Maybe I'm just like every other generation that came before me but I really think that theres going to be some kind of...

Maybe I'm just like every other generation that came before me but I really think that theres going to be some kind of mass extinction event soon. It just seems like with BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people the probability is so high after a certain amount of time!

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Has there been any mass extinction event in the history of life on earth that was caused by an excessive population?

Pretty sure usually when a species reaches its carrying capacity thats not how it works, yes a lot of them die, but the result isn't that their population plummets to zero, its that it caps at the carrying capacity, hence the name. Any more of them and the ecosystem depletes too much to support them all, resulting in a large death toll, resulting in fewer of them being around, resulting in the depleted ecosystem recovering, it's a stable loop that prevents the population from persistently growing any larger, it doesn't just wipe the population out entirely.

overpopulation is a meme lmao

Garlic Salt wish our carrion capacity was more liek 200,000

We have survived as a species for very long time. It does seem that exponentially rising population might become critical st some point, I mean surely there must be a limit to how many can be sustained in terms of food and water and such. But I hope that "necessity breeds invention" holds true and some solution is found before it all goes tits up. Unfortunately, that solution might mean a drastic change is necessary, such as a culling or restrictions on reproduction etc.

The world would have to be a very empty place for that to be true

it wipes out anyone that doesn't have money to escape

So s4s is doomed

yes, the internet will be going down when such a scenario starts to take place

Survival of the fittest. A modern economy is just an artificial darwinian environment where certain people get to decide to be the fittest based on pretty much nothing and they retain that status indefinitely just because they thought to claim it first. Ergo survival of the people who didn't do anything better than anyone else and still get to survive for no reason. It's no different from evolution, the environmental constraints that induce it are just contrived and stupid, and produce completely meaningless genetic results.

Maybe the world has already cycled through several mass extinction events but the remains of any previous civilization have been erased?


I'll be sure to stop by your camp in the night and leave a pic of an anine and write brap on it

Because such drastic changes would be hugely unpopular with the general popualtion, this would make it very difficult to implement in any kind of democratic society. People would simply not vote for anyone who suggested such ideas, or remove them if they attempted it. In order for things to change for "the good of society" as a whole rather than "whatever keeps the politician in favor", a non-democratic, absolute authority would be needed, that could simply do whatever was needed whether people liked it or not. A benevolent dictatorship, and a strict set of rules. Having children could no longer be a right, but a privilege granted only to those permitted. Food and fuel / energy for personel use rationed. The world has the mentality of "use whatever we want" with no regards to the consequences. This must change, and it is a chnage that will need to be forced upon people.

maybe the reason overpopulation isn't a problem is because there's more people to feed but rather because the abundant amount of food we already have is distributed badly and unfairly

I will be on mars or a bunker depending on how it goes

is a problem isn't because* but it ISN'T
exactly the same thing with housing and other basic needs

ahhh but crop yields are projected to decrease 10% per decade from here on out due to climate change. TBH the crop yields are already getting hit hard.

True everyone thinks with the mindset of oh its gonna be there tomorrow or if I'm gonna die I dont care what happens in the future. Really self absorbed an what not

The population will be exponentially growing while crop yields get reduced.

No, half of Europe and 2-6 US states have done a good per capita job on climate change. Dictatorships like China/Russia do not give a damn and are mainly responsible for the bad US environmental policy right now.

we'll already get fucked from climate change regardless of an increasing population or not

Boggles your mind when you think of it, sometimes I'm in the staore and I look at a package of food, with all sorts of wrappings and carboard and plastic all over it, jars of shit and bottles of this and that, and I think of how many billions of people there are all buying this shit and throwing it away. No one idividual is at fault, it won't change anything if I personally re-use a plastic bag or throw it away, but the efect of millions of millions of jars and boxes and bags of shit all getting churned out every day and binned is fucking madness when you think about it

And our recycling programs would send plastic to China/Indonesia/Asian countries who we assumed were properly recycling it, however in reality the plastic deemed unprofitable to recycle was thrown straight into the ocean. the Palm oil situation is also a result of Asian economies not following their own environmental laws and saying its the economy stupid.

Not a national dictatorship, with nothing but the interests of that nation in it's mind, but a world dictatorship, an absolute world authority is absolutely necessary, with the purpose of controlling population and food proiduction / distribution and maintaining a steady, sustainable system. No one will like it, but the new world order is the only way. And if some random people on here are talking about it, then I'm sure that the people who run things are having similar thoughts and chats. One thing I've figured out is that whatever you think, there will be others that think the same.

People like elon musk existed several mass extinctions before us... built a small civilization on a nearby planet... expanded the small civilization over many decades and return to earth a millenia later as... ALIENS

A new world democratic society would be beneficial but that isn't going to happen so long as illiberal dictatorships exist. We have China and Russia literally doing social media operations to destroy any democracy they see fit etc. - ads targeting, bots, protest enabling. For example - Russia would throw moderate left wing messages to a left wing voter on any specific protest they(Russia) created on social media while throwing extremist left wing ad messages for that protest to a right wing voter and vice versa. Those Bots also utilized big data to help divide Americas political spectrum. If you look into Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica you will be able to draw the conspiracy theory that he is pro Xi Jinping Chinese nationalist and was giving Russia shitloads of voter data from multiple different countries.

* also the yellow vest protesting + area 51 thing was probably Russian enabled

China is a people's democracy. Russia and America are both dictatorships of the bourgeoisie.

Well I dont knwo what the fuck your smokin but now that you mention aliens, I think this is what is going to happen. Project Bluebeam, a fake false falg alien attack. A common threat is a reason to unite, and the only thing to unite the world would be an off-world threat. So lets make one up, and blow up some cities with hologrpahic UFOs, and then bam, the warlords step in and we're in startship troopers world

is a pro*

Rich people are future aliens

So they unite us and we sign up to leave this beautiful home behind to go fight giant bugs?

By "benevolent dictator" I mean something like the captain of a ship. They have totoal authority, but act in the interest of the ship and its crew. The Earth is a big fucking rock ship sailing through space, and no one is driving and every different compartment is doing its own thing

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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>an absolute world authority
>They have totoal authority, but act in the interest of the ship and its crew
>with the purpose of controlling population and food proiduction / distribution and maintaining a steady, sustainable system


China is a fascist dictatorship that doesn't care about anyone but themselves.
This is all proof china is going the way of the Nazis and don't follow any sort of international law. Didn't even include their military bases in international waters. Russia's crimea invasions looks eerily similar to Japan's Pre-ww2 annexation of Machau.

>leave this beautiful home behind to go fight giant bugs?
Yeah but we've been trained for it already, through movies and games, we're ready. Just give me a pulse rifle and show me where the goddam bugs are

I want a Global US/European styled democracy that wont go defunct via a crazy nationalist socialist dictator.

Do you have one single unbiased source to back that up? You are not immune to propaganda.
The only country that has a crazy nationalist """socialist""" dictator is North Korea (debatably).

shut the heck up libtrad

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you down bottom

Attached: lolibooru%2095309%20bullying%20femdom%20footwear%20golden_shower%20hetero%20multiple_girls%20pantsu% (750x1000, 207K)

I guess you love RT, the Pravda report, and breitbart
lole if you only knew how wrong those sentiments are.

Owned by the Russian government, a capitalist state.
>Pravda report
Haven't checked it out, dunno.
News for gullible far-right nuts.

I see your full commie

Also Shiro, do you want world dictatorship or world democracy? Make your choice now. You’ll see what happens to the US in 8 years.

how bout world minecraft

Your fortune: Good Luck

Bunker building miner simulator is available for mars and n+s pole inhabitants only.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger