>having classic weekend day wasting time on Yea Forums >know theres a party at someones house on the ridge (popular kids place) >obviously not invited >idc never get invited >check snap maps to see where my friends at >friends are at the party
Why did i choose this path of life Yea Forums i love you guys, and got raised by you but some social life would be good, what do?
Normal people can come here and also have a social life. You aren’t normal OP. And not in a good way.
Caleb Howard
Try being normal. Go and talk to people about normal shit, not the shit on here
Robert Scott
I have a few good ones, but some of them are lusted by popularity, only one of my mates doesnt care about that shit
Im trying to be normal, but with my comedy and thoughts of Yea Forums i cant relate to people and its hard to make new friends
Robert Lee
Ive been trying for a month, i can talk to guys pretty easily, but not make any friends of them, and can only talk to girls online
Hunter Green
Fuck those motherfuckers. They talk about the dumbest shit and are always pansies about reality. I don't know how you can seriously want to go to a party anyways with all those "dude weed" guys and other brainlets, shit's boring as fuck just like bars waste of hard earned money.
Weve been friends since elementary, they were cool, we all gamed and looked at memes, then a group of chads took on “games” like fortnite and apex, and my friends saw the chance to get some coochie, i hate it
Camden Anderson
Benjamin Reed
Brandon Hill
Jackson Taylor
The fact you unironically fell for the Chad meme is what makes you a bitch. Get the fuck over some lame ass party and stop thinking like that.
Dominic Flores
Be independent. Grow up. Detach from your inner teenager and his teen loser friends.
Save money, travel, get to know people and places all over the world (like traders or businessmen do, not like the armed forces or student interchange pussies do). Learn new languages. Normies are like a layer of fog you need to fly through to see the really clear skies. When you manage to get your own thing going, you'll eventually see yourself surrounded by interesting/useful people and you won't be missing your old high school buddies.
Gabriel Rivera
Learn to change
Camden Barnes
How can you not relate to people?
Ethan Morris
Become a hot trap.
Caleb Edwards
Non autistic answer: “normies” aren’t the enemy, and the hatred that many on Yea Forums have for them reflects a high level of social incompetence that further perpetuates the loneliness and incel thoughts that estrange you from having a social life. The “arguments” and pseudo-knowledge the ass hats on Yea Forums push will not benefit anyone who wants to be socially accepted, as most people here are an echo chamber of autism that want to see people fail in having a social life that isn’t one of a robot
Yea Forums is shit. Leave this place and get a life.
Alexander Phillips
I need to find a video about a Younow raid where a skinny white kid trolls a girl by transforming himself into an alien and calls her a bitch also there is another video where he screams "keemstar did 9/11".
Being very anti social, too dark humor, no common hobbies, finding friends who share shit w me rn
Joseph Adams
its cause ur a lazy piece of shit that wants to take the easy road in life. Sure you could've put the effort in socializing with normal people but that is to HARD for a faggot like you. You CHOOSE to stay here with us spergs cause its easy to just stay home and masturbates to degenerate porn all day. Now your most likely never gonna be normal. Consider suicide faggot.
Ryder Clark
Damn user, this shit opened my eyes, i gotta friend the enemy for now in highschool, try n find some kool people, then blossom later?
Isaac Richardson
Honestly wanna shoot up my schoo user
Cooper Gomez
I’m not saying that you need to fake a friendship with people you don’t like, but considering an alternative of no friends and loneliness, do your best to fit in now and you’ll make closer “real” friends as you bolster your social skills
Robert Thomas
Thanks user, i talk w some mid ground people, at school, but not main friends
Ian James
Just crash the party and hang out with your boys. Drink and do drugs if available. Hook up with a chick too, just make sure shes sober.
Luke Lopez
Life isn't a movie user. There aren't any weird people at parties anymore and if they try to go to a party they get sent home. After all these murder people start getting picky with who they invite to parties. If you aren't good looking you can't just go to a party
Justin Powell
You sound like a very boring person. I get the appeal of trying to shut yourself away from reality and pretending that social relationships aren't necessary, because I've tried to do it before.
Eventually, though, you either let your pride consume you or you learn that loneliness takes a tremendous toll on the mind because humans are highly social animals and our brains require stimulation. Yes, you might have to curtail the beliefs or opinions you express to others, or you might have to be a bit more polite and listen to the opinions of others when you'd rather not, but no person is an island themselves. We live in one of the most interconnected societies in history, yet strangely more and more people wish not to interact with one another.
This is a sentiment that applies in a much broader sense, however, because society would be far more coordinated and thus more productive if we would put aside our petty differences and work to benefit the whole.
Tyler Martinez
i've been struggling with this lately. I have a lack of access to society for another month and have been thinking that I don't even need relationships. It's been 2 years of mostly isolation with a few jobs on and off. I'm so tired of it. You get so inside your own head. I hate myself more than I ever have before. I think you're absolutely right user. I am going to stop overthinking life and social things. Thank you. Sorry for the rant, just wanted to put this into words
Jonathan Young
No problem, user. I wish you all the best in your endeavors!
not him but I'm drunk and I wanted to reply I agree with what you're saying
but I also a agree with him in that superficial relationships don't seem very fulfilling or worth the time
like we're meant as a people to form relationships but I don't think im going to be getting much a relationship out of weed bro kyle
Anthony Rodriguez
Maybe, but many times you'll also find that there is more to a person or thing than what we conceive of in stereotypes.
For example, right now I'm pretty high myself, and I would probably fit the appearance of a "weed bro Kyle" so to speak. Is there some accuracy to stereotypes? Maybe to a certain degree, but that's an inevitability that stems from the fundamental way that culture and social relationships are formed, as our various demographic characteristics influence how we develop. However, I believe this stereotype would inaccurately describe me if you applied it in other regards.
The point is that a superficial relationship only remains one if you don't put in the effort to establish it deeper. When you truly understand someone, I believe you learn to see who the person is beneath the roles they play.
Nicholas Taylor
thats a good way to put it you know what? you're okay weed bro kyle