Is Trump retarded? I mean, does he suffer from a learning disability or did he suffer a traumatic brain injury when he was younger?

I ask because I talk shit about him, but I have a growing suspicion he is genuinely mentally impaired in some way that he has no control over, and it makes me feel guilty for picking on him.

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\uHvcnAG

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
How much do you get paid to make these posts?
The world may never know...

let me know when you become president or a billionaire you fucking genius

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He’s just dealing with a lot on his plate; I mean how would you handle the annexing of the moon by a hostile Martian fleet.

pretty sure there's mongoloidism in the Drumpf DNA

He is just dealing with a life crippling case of influenza.

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fucking phone. Affluenza

what the fuck did Obongo do for blue collar workers? manufacturing jobs are back under Trump

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I sure do hope he gets better, dont want influenza to get him!

“I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully, the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important."
>Our first mongoloid president

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He's just getting older. Cognitive abilities will naturally break down over time, just part of the lifecycle.

It's very apparent too, if you listen to how he spoke in the 80s versus today. He was much more mentally sharp.

Funny thing is, Trump would have much more money today if he had just put it all in mutual funds.

he is 1000 times smarter than you.. so... you do the math.. how retarded are you?

That was back when he identified as a liberal, coincidentally.

Made me kek.

You do shitty work, but at least you don't do much of it

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Mongoloid is a racist term for Asians you bigot

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why aren't you a billionaire you fucking genius?

Speaking of shitty work you should delete that shit tier meme.

Narcissistic personality disorder
Also called: NPD

A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance. Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured. Requires a medical diagnosis. Lab tests or imaging not required.

Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong.

Narcissistic personality disorder is found more commonly in men. The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement.

The disorder needs to be diagnosed by a professional. Treatment involves talk therapy. Rare: Fewer than 200,000 US cases per year

It's also used for retards
Do you know where you are?

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Nobody to give me a small loan.

>libtards"why would Donald Trump have an ego it's not like he's extremely wealthy and the leader of the free world"
there's a such thing as healthy narcissism

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Well my Dad didn't give me $400 million dollars for one, I've built my life by my own two hands with no hand outs.

And I'm well on my way to becoming a millionaire at least, I max out my 401k, and live frugally, so by my projections - and this with a conservative outlook, I should be within the next few decades.

you know it's funny you libcucks claim this applies to Donald Trump but I'm pretty damned sure it's all projection and it's really about you. how come i am not jealous of Trump? cause i'm not a narcissist insecure piece of shit like you

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so what? life isn't fair snowflake. get over it.

Also you don't have to get so emotional just because I pointed something out. You shouldn't get so defensive over somebody who literally doesn't even know you exist. Live for yourself. You don't need a strongman daddy figure.

I'm not upset.. I love my life. It's pretty great actually.

>Can't refute it.
>Must insult to deflect.

I'm the one who is emotional? You're the one who is obsessively jealous of Donald Trump just because he has it better than you. And yes I do look up to him. He's one of the greatest men to ever live I sincerely believe and part of it is his circumstances but that's just how life goes. He just does it.

well it does apply, seeing how his Dad gave him millions of dollars. We aren't jealous. We just love to point out that he is kind of a loser who happened to buoyed by his father's success. It's probably a big reason of why he is so insecure, he could probably never live up to Daddy's expectations.

>greatest men to ever live

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Sounds like most Yea Forumstards

fucking snowflake

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lol dude... I'm not jealous of him. Calm down. You guys get so invested in another human being, it's ridiculous.

I think there's more going on. Sure he had an over-inflated sense of self-importance, but he also seems to have a tough time with basic logic and understanding. Maybe even some difficulty with reading.

There's more damage there than what NPD can explain.

Sure there is, it’s called a bank. Unfortunately you actually have to work and save before they’ll give you a loan.

I'm anti trump and all but no. He's pretty smart. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's got a dick hold on his base because he knows exactly what to say.

If anything can be blamed for any of his failures in business it's impulsivity and cockiness.

you are fucking jealous bitch and yeah his dad gave him a lot of money but that doesn't win you the presidency. Ross Perot ran for the presidency in the 90s and lost despite being very wealthy.

Substantially more, actually - about $8 billion. It cracks me up that people think he has sort of business acumen, he's literally lost 3/4 of his inheritance but these fucktards think he's smart and good at business because he still has any of it left.

says the one with an obsessive hatred for Donald Trump. lmfao you libtard have so many pictures saved of him. you make floats of him. it's ridiculous. you make statues of him to make fun of his body and his dick. you call him orange. you're obsessed

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I'm not jealous of anyone. It's a pretty base and ugly emotion. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's.

okay mr financial wiz. let me know when you're a billionaire. i'm still waiting

Well he’s spent more on hookers, drugs and jet fuel than you’ll ever see in your wageslave life.


