances are sometime in your mother and aunts life she sucked a dick and enjoyed it

you lost me.

You retards literally harbor a ring of degenerate faggot pedophiles. Religicucks need to be lynched

ye s

well I hope so. but what do blowjobs have to do with killing babies??

You will literally go to Hell for that.


Yea Forums is where I go to get all my political nuance and subtlety.

You see a lot of raging incels that are against abortion because they are mad women are having sex, but not with them.

Abortion should be legal for the first trimester, even if I find it morally reprehensible.

I still think your talking about islam and not the wholesome farmers.

You are an argument for late stage 14th year abortion

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But your Anonymous nigga!

I bet you still believe in Santa Claus too

you lost me.

Yes. It should be, my opinion.

Let's not Appeal to Ridicule, you're better than that.


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A jew posted this because Yea Forums is the last site that isn't touched by the jew. they want you to leave so they grow again in the darkness. I'll always be here to call out your bullshit.


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Yea Forums is based af.

just gotta get past the bad apples.

That 3rd paragraph doxxed me spirituality

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why not,america pretends like its a free country.but apparently.guns,abortion,and wanting to marry the same gender is frowned upon and banned

i love jesus's weiner.i cant wait until i can suck that holy cock when i get to heaven

Yes it should be and it will once all the boomers and old fucks die off.

get as many guns as you want Marry who ever you want

Ban marriage, ban guns, kill all babies!!!

yup after us white people bite the dust your looking at an actual shit hell hole.

I wanna blame the religious think this country is for them and only fights when 'their' liberties are being threaten.


edgy and I know you mean it too because you are a sick motherfucker that's going to the deepest pits of hell.

ban everything! because more laws that will be ignored will solve the problem!


who only vote republican,and wont anymore.because donald trump is as far away from conservative values as possible

The way I figure it life is a funny thing to pin down, and while we can say a fetus is certainly alive, it is not necessarily worthy of protection, similar to a sperm sample. The best choice is to allow abortion within a short time period after pregnancy starts, before the fetus begins to develop the characteristics we associate with significant life.

Killing! Fucking! Babies! you stupid fucking savage! there's no fucking excuse!

for real tho, other western nations have banned guns and it's been fine. People will do what you tell them to do. Some will fight but they will die and we'll move on. Personally I think guns are fun, but AR's and shit are a health problem nowadays.

As for marriage, I really do think we should get rid of it. It's anachronistic and unnecessary.

I also think abortions are great and people should have complete unmitigated access to them. I don't give a fuck what people do with their own bodies. And while a growing lifeform is living off another human, it's her body to do what she wants with it.

Cry me a river


Next you'll tell me the heart beat is actually meaningful lmaooooo
Sit down.

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ya guys bust nuts that's our fucking sin. it doesn't mean everyone else gets a pass to just go ape shit off wall.

>and its been fine

yeah,im sure those muslim ridden eurotrash countrys who dont have any guns are fine.dumbfuck,an armed population is a safe population.go fuck the cock of your police state some more

you fuckers are pushing the bill to be up to 9 months. this is fucking human sacrificing at this point.

>yeah,im sure those muslim ridden eurotrash countrys who dont have any guns are fine.
They literally are.
More people die daily of gunshot wounds in the US daily than die in their countries yearly. There's literally no argument you could make that holds any water.

Good. Fuck em.

Who cares? I'd push it up to 12 years and postnatally abort 12 year old niggers like you if that pathetic moderate pussy Trump would allow it.

>they literally are

so why dont you live their then? have fun when in a week,you come crawling back to america when you see how much muslim violence goes on their.i already know you shit for brains trump supporters have no clue about the world outside of america

end of discussion ya'll talk about murdering babies outside the internet where your safe and you'll get knocked the fuck out. I guarantee you. these are our last years before our values are lost forever to the dark ages. some of us are going out with a fucking bang.

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I'm telling you. This "muslim violence" you're talking about is literally nothing compared to black and white violence in the US. There is absolutely no comparison. Try harder, fag.

Of course not. That's a human being and fucking murderers are killing them. This is the issue we will go to civil war over next

Por su puesto que si.

>Muh Values

Your fucking values kept the human race in a 900 year Dark Renaissance. Be silenced fool.

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Fuck you. you stand for nothing.
Fuck you, you stand for nothing.

you trumpshits dont care about black on white violence though,for almost 4 years now.we've had to hear your whining about mexicans

Yes. I'm tired of running into little shits whenever I go to buy a bag of chips.

You fucking animal. I'll be fucking your ass in hell.

daily reminder that you all are a fucking faggots


>boomer vs zoomer

Quite true. In Scandinavian folklore they’re called Mylings. Poor babies that were left to die were also denied any peace in the afterlife.

It's only now that we have the internet that everyone can see there's really no debate in the matter. you deserve to be put down.

i'm a millennial. don't compare me to the illuminati zombies.

Hell? Still clinging on an idea that some loser made in the past?

Is your last name Chuckles?

>i'm a millennial

how many times have you shouted at the sky about how trump isnt your president today? must suck you cant sit in your mom's basement because your communist hero bernie lost the election

I think trump is the worst thing to happen to this country. I'm gonna vote for Warren, thanks.

