Be me

>be me
>be poorfag
>own 1 pair of pants and no underwear
>hole starting to develop due to nut acid/sweat

similar to pic related. wut do? ;-;

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Get a job you useless cunt.

Lose weight. Skip meals to save money. Tell people youre “intermittently fasting” and save ten bucks for some pants from walmart

>no underware
if you want to be a amish, be one but stop crying about YOU poor live choices

Sell pc/phone you are posting this on Yea Forums with

Sew it up. Get another piece of fabric and put it on the inside, sew it on to patch the hole if the hole is too big to pinch together.
Seriously, it's what poor people have been doing for hundreds of years.

tried before, no pawnshop will take it because it's old and i stole it

needles and thread cost money...

Doesnt fix the issue since the integrity of the fabric is compromised. Threads will fail. With the money he would use to buy a sewing kit and fabric, he could get pants at a salvation army or walmart.

You can get a pair of pants for less than $5 at the thrift store. You don't even have that? Scrounge or beg

i like these pants tho... walmart pants won't be fashionable :/

I'll repeat myself, it'll cost you nothing.

>Get a job you useless cunt

it's the friction
I get that all the time cause I'm fat
recently it'll happen as quickly as within a month of me having bought the pants, so I just return it with the receipt and get my money back
then buy a new one
look for cheap ones

when you wash your jeans let them air dry, no dryer heat. they'll last longer. also since it is now summer just wear shorts

And thats why you're poor!

Buy a new jeans or use duct tape on the inside to line the area that's wearing thin.

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Get a fucking job and stop being a drain on society
Stop holding your shitty crust punx bullshit ideologies so dearly to you and fucking turn your life around
Not telling you to be a fucking superficial materialistic piece of shit but to have a better life quality so you don’t come on here whining like a retard

You can use a makeshift needle and you can get thread from any kind of fabric you're not using.
Alternatively, you could go to a shelter of some kind and get some cloths, plenty of places give donating clothing away for free.

Hence using a patch behind the fabric, it should only really be the fabric closest to the hole that's mainly compromised, even if it's not, it should be a good enough fix until he can find another pair of pants.
If he has two dollars he can get a needle and some thread, you don't need a whole kit to fix a hole friend, literally just one needle and any cheap thread will do when you have a hole forming in the crotch of your jeans.

you act like jobs are falling down from the sky or something. i'm trying negro

Go on fucking indeed and make sure your resume is neat
Apply for jobs and write a presentation letter akin to some door to door seller trying to sell his goddamn vacuum or whatever bullshit
Fucking hell man, why do you need people to fucking do everything for you?

>you act like jobs are falling down from the sky or something. i'm trying negro

No you aren't. Are you fuck, here you are scabbing about trying to repair the ass friction wear on your jeans. Which appear to be plus sized. You've done nothing but sit on your ass your whole life, there isn't a single hours graft in you. Lazy as fuck.

you're not nice. apologize.

Holes are probably forming because of your fat ass sitting in them from the friction on your couch. You have to take them off man

I got my job from the job tree. Jobbies were just falling off

Give me your mothers number, she's obviously single.

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McDonalds are hiring, jackass. Don't be lazy.