Calm down friend.

You've earned 15 rubles for this post, comrade

Ah yes 10 rubles deposited comrade

No it's just my truth. I have no reason to lie to you. I'm a practicing stoic, so jealousy really isn't my thing.

True. And abortions, probably.
Sure. Give me $8 billion to start with and I'm absolutely confident that I could blow through $6 billion.

20 shekels deposited into your account goyim

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he didn't start with 8 billion you tard. he started a few millions and turned it into 3.5 billion

yeah sure bro. jealousy totally isn't your thing. i totally believe you

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$400 million is a few?

You can believe what you want friend.

Not saying I want free money. Telling you that the reason Trump is rich is because HE got free money. He is the snowflake.

>Banks will give people millions
They only give millions to people who already have millions.

Trump got rich because his daddy was rich and made him rich by giving him free money.

to be fair that estimate is in today's dollars
which means it's significantly less than that

>That doesn't win you the presidency
Nobody said it did. We said him getting rich was because of his daddy, which is 100% true. Trump is hardly a self made man.

And if you understood accounting for inflation, you wouldn't be arguing at this point but apparently your brain power is roughly equivalent to your dipshit dictator's.

God, I hope this is bait. Otherwise, you're absolutely pathetic

Never trust anything a lefty says after "serious question"

bitch kill yourself. i bet you'd blow your whole fortune you blowhard. how can you deny Trump is a success in selling his image at the very least?

>Manufacturing jobs
Assembling cheeseburgers shouldn't really count

>everyone who isn't a slick as shit latte sipping arts degree homo is retarded
the state of the left

he will go down in history

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He's spent more of his daddy's money on hookers, drugs and jet fuel...


they don't you disingenous libcuck scumbag sissy boi. youve probably never done a days work in your life

I don't deny he succeeded in selling his image. But he could only do so because of the prosperity of his dad. His dad gave him free money and an established name. He would not have made millions from the ground up with the business decisions he has made.

i bet your parents paid for you college education you little spoiled brat

No shit. So did Nixon

>Tells someone to understand inflation
They literally have you the inflated amount he started with.


Trust me, I’m an extremely sane and stable genius.

>implying Nixon didn't do any good shit

>Parents pay for college
"You're a spoiled brat"

>Daddy gives millions of dollars, avoiding taxes
"What a genius self-starter!"

KEKKK projection in 4k

I love how you guys hate Soros. You know how he destroyed the UK economy?
You know how he implements globalism?
>You guessed it. Capitalism

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Trump: Ah duh moon is a part of MARS!
Trump Supporter: Greatest president ever.

Is this what retards consider bait, these days?

>daddy’s money
sure kid, does jealousy and bitterness feel good?

Nope, put myself through with savings. Parents couldn't afford to.

I wonder about that too. He’s so evil and stupid that you may have to look at biology to explain it.

so youre saying youre a fan of soros?

I'm sorry, are you trying to imply that it's not his daddy's money?

selling his image allowed him to rebuild himself many times and in that he is brilliant. he is extremely charismatic leader as well and opened up diplomatic relations with North Korea and eased nuclear tensions

What a waste of $$, should’ve just saved it and gotten into the trades.


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Not “implying” anything, that’s called you assuming.

and you didn’t answer my question.

Tru. It takes a very special kind of genius to lose 274 thousand dollars a day for 10 years and still allegedly have billions of dollars that you don’t want anyone to see

I'm not jealous one bit. If I grew up getting everything handed to me and having no accountability for my actions, I'd likely be a dumb fucking asshole too.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\uHvcnAG


Didn't want to. Pursued happiness, you know, like I have an inalienable right to do?

Oh, that was supposed to be a serious question? I thought you were just acting intentionally stupid. I didn't realize it was genuine

So are you saying that people should be jealous of Trump and his sugar-daddy? Cuz I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here

>Employment in professional and business SERVICES continued to trend up
over the month (+33,000) and has increased by 498,000 over the past 12
This is the largest gain in jobs. Service industry... So, yea. Cheeseburgers.
>Employment showed little change in May in other major industries,
including mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade,
transportation and warehousing, information, financial activities,
leisure and hospitality, and government.
Nothing from real jobs....

Thats from the report in the article you got that image from.

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It doesn't matter if I were an invalid that could only laugh and shit myself. He's holding one of the highest positions in the US and the mother fucker is dumber than a 3rd grader with downs.

