Have any of you ever dealt with your GF's loser guy friends?

Have any of you ever dealt with your GF's loser guy friends?

Story time:

>Dating girl for over a year, all is going well.
>One of her long time guy friends moves back to town.
>She gives me the heads up that he used to be in love with her but she turned him down.
>He has a house warming party and invites her, she brings me as her date.
>Dude acts perfectly normal, him and I seemingly get along all evening.
>The next day he texts my GF and tells her that my presence offends him and that if she wants to spend time with him, I am not allowed to be there.
>GF tells him that they are no longer friends then.
>He goes on full blown damage control and attempts to back peddle.
>Tries to say it was all a misunderstanding.
>He wants us to apologize to him for misunderstanding.
>She tells him there is no salvaging the friendship
>He tells all mutual friends that I am a controlling asshole who won't let her hangout with him.
>Friends believe him until he does the exact same thing to another girl and her boyfriend in the friend group.
>Knowing he is in deep emotional pain makes my dick so much harder when I am fucking my GF.

dude kinda looks like pic related

Attached: dadaewq.jpg (720x480, 25K)

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Your girlfriend texting him and going to his house means that shes fucking him. Get cucked

Guys like this are mentally ill. Also your girlfriend cheats on you.

Sounds more like a beta orbiter situation imo

Well some people are like that, so i guess you've done everything right.

Attached: heröld.jpg (2001x3000, 999K)

Another story, different girl:

>GF is still friends with her ex
>They dated for 6 years before she dumped him
>I don't care that she is still friends with him because all they do is occasionally text each other.
>She randomly mentions to me that her ex has invited us out to supper.
>I told her that I am not interested in meeting him as it has no benefit to our relationship and I don't see myself ever being friends with a GF's ex-lover.
>She pleads with me and says that he really wants to meet me and make sure she is with someone good.
>I reply with: "Since when does his wants matter?"
>She hesitates while trying to think of something to say.
>Finally she replies with: "Well, it would mean a lot to me"
>I reply with: "Well, clearly I take a backseat to both you and him. We are done, go be with him if he is so important to you."
>This all takes place over text
>I block her number and go no contact
>Throughout the week I get texts from her through random numbers.
>I ignore them and carry on with my life.
>No idea if they got back together.

He’s a beta orbiter, good on her if she had handeled it on her in. If he’s not attractive and needy like that, then you porbably got nothing to worry about dude
Monitor her though. Also if you ever need to handle on of these guys on your own you need to be direct, tell them to piss of, and if be won’t then ask to “meet up” with him in a hostile way, it’ll probably scare them away.
Guy like that are cowards to begin with

I went to his house with her, she didn't go alone. Texting is fairly normal, unless you're one of those incels who think that men and women cannot be friends.

Fucking faggot

She hasn't cheated to the best of my knowledge. But funny that you mention mental health, he is totally on meds and seeing a therapist lol.

i don't like your attitude. guaranteed i'd beat the fuck out of you.

Good choice
Some would say a little much, but ghosting a bitch is pure power, takes a bit of will power though

You handled that terribly and deserve to be alone

Men and women can rarely be friends
And even when they are “platonic” if the girl asked the guy if he wanted to have sex, he would.

ever see "when harry met sally"? idiot.

All of my best friends are women. You just fucking cucked yourself because youre a beta male piece of shit who probably watched your girlfriend fuck her ex from the closet.

You are meaningless and nothing but a cuck. It wouldn't surprise me if you look like the king of cucks. Bob Saget

you think bob saget is king of cucks? why?

100% an orbiter.

Thank you.

If she didn't handle it, I would have broken up with her. I didn't tell her that, but there is no fucking way I am managing her orbiters for her.

Alright bob saget calm down

Can confirm. As a former but now recovered beta orbiter, I can assure that he is in no way coming close to fucking your chick.

Being alone is only a downside if you're needy.

You realize she just brought you there because she enjoys being fought over, right? Probably one of the oldest tricks in the book for women. I bet she acted like she was on your side about it to you. Something along the lines of acting coy or sharing a mutual disgust of some sort. Shes using you in this instance, for sure. Hope the rest of your relationship isnt like this.

