Dumped my bedpan on the floor and now you have to deal with my sins

dumped my bedpan on the floor and now you have to deal with my sins

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have sex weebs


magic ffs that's not me calm down

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(nice dubs)
i would if i could, preferrably with a grill like in this webm

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pollys bedpan


what's a bedpan anyway? like a frying pan that you keep next to your bed so you can fry eggs without getting out of bed? if not, someone should make that

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whut do you want magicke?

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I'm tired of Tragick will you be my new gf

umm back the fuck off? polly is clearly deeply in lobe with me just check the discord

I'm straight and also not ready for relationships

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and who are you anywae?

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its soda...*rolls eyes* as my wife im dissapointed you dont even remember me

but I do remember a fren called soda! don't remember any marrying though. at least I'm not the wife

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what do you mean straight everyone on this board is gay and you have a girl name
oh more soda pls I remember tjat name

i have many "wives,gf's,ect" so many that some of them don't even know it yet! i'm very popular. nice to see you name figging again please make more OC!! yours was some of my favorite and most of it is locked away on my old phone >_

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it's a nickname given to me by a fren, basically I'm polly because im from poland, also i like parrots

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but I thought you were deeply involved in some of the s4s tranny discords

hey stop using my namae to lust ober Pole

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Cool magick is getting ffs

but I just slap a bury face on stuff, anyone can do it, probably better than me too

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I never get deeply involved in anything

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nice humility, but the dubs speak for them selves. your edits are high quality and there was also le big fork don't sell your self short

how in the heck do you even remember the fork, I didn't remember the fork, no one remembers the fork, therefore this discussion is most likely not really taking place, it is fake, why are you trying to trick me, voidsent?

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now tell me what a bedpan is!!

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i lurk a lot like A LOT
a bedpan is a panoramic shot of someone dying in bed surrounded by their loved ones

that's way darker than my bedpan idea!

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it is beautiful and a rare privilege few get to enjoy, some people die screaming in pain you know
also egges are stinke and poor people food tbqf

oi, don't hate on eggs

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i'm poor, i eat a lot of egges im allowed. sometime i just want red meat yanno and not stink up the house like egges yanNn0?

i eat eggies lots too, easy to cook stuff from them, I don't think they stinky tho

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polies tummy fully of stinky egge whites, yes they are easy to cook thats why you teach children to cook eggs first on a range. im gonna take another stab at this game thats kicking my ass, l8r egg breath

what a rude soda..

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stop posting sakurako
he is my bf