>Selling his image
>On daddy's money
Again, he would not have gotten as far if he hadn't already started out rich and famous.

Trump is retarded in the same way Putin has autism


The difference being that Putin's actually smart

No... an enemy of unregulated Capitalism.

Cry some more bitter tears, gender neutral libfag and get ready for four more years.

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Cool. Remember to get out of the basement some time today. And not just to get your nuggies or hassle your poor mother for money. Make sure to get some fresh air.

it is a legitimate question, he acts like a retarded teenage girl posting nonsense on her twitter all day. what drives an old man to act like this?

"I’m a brain specialist. I think Trump should be tested for a degenerative brain disease"

"When President Trump slurred his words during a news conference this week, some Trump watchers speculated that he was having a stroke. I watched the clip and, as a physician who specializes in brain function and disability, I don’t think a stroke was behind the slurred words. But having evaluated the chief executive’s remarkable behavior through my clinical lens for almost a year, I do believe he is displaying signs that could indicate a degenerative brain disorder."

"I see worrisome symptoms that fall into three main categories: problems with language and executive function; problems with social cognition and behavior; and problems with memory, attention, and concentration. None of these are symptoms of being a bad or mean person. Nor do they require spelunking into the depths of his psyche to understand. Instead, they raise concern for a neurocognitive disease process in the same sense that wheezing raises the alarm for asthma."

Answers with an ad hom..

I wont live to see it but the day a humanoid robot with even half the intelligence and dexterity of a human is invented, no human work will ever be needed. I'd kill to know what the right wing reaction to that day would be.

He made all his real money on television and shady russian real estate dealings. Thats verifiable. The russian mob once bought one of his properties for like, 3 times the value. But im sure theres nothing to see there

If you watch his old interviews and shit he could actually be fairly articulate and well spoken. He ran too late into his life as a stunt and now hes stuck with a job he didnt think hed have to do and his brain is rotting at the same time.

>so are you saying
You just love assumptions and reading into everything not being said.

Sheer terror.
They couldn't imagine living their worthless boring lives without a wage cuck job to do.

Lost. Saved.

Where is YOUR $10. billion dollars?

I answered it. No. I am not jealous. Would I like to be handed money now that I know what it's like to be without and actually had to develop empathy? Sure. But am I jealous I wasn't born into a rich family and had everything handed to me? Not one bit.



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if i was gonna sell you something for 100$, and you offered me 300$, i'd take it too

LOL. Trump isn't even a billionaire.

you couldnt become president with all the money in the world

according to Forbes he is

Where is his? For someone that is a known braggart, he sure is shy about showing proof. Which is crazy since he's the same lump of shit that demanded proof of Obama's birth certificate.

Oh well then. That changes everything.

So not jealous, definitely bitter about it though or you never would’ve brought it up.

Well yeah. you gotta launder it first. Through some sort of real estate based organization. Preferably one with lots of attention, that puts it's name on the side of skyscrapers in gold letters.

Experts call for Trump physical to include mental health exam

"More than 70 psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health professionals are urging President Trump's physician to examine the president's mental health when he conducts a routine physical on Friday, according to a Politico report.

"In a letter to Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, the physician to the president, the group cast a mental health examination as necessary, citing Trump's "declining faculties for complex thought, rambling speech" and "difficulty completing a thought."

>(((experts))) (read: Jews)

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First they try collusion..
Then they try obstruction..
Then it’s Russian “business deals”..
And now that all of that didn’t work they’re trying this, what ever happened to good old revolutions and coups?

Well yeah, I'm bitter. The whole system that allows for shit heads like him to be and remain on top makes me bitter.

In a debate and starting to lose?
Just give up and blame the Jews!


Well seeing how it’s been happening since politics was invented and it’s going to happen whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, doesn’t it seem like wasted time and energy?

Yo. I tried to kill this family of rats that were living in my house.

First I got a cat.
Then I set up rat traps.
Then I tried poisons.

Since none of those worked I've come to the conclusion that the rats don't exist.

You feeling ok?

Tom Steyer, the Democratic mega-donor who has run television ads in recent months calling for Trump's impeachment, is promoting the letter, according to Politico. He said he is “amplifying the voice of professionals in this field.”
guess what? Tom Steyer IS JEWISH!!!!!! KEKEKKEKEKEKEKKE

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If our ancestors thought that way, we'd still be under British rule.

I get what you're saying and I'm probably one of the last ones to start a revolution over it. But it is a fucked up system that could be made better by not electing the worst of the jerkoffs that's only going to help out his jerkoff buddies.

this is from your article you posted here

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Nah man, I'm starting to think I'm hearing shit. If all those things didn't kill those rats then they must be in my head.