People are going to tell you that you handled this poorly but in fact they are stupid. Youre slightly stupid as well for seeing a girl who still talks to her ex. Never do that. Girls that still communicate with their exes still have feelings for them regardless of how much they deny it.

Shittiest attempt at a humblebrag I've ever read here.

Possibly, but they haven't interacted since. Anyway, I'll continue dating her until she gives me reason not to.

Being with someone who loves you is better than anything

My last ex had a few gay friends and a straight friend(guys), They all kinda ghosted her once I showed up. *shrug* Then she cheated on me so that was that.

You really failed at that one bro

I've definitely learned my lesson on that one and now it is a deal breaker for me. "Moving on" to me means that they no longer give a single shit about anything going on in their ex's life. No catching up to see how they are doing, nothing.

If having a GF is humble bragging to you, then motherfucker you need to get some life experience.

Attached: Attention Graber.jpg (1200x1200, 602K)

Hilarious. So when she dumps you you're going to spin it in your mind that you broke up with her. ok. You blog you're dating life on Yea Forums. Pretty sure you're the loser in the relationship.


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I highly doubt you've ever been in a LTR. Even in the most passionate and caring relationship, you still need time to yourself.

You are going to ruin your life if you make someone your reason for existing and your happiness depends on them. That is a lot to ask from anyone.

You have serious insecurities.

Wrong. You're trying to lay out some pathetic story to convince yourself and people you don't even know that you're some sort of take no shit alpha male. lel you're one step away from being a cuck or trap lover. Go back to plebbit normie.

Just be careful. I had a (girl) friend of 5 or 6 years that did nothing but manipulate certain situations into happening for her own personal gain. Took me years to figure it out because she was insanely smart about it all. Started to click at the end and i saw it for what it was. Your woman might not be like that but you wont know until its over.

Thats a strong assumption to make lol. I've been dumped plenty of times, all for my own failings. The important thing is to treat everything as a learning experience and maybe pass on the knowledge.

She was probably fucking the guys before you came into the picture, hence the ghosting.
Or she was fucking 1 of the guys if they were a group of friends.
I mean prior or early stages of you entering her life.
>Similar thing happened to me

Its a story

>be me
>go see Bob Saget live in his comedy tour
>unfunny but I like Full House so it's decent
>after gig I wait outside to get a picture with him
>he grabs my phone and says "I take the pictures. I know where my flattering angles are"


>his wife comes out
>wife is hot
>some random white man who looks like a scuffed Don Johnson walks up
>"hey bob i dont really want a picture with you. Let me take a picture with your wife"
>Saget laughs and approves
>Scuffed Don Johnson then shoves his face in Sagets wifes tits and takes a picture
>Saget dosent say anything but "thanks for coming to the show"
>mfw i met king cuck

>Gate keeping Yea Forums

I bet you think you're an OldFag as well lol


This is true. It's sad but it's reality. And if the girl refuses, the guy will be less willing to hang out with them.
Tried telling this to a female friend of mine who had to find out the hard way.

>be me
>my gf has a friend that is single
>she hooks up with some dude
>not really sure how they met but he's nice enough
>continue hanging out with my gf, her friend and said dude
>multiple double dates later and still can't shake the feeling this guy is a weirdo.
>dude is fucking autismo with this girl
>finally tell gf
>she gets mad and tells me "well hes a nice guy!!"
>yeah but he's a fucking puss and your fiend needs a guy that's a little rougher around the edges or she's just gonna lead him on until she gets bored
>finally she convinces her friend to break up with him
>dump gf cuz she's a thot
>end up dating her friend instead
>dude still messages her every once in awhile asking if she wants to hang out.

fucking pathetic

so....do you want to bang or date this female friend?

I never understood that when a girl rejects a guy that he wants to remain friends or even interact with her at all.

I don't either. The worst part was that this guy was legitimately a cool guy outside of the relationship he had with her. I went fishing with him after I started dating his now ex and got him fairly drunk and he was basically like "I just hope she's happier now" and "well it seemed like she was into you the whole time" and eventually I tried to explain to him that if he didn't say shit like that and more or less said "she's my gf fuck off" and punched me they'd still be together and he just kind of went silent. I felt a bit bad because like I said he was a really cool guy but goddamn if you act like a puss all the time with a girl she's gonna leave you.

Mm, I dunno man. Personally.

>ex sends me messages drunk once a month.
>usually at 3am ish
>I wouldn't mind being her friend more but she is constantly self interested
>dating the same boring red pilled guy for years
>she calls me at 3am and wants to strip for me and tell me how much she wants my dick
>won't visit me because she thinks she'll fuck me
>usually goes on about how much she loves me. She has two men in her life. Blah blah blah.
>she's been doing this for years. Even when I am dating someone.


>older brothers friend, nice guy I guess. Kinda weird.
>he gets kinda young wife and knocks her up
>young wife and I start chatting and we hang out since she is more my age
>we start fucking for like a year.
>she tells me not to get emotionally involved so I don't
>she disappears
>we start talking again like 4 years later
>they are still married
>we are fucking again.

Its really not that interesting. Tl;dr she only hung out with guys, at least two or more at a time. Always hanging on both them like a spider monkey. Drugs got involved. Took me to a party while we were both fucked on ecstacy to hang out with a guy that was obsessed with her and he kept getting jealous because she'd continually, as stated, hung on me like a spidermonkey. We used to hang out at this really cool dude's basement. She met him on tinder along with the girl he was fucking at the time and my at the time lady friend would compete to no end to try to be sexier than the other girl. Full on taking off pants and haphazardly wearing her panties below her waist trying to show her pussy. The dude's fuckbuddy would basically do the same. Both girls would use us for drugs and booze, constantly borrow money, etc. I wouldnt normally allow it if i hadnt been best friends with her at the time. Prior to all of this, she dated one of my really good guy friends and would twist all types of stories in his ear to make it sound like i was making moves on her. I eventually became the middle-man between the two of them and as it turns out, she was a liar. Things are still awkward between us. It fucked him up to no end. He was already in bad mental shape before dating her. Me and the girl stopped talking for a year after that and when we picked back up again is when the other shit happened.

Yeah, I actually fell in love with her. There was tension there between us, specially when she tells you outright she wants to fuck. But she isn't the romantic type and I want a partner. I'd still fuck her brains out, though.

There was a good chance she was being legit and you just went to 11 over something you supposedly don't care about.
You sound insecure as fuck

Nah, I'm friends with this degenerate girl. Wouldn't ever fuck her. Find her lifestyle abhorrent. Pretty sure I would get a disease and she isn't attractive.
But we smoke weed together and shit.

>dude kinda looks like pic related
This guy's image is literally used in a boardgame I played today. Who is he???

Seems like a more than average conniving girl, thanks for sharing user

it was a shit test and he passed

Also, small tidbit; when she found i fucked "cool dude's" fuckbuddy, she got me really fucked up at her house and we had the worst, most one-sided sex i could ever imagine. She was almost completely sober where i was the opposite side of the spectrum. It was so sloppy and cringey that i was literally asked if i was done about ten minutes in. She couldnt cope with the idea that i fucked the other girl. She deeply hated her and would do anything to be the one with the most attention, even if that meant getting her friend absolutely fucked up and sitting through the worst sex of her life. Man, i think i licked the shit out of her neck like it was a popsicle. I was so destroyed and had no idea what i was doing but the point is she got what she wanted. Still cringe hard looking back on it. Im a fucking tard, sometimes.

They kept me from dating her until one day they raped her in a gangbang

I never took her back

Ive heard worse, honestly. Feel bad for some of these dudes that end up marrying crazy. It was a learning experience, no doubt.


top right card, it's this guy

just who

What test? Dude just insecure as hell and flipped out over nothing.

a bit much but probs felt great hahahah been there. especially if u were already thinking about ending it, ghosting a girl over some small shit is strangely satisfying.