Just think, if it wasn't for straight people, none of you faggots would exist

Just think, if it wasn't for straight people, none of you faggots would exist.

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>Thinks only straight people have ever had kids.
>Meanwhile his own father fucked him every other night.

You need to get woke, OP.

Well, if you can show me some immaculate conception (not including Jesus) with two fags, by all means, prove me wrong.

>none of you faggots would exist.

Are you fucking saying that like it's a good thing you straight-ass faggot?

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Oh, you really didn't understand?
Okay, I thought you were being clever.
Alright so follow me on this: Imagine a really gay guy. We'll call him, "Your Dad."

Now he wants to fuck men, but he also wants to get ahead in a world full of homophobic little retards like you. So then Your Dad marries a clueless woman to be his traditional wife, we'll call this idiot woman "Your Mom." So Your Dad and Your Mom have sex, and Your Dad imagines all kinds of hot men while fucking his clueless wife, and then after work he goes and fucks lots of men, because in case you've forgotton, Your Dad is totally gay.

After awhile he has a biological son despite being gayer than a fruitcake, and irony of ironies, his son is too stupid to read this post and understand it on the first go. Seriously it's gonna take you all night.

Using the word "homophobic" as if it were a real clinical phobia. LMAO.

Imagine being gay and doing your civic duty by not contributing to overpopulation

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He still had to fuck a woman to make a baby though, didn't he? Two sword fighters or carpet pushers can't do that on their own, can they?

You fell off the first time, but get right back up on the horse, user. I'm sure you'll understand the post if you read it enough times.

Imagine we could really find the "gay gene" and then abort all the potential faggots before they are even born!!

You win the internet tonight!! BRAVO!!

By your logic, gay people having sex with someone of the other gender makes them not gay anymore?
>No, they're still gay. That doesn't...
So gay people CAN have kids?
>What? No, I mean... this....

You're adorable, user. I think maybe you want to offend gay people? I dunno. But this? Heh. This thread here is so pathetic it's cute.


No, it makes them Bi, but I digress.

I don't see why being straight has to conflict with gay people.
You are straight: Fine
There are gay people: Also fine.

kill yourself confederate traitor

stupid newfag


Look, I'm not a hateful person or anything–I believe we should all live and let live. But lately, I've been having a real problem with these homosexuals. You see, just about wherever I go these days, one of them approaches me and starts sucking my cock.

Take last Sunday, for instance, when I casually struck up a conversation with this guy in the health-club locker room. Nothing fruity, just a couple of fellas talking about their workout routines while enjoying a nice hot shower. The guy looked like a real man's man, too–big biceps, meaty thighs, thick neck. He didn't seem the least bit gay. At least not until he started sucking my cock, that is.

Where does this queer get the nerve to suck my cock? Did I look gay to him? Was I wearing a pink feather boa without realizing it? I don't recall the phrase, "Suck my cock" entering the conversation, and I don't have a sign around my neck that reads, "Please, You Homosexuals, Suck My Cock."

I've got nothing against homosexuals. Let them be free to do their gay thing in peace, I say. But when they start sucking my cock, then I've got a real problem.

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It doesn't have to conflict. But who is causing the issue to stay at the forefront? Homosexuals and the LGBTQRP community. Homosexual marriage is legal now, so why the fuck do they still have to shove their homo shit down everyone's throat with "gay pride" month and bullshit like that? It's nonsense. They want to keep playing the vicitim card, just like black people do. We have a victimhood mentality problem in the USA and something needs to be done about it.

Then there was the time I was hiking through the woods and came across a rugged-looking, blond-haired man in his early 30s. He seemed straight enough to me while we were bathing in that mountain stream, but, before you know it, he's sucking my cock!

What is it with these homos? Can't they control their sexual urges? Aren't there enough gay cocks out there for them to suck on without them having to target normal people like me?

Believe me, I have no interest in getting my cock sucked by some queer. But try telling that to the guy at the beach club. Or the one at the video store. Or the one who catered my wedding. Or any of the countless other homos who've come on to me recently. All of them sucked my cock, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

I tell you, when a homosexual is sucking your cock, a lot of strange thoughts go through your head: How the hell did this happen? Where did this fairy ever get the idea that I was gay? And where did he get those fantastic boots?