The amount of butthurt in this thread is delicious. Genuine question is asked, and all the Trumptards lose their shit.

There’s been speculation that something is wrong with him mentally, but I doubt anyone will ever know for sure.

Those programs won't run... Too many bugs

Apples & oranges user, 2 completely different times and situations.


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Whenever this is brought up and the response is to come at me with loads of articles written by people that share your beliefs that you have saved for just the occasion it really doesn't convince me that you're any less trying to find a scapegoat.

you're the one who linked that article here
i told you it was probably Jews. so i looked into it and sure enough I was right. it was Jews

I don't see it that way. Seems like we've just been made to be at peace with it by numbing ourselves with media and distractions.

He literally got money from daddy. Read about it, fred pumped dolan with fortune. And yes op, dolan clearly is retarded and suffers from dementia, look at his Twitter, one day he says something, tomorrow he goes other way.

Tom Steyer is straight from the article you linked. Sure enough he's a kike as a called it.

and you're jealous you little bitch.

>you're the one who linked that article here

Nah, I'm the one that jumped in on another conversation without reading the whole thing.

as I called it*

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Maybe it’ll end up like Woodrow Wilson and Melania will end up running the country while they just prop up Trump in his chair for the occasional photo shoot.

poor trolling by a poor troll. sad :(

This is true.

I just meant foreign govt asserting a claim vs actual govt being untrustworthy as the difference.

>"hates" Trump
copies his colloquialisms

So did Richard Rawlings, but did his daddy open his printing and advertisement business for him?
Or do his first restoration?
Open gas monkey garage?
Get a show on discovery?
Open a restaurant and bar?
Sponsor racing teams?

Now did Richard get rich and famous because daddy gave him $$?


neurosyphilitic dementia

you suffer from snowflakism

He obviously is.

it blows my mind that this guy has not resigned yet

Did he really say that?


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No, but he's old. Also he's a master troll so you really can't take what he says too seriously. Time will reveal the truth.

Dementia is a bitch.

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He's essentially a New York blue-blood who never needed technical knowledge. That's where is starts, but his years of narcissism and "truthful hyperbole" seems to have distorted his acceptance of some facets of reality. Fast-forward to an aging Trump that has disregarded physical and mental maintenance for decades, and you get what looks like the early stages of dementia.

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Well, he'd be the first retard to forge a multi-billion dollar enterprise

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If he was a dog, he would have gone to a farm upstate years ago.

He's average. The average person can appear pretty stupid to someone even nominally above average.

You are confusing jealousy with being horrified by what we see.

Oh wow what a novel and totally not beaten-into-the-ground talking point. I haven't heard this one 5 times a day for the last 4 years at all.


Where’s his?

He is such a great man and I'm so glad he has exposed the left for the loud mouth useless minority they are .

A person threatened all the schools he previously attended with law suits if they every reveal his grades. What does that tell you about that person?

Such a shame that it is completely and undeniably true.

He's smart enough to know how to effectively use a lawyer

What’s trumps prized daughter married to again? What did she convert to? Oh, that’s right...

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How else do you become the head of businesses like his? You think someone else did all the work and just handed it to some retard? lmao, you're never going to make it with that kind of logic

Yes. It was called his father. And dumpy pissed away most of daddy's fortune. Thats why he spent the last decade as a game show host and in pizza hut commercials when he wasn't laundering russian mob money.

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You mean he is smart enough to not ignore EVERYTHING he is advised to do by daddy and the people actually running his businesses?

lmao, standard libtard logic.

>lmao, standard libtard logic.
Standard Trumpanzee response to the truth they don't want to see.

Yes, we are all violating his Constitutional rights whenever we make fun of his obvious handicaps.

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I am almost certain he has some sort of dementia. Even Tim Apple agrees with me.

lol, I am not even a Trump supporter to be honest. But implying that everything he has is because daddy gave it to him is retarded. Either you know absolutely nothing about him or you're just a standard NPC

>More predictable nothingburger response

Did you know that the moon is part of Mars?

Did you know that the entire D-Day ceremony had to be held up just so Tweety Amin could take an interview with Laura Ingraham?

Daily Reminder

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He absolutely would not have succeeded in business if he had started from the bottom. With the early business decisions he made he would have exhausted his capital, which he would have had to acquire through a loan, at which point he would be out.

Please actually pay attention to his early 'career', please, before he çstruck out on his own' with a small loan with zero collateral, while he was still exclusively playing with daddy's money under daddy's supervision. His business decisions cost his father money, and if he hadn't been funded by his father at the time the world of business would have shit trump out forever.

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America is finally respected overseas again

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Donny got HM to make some commercial concessions.

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So because the un act like a bunch of junior high kids it somehow reflects badly on Trump?

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When you’re rich women become your property, and they know this.

Yes he is stupid. Most right wing people are.

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You mean you have to start fighting to keep them from GETTING your money.

the blue collars in big pharma and finance

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>why did you elect a NIGGER

That too

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which country elects kings?

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then focus your contempt on this prick

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The left is learning, that’s almost a passable meme, well done.

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Pretty much this. The left can't meme so they steal others and claim them as their own.

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Theres a clip of ivanka telling a story where trump pointed to a homeless dude and said "see that guy ivanka? That guy has more money than mr right now." Because he was in massive debt from his shitty business dealings. The only reason he became rich was because shady russian real estate deals and The Apprentice paid him a million an episode. OH and selling the rights to use his name on buildings he had nothing to do with.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

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He's complicated, but he likely has some mild dementia and narcissistic personality disorder.

He's frighteningly good at figuring out how to press people's buttons, which often helps destabilize situations and people so he can take advantage of things. But he's a chronic liar and doesn't seem to be able to notice that.

Attached: trump iq test.jpg (736x736, 75K)

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Have you ever thought he is trolling on social media and proving how utterly idiotic the news is in our country? Just imagine he's trolling and watch how the news reacts and tell me who the idiot is.

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Thats how money laundering works, come on man, lets say I have a bunch of illegal money and you have a worthless painting you made in grade school.
Now if we make a deal where i spend my illegal money on your piece of shit art, my money just became clean. Now we make a deal where I help you become president because you have MY money and I will not hesitate to extort/murder you for it.
Like that but with more nuance and 4D chess.

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>who the idiot is
Still Trump

Attached: trump smart.jpg (960x736, 181K)

He literally called meghan merkle "nasty" on camera and when asked about it said "fake news" its like... What even is reality anymore? Trumpets are complaing about transfags bending reality but this guy is like the fucking Goku of bending reality. He could be looking at footage of himself commiting murder and say "thats not me" with such confidence that half the room would believe him. Insane.

>Imagine he is just pretending to be retarded.

And now we know why he's got a hardon to start up Space Force.

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I despise Trump and want his dumb ass out of office but I've got to say that taken in complete context, he was saying it as "I didn't know she was being nasty/talking negatively about him". Not that it matters as he has called women nasty in the direct sense on numerous occasions.

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Traumatic brain injury. Yeah he’s a psycho.

when his term is up he will pull off the mask hes been wearing and reveal his true identity:

andy kaufman

thats not at all how money laundering works you dumbfuck.

if you want to launder money you pretend that YOU are selling things that you aren't actually selling and pretend that's how you got the dirty money that you have. you absolute dumbfuck

Well look it like this if Trump is retarded and he become the president of the USA . How retarded is USA then?

Frighteningly fucking retarded.

The way he acts, it's entirely possible.

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> Not your first, your second. G. W. Bush was similarly retarded.

>he literally
No he didn’t.

He did. He meant "mean" not "disgusting," but still.

“I didn’t know she was mean”
“She’s mean”

One is an affirmation of a fact you didn’t know and the other is a statement.

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So you're saying it's a fact that she's nasty?

I really think your English just isn't very good, honestly.

I think you're a mega faggot

you caught me. good one, socrates.

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If I trust the person telling me she is then yes.

Not an argument

To be clearer, my argument is that "Megan Markle is nasty" and "I didn't know Megan Markle was nasty" are semantically indistinct in the context of rapid speech.

Not surprising, that’s how most liberals and the media saw it too, too bad there is a clear difference that anyone could recognize.

It's hilarious when Trump supporters split hairs or pretend like context doesn't exist.

Liberal faggots still desperately posting on Yea Forums cuz of how hard they got blown out lmfao. Go to a pride parade or something, shoo

Ummmmm, here's the thing: I fucking hate Trump. He embarrasses me everyday, he makes us all look like backwards idiots, and frankly the fact that he got elected means that we probably are all backwards idiots.

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He's just acting the way he found out was successful. It's as easy as that. I'm sure he's completely different in private.

>Is Trump retarded?

I honestly think it's dementia. The periods of lucidity are becoming more infrequent.

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>I'm sure he's completely different in private.

What are you basing that on? Is your premise that nobody could really be that stupid?

He did that because of bad shoulders from sports. I would put money on it.

According to the bank he lied to to get loans from, he isn't.

I'll believe he's a billionaire when he releases his taxes.