>thinks trump is the worst thing that happened to the country

>but didnt learn the first time and is gonna vote for another women,because hillary worked out so great didnt she

Bro your own consciousness hates you. your gunna burn lol

If you stop being a pathetic hyperemotional moralfag for 5 minutes, maybe you'll realize you have no basis at all for your argument at all besides:
>muh feels
>appeal to emotion fallacy
Go fuck my dead grandmother, dipshit.

Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Here.

I bet you also believe 'Good' and 'Evil' is written in stone.

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Hail hitler. I am the ghost of sparta so stfu

dont get me wrong,i think trump isnt the greatest either.but we gave you retards 8 years to improve america and you just made it why dont you fuck off to your shitty poverty ridden democrat cities and states and let the party of people who are intelligent enough to improve the country run things now

me too. We are even worse than that my dear dude

oh right,should of known a braindead left wing pile of shit millennial would of made a nazi joke.since you seem to think the biggest jewish cock sucker to ever get elected president is "literally hitler" or whatever.go back to your avocado toast now kid

No. you know why I won't fuck her? because it's immoral.

Kill em all, not my problem, what do i care.
Maybe sell the bodies to the chinks afterwards?
They'll eat anything.

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I'm not even from the Us but um. i'll just say I was happy when trump got in. so chill tf out.

She didn't lose solely because she's a woman. She was also obnoxious and entitled.

The country /was/ significantly better after obama. I have no idea where you retards get your info to be so poorly educated.

Hell yeah it should. It's unconstitutional to ban abortion. Castle doctrine.

noo? because there's always Zoomers. and that's fucking worse.

>Still thinking the consciousness is something

Riot, lad. Absolutely hilarious. Let me guess: Morality is objective, therefore god?

Do you hear the honks, Mr.Chuckles. They beckon for thee.

nah I just believe your soul won't let you sleep. and it'll fucking hurt when you die and keep hurting long after being dead.

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Look at the internet. it's a hive mind of consciousness. but that consciousness of Ai isn't YOUR consciousness. dumb fuck. you had a soul like it or not. and your gunna fucking burn for throwing it away.

Banning abortion is socialist because it's a form of government control. I'm conservative and so I am pro choice unlike Marxists who trust big government to choose for them


Oh. Oh. That's fine. I guess, you can believe the wrong thing if you choose. Just don't push your moral values on other people.

It's called Pro-Choose not Pro-Abortion

then you got this fagget that's so edgy conservative that laws of man don't even fucking exist to him. no one likes you!

Have you seen how shitty an orphanage is?
Enjoy having more crime in your streets

fuck off foreign nigger,of course the retards who dont have to suffer from trump's bullshit are happy.he's a fucking failure,liberal piece of shit who needs to be kicked out of the white house and the republican party


>The Clowns, they Honk for thee for the ones they honk for are clowns indeed.

Sorry, kiddo. I wasn't indoctrinate to believe in a book that cites itself as being as fake.

Abort ALL the things!

>push your moral values
when a bitch wants to murder your baby your willing to have.
sure kid.

Being as fact*

i think abortion is morally wrong but ultimately i am pro choice because it is impractical to try to force someone to carry a child to term

I'm white.

Absofuckinlutely. Take the welfare rats out of the equation before they’re a problem. It’s mostly stupid / irresponsible people getting abortions.

Again, Some lovers can't breed and I bet would be more then happy to adopt. Try putting the money into the orphanage then rather then the jews pocket.

Awwh, touchy subject. Huh? Shame, you can't see beyond the "this is how 'I' feel" stance, because morals aren't set in stone fella nor are they massed produce.

...and It's okay to be white.

a trumpshit calling me uneducated lol,america is not any better with trump then it was under obama.its probably worse,because at least you rednecks cared about your constitution when obama attacked were to busy shoving your head in your ass when trump attacked it,nevermind his trips to his florida beach house and the golf course

If so many acceptable candidates are out there why are there so many niglets in foster care?

All I ever said in the thread was there's something learn from the bible :) doesn't have to be real, but it'll become real when you regret your actions.

>castle doctrine

that has nothing to do with abortion you dumb trumpshit

You should say that for all the horny people on Yea Forums desperate for pussy

and? your probably some retard liberal then,like shaun king or elizabeth warren

I know. Thanks man. you do you.

What are you doing? Exclusively using morality as an argument on Yea Forums? Are you serious? Go outside, newfag.

I don't like trump. At all. Your reading comprehension is lacking, user.

Because they're fucking niggers!?!?! Nobody likes niggers get it thru your fucking head!

If only there was a way to stop niggers from being born...

This guy gets it. This country (if we're talking about America) isn't made for one person. You make sacrifices. I think believing in something without logical reasoning or evidence means you have a mental illness and shouldn't be allow in our SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE government, but clearly its just me

they get mad when you speak truth.
Have fun dealing with a bitch that wants your baby dead.

Yes Now we're talking. ya man keep the bills on just the niggers spics and sand niggers. but you leave those wholesome white folks alone.