It screws with your head at other times, too. Every time a man passes me on the street, I'm afraid he's going to grab me and drag me off to some bathroom to suck my cock. I've even started to visualize these repulsive cock-sucking episodes during the healthy, heterosexual marital relations I enjoy with my wife–even some that haven't actually happened, like the sweaty, post-game locker-room tryst with Vancouver Canucks forward Mark Messier that I can't seem to stop thinking about.

These homophobes love their loser flags. Can't win a war to save their lives, but they keep waving those flags, don't they. They got a special kind of pride; got-second-place-in-a-civil-war pride

most confederate losers suck cockanyways

But fuck me running, you even mention a "straight pride" parade or "white pride" or something like that and all these fuckers go apeshit mental on you. Goddamn liberals and progressives need to be spade and neutered so they don't breed.

so if you rape a homo of the opposite gender, WE CAN END THE GAY

>if it wasn't for straight people, no faggots would exist.
Straight people comfirmed as being the main cause of fag proliferation. Kill all straight people!

I think you're the little retard here, a man fucking a woman is the natural way that god intended. Whether or not the man is gay is absolutely irrelevant, if there were only two dudes and no women, THEY CANT REPRODUCE.

confederate statues are the saddest thing. they're pretty much particpation trophies

There's that goddamn stupid ass word again. Homophobe. Fuck me. You people throw that word around like it's gospel damn truth. Nevermind the fact that homophobia has never been diagnosed as a real phobia. We're not scared of you fags one bit. We're disgusted by you. Big difference dumbass.

I agree. Whereas a phobia is more related to a flight or fight reaction ie "I have to get away from that" the real reaction is disgust and more along the lines of "get that away from me".

People were offended that the gays had a parade... but they did it anyway.

Follow the noble gay example, and put on a parade, despite the protest... organize it, get people, get sponsors. You can do it!

cant hear you acting triggered with that dick in yiur mouth

GTFO newfag

>There's that goddamn stupid ass word again. Homophobe. Fuck me.

Interesting choice of words.

Acceptance of homosexuality as normal will lead to people hoping pedophilia will be normal. It's already started with the whole "Love knows no age" campaign.

Welcome to the future.

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dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

Looks like its the right term user.

Damn y'all salty

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Fake news

that sad old line has been debunked ages ago space cadet

You think anyone as dumb as him ever got convinced by anything a book had to say?

Homophobia is a misnomer. A proper term would be "Gaycist".

So if you have sex with both genders, you're a bisexual? No wonder we're doomed.

I'll just leave this right here: youtube.com/watch?v=Wrv_XQ92YQM

Yes they would they would shit each other out


I'm so fuggin triggered right now.

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When you constantly talk about gay shit, one has to wonder if you're a closeted faggot. Hence why we think you're a fucking homophobe.

I think that's how gay guys in homophobic environments are forced to find each other. They're so loud about hating gays that hopefully no one would dare suspect them. Then they make plans to hang out alone together, "to watch the game." Then the conversation turns to how two guys jacking off together totally isn't gay. And soon after they're fucking, all the while telling each other that they're totally not gay, and each emphatically agreeing while slurping cock.

i thought all the gays moved to cali and wanted to secceed. i don't see the issue with cali leaving the republic

Sounds like straight sex made the baby. Just cause he's a closet homo on the side doesn't mean the baby making wasn't straight.

Right, so gay people can have kids, you agree?

Well when it's constantly shoved in your face it's hard not to give it some thought. That's how politics, advertising, and media in general work afterall.
Some just choose not to accept every word at face value right away. This user today is the equivalent of the gay hero of the 60s you pride over. Standing up to what's being forced down his throat, and risking public shame and job loss if said in the wrong crowd.
Some people just want to rebel. Some have core beliefs. Some want comfort. The message may change but the string pulling is the same.

Close the pornhub tabs and go outside

>Close the pornhub tabs and go outside

We can't keep meeting outside, man, I think the guys are starting to suspect something. I mean, uh, God hates fags! Heh, that'll throw them off the scent.

>Well when it's constantly shoved in your face it's hard not to give it some thought.
Well then quit hanging out at gay bars. Problem solved.

Sure. What difference does it make tho? OPs statement is still true.

Btw have you ever seen a faggot and a lesbo get married cause they got drunk and fucked and got prego? Their marriage sucks.

Because sperm donors don't exist. You can be a gay sperm donor also. Your logic is flawed

Stay strong, my straight brethren. No homo

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>if it wasn't for straight people, none of you faggots would exist

You're right

The cause and source of all these homosexuals...is straight people

Well, I think we know what has to be done

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Says the pedophile

Hope you get the